Sunday 10/26/08

I will not fear for the Lord promises to deliver my children out of every trouble. He will give them a vision of victory over the enemy… I pray they embrace these promises and live free… free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! Psalm 54:7

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  1. On Sunday, I took my family to a Fall Festival at a nearby church. There was a huge crowd…lots of kids and parents and food and games and kids dressed up. There was even a petting zoo with a baby cow and goats and a really large (kinda freakishly large) bunny.

    My wife let us go ahead while she waited in line for a lemonade.

    I sent my kids in to the fenced off area into the petting zoo, watched the gate close behind them and walked over to the fence…still close enough to the gate to keep an eye on it, to see if I could get some good pictures. Well, I realised it wasn’t a good place (too many people) for a clear shot and decided to go inside the gate.

    I got a few pictures of my two older girls and my boy and then went looking for the 3 year old girl…I couldn’t find her. She was nowhere. She’s tiny, so I looked everywhere. I asked my other kids to look for her. I started asking random people to look for her and asked the “gatekeeper” to look, and the people that came with s started looking too. We had quite a few people looking. I just gathered the rest of my kids and sat in a puddle in the middle of the petting Zoo and prayed and prayed.

    My wife showed up with the lemonade and I told her I couldn’t find her and her face got all focused and she started looking.

    In total, I think it was about 10 minutes, a long ten minutes…long enough for me to watch cars leaving the parking lot. Long enough to watch the “gatekeeper” open and close the gate and kids walk in and out. Long enough to see everyone smiling and laughing and not knowing what was going on. I was praying that Jesus would find her. I was finding some confidence in knowing that my little girl has some angels hanging out with her, and we were at a church event, so my confidence was that the Lord was with us…that he was hanging out at the petting soo, and jumping in the inflatable jumpers, and waiting in line for cotton candy, but I was still freaking out.

    I couldn’t cry. I felt like it, but I couldn’t.

    Then my wife showed up holding her hand. That’s when I started crying. My little one was fine. She didn’t even look like she had been crying. (she had been, of course…apparently, the ladies couldn’t understand her to get her name…they were just going to say “we found a lost little pink kitty cat”). I took her up in my arms and squeezed her. She started laughing, “Papi, that’s too tight.” I sqeezed her through the paring lot all the way to the car. We left.

    My wife told me that she went to the front where they had a mic and speakers and was about to ask them to make an announcement, but there she was, holding hands with a grey haired lady.

    We asked her later and she said that there were two “old ladies with white hair” that found her and took her to the front.

    My wife recalled later that while she was waiting for the lemonade, she noticed the two ladies asking something and pointing to the front where the speakers were. She even thought, “I wonder what they are looking for?”

    What a yucky, crazy, hard, horrible, scary, frustrating thing. I hated it. But I am so much more in love with my kids…and I thought I already was as much in love with them as I could be. My wife and I hugged them and loved on them the rest of the evening.

    Well, later that night, I checked my email and saw that a new “Prayers Over Our Children” prayer was posted.

    It said this: “I will not fear for the Lord promises to deliver my children out of every trouble.”

    Just amazing. How encouraging and loving of the Lord. And what a faith builder. I have more faith in the Lord today. My little lamb was lost and He found her for me. He went out and found her. Hile I was sitting helpless among goats and a cow and a freakishly large bunny, he was out there holding her hand, taking her to safety. So sweet.

    We are just so blessed. I know someone reading the prayers that day glanced over the list of names on the website and focused on my little girls name. Thank you. What a blessing. How good the Lord is.

    We don’t know what happened with the cup of lemonade.

    Keep praying. Keep posting.

    jorge (Papi)

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