Prayer Requests

The testimonies we are experiencing because of the dedication to prayer has been life changing. If you believe in the power of the living God, you are blessed… and much needed to plea to God for the rest of us!!!

For those needing prayer, please post prayer requests in the comment section of this page. Many valiant prayer warriors check this page daily and would LOVE to pray for you and your loved ones!!!


  1. Kindly pray for my 31 year old son. He was using weed and is currently 2 months clean. Pray please that God will hold him tight and that he won’t go back to using weed and using alcohol also. Big please. He is still staying with me but as a mum I really want him to get a good job and move out and stay on his own. I know our time is not God’s time. Please also pray for my financial situation that it will go better from here on.

  2. Please pray for my children with all the problems they encounter in their daily lives that they will not think of bad solutions and they always think that this will pass and they can face all the challenges. Also, please pray for my daughter Jenine Tolosa, she received the information from the agency that Singapore will no longer accept workers from other countries, my daughter felt so bad because she waited 4 months to work in Singapore as a nurse. Please pray for her that she can find a job. In the meantime, Singapore is not receiving workers.

    Please ask God that Singapore will open for workers who want to work in their country as early as possible. My daughter one of those workers can work in their country as a nurse.

    Thank you and God bless you all. Keep safe everyone.

    1. Please pray for my children’s spiritual eyes , ears, and heart to be OPENED to the Lord’s voice and for the strongholds of the enemy regarding their mental and physical health to be BROKEN in Jesus” PRECIOUS name ( especially regarding mental well being , clarity of thoughts , and release of all “ mental illnesses” that have been assigned and spoken over them by new age counselors / therapists , non-believers , and even me , as their Mother , when I didn’t know any better ☹️). Awaken them from the dark spirits of Deception, Complancency , Sluggishness , Slumber , Inattention, Disorganization, Procrastination , and Disbelief. Instead , may the Lord fill them with the Holy Spirit who will release His Truth and give them a PASSION and THIRST to seek Your Holy face and begin an intimate relationship with Jesus that only grows and matures throughout their lives ! May they live lives that bring Glory to your kingdom and fulfill the incredible purposes for which they were created for!!! Their names are Alexis , Abby, Ben, and Brayden Pennington . THANK YOU and God Bless You and Yours!!!

  3. Good Day ,please pray for kids during exams ,
    Estelle : writing exams and looking for jod
    Tyler : Exams , the company he is keeping
    Logan : Exams , short temper

    thank you

  4. Please pray for my son and daughter who have walked away from God. They are held in a bondage that I’m not sure how to break in prayer

  5. Please pray for my 3 daughters (Brandi, Bailey, Brooke) and their kids (Brysen, Nyla, Jordan, and Blessin). They need you lord in a mighty way. Strengthen their hearts and minds to continue to hold on to your unchanging hands. Lord, please wrap your arms around them. In Jesus’ name, we pray…Amen

  6. Please pray for my son’s Mental Health. Pray he overcomes all mental issues he is facing and help him to find happiness and good health. Pray he overcomes his grief of losing his friend and finds happiness again. Please pray for my son. Amen.

  7. Please pray for us, we are experiencing some financial struggles, we are currently behind on our rent and bills. Credit rating is down unable to get approved for loan. Praying for God to move suddenly and break the curse of poverty & lack of in Jesus Name I pray Amen


          1. Please help me pray For my son Martyn that he’ll make right decisions as he gets older and take care of his mental health.

    1. Please pray for my children (The Ambassadors for Christ)
      Kevin Jr

  9. Please pray my sons gets a job soon. Pray he is cured of his mental health finds success and happiness. Please pray for my son Amen

    1. I pray that God will give you clear direction for your life and He will open the right door for you to find the best employment. In Jesus Christ name amen

  10. Please pray for my 4sons, 3 grandsons, and many neices and nephews for safety, well being, and abundance
    Thank you

    1. My dear sister. I lift each of your children , grandchildren nieces and nephews before our Lord almighty for eternal protection. I speak Psalms 91 over their lives. May the favor and the grace of God be upon each one of them. I pray that they will prosper in all dimensions of their lives in Jesus Christ name. Amen

    2. My dear sister. I lift each of your children , grandchildren nieces and nephews before our Lord almighty for eternal protection. I speak Psalms 91 over their lives. May the favor and the grace of God be upon each one of them. I pray that they will prosper in all dimensions of their lives in Jesus Christ name. Amen

  11. Please pray for my children,
    Nole Paubel
    Layne Paubel
    Blaire Paubel
    Ciara Paubel
    Bryce Paubel
    Brett Paubel
    Alexandria Paubel
    All of their future spouses God has them ordained for them.
    Keep them on His path. No detours.
    May their feet be bond to the plans and purposes God has for them.
    May their hear God clearly and obey fully.
    May their have Godly protection and directions.
    Col. 1:9-12 and Psalm 91 over their lives.

    1. Father God, I lift up Kwetsimane Ngomane into your healing hands knowing that You are the great healer. Please touch Kwetsimane Ngomane at this time in the name of Jesus. Amen

    2. My children Nadia, Keri, Chris, Faith, Cheyanne and Isaiah all facing witchcraft attacks from my mother and their father and new girlfriend!

  12. Please pray for my Daughter.
    Dr suspects she has skin caner. She’s going for testing on Monday.
    She’s far away from family as she’s studying at university.
    Please help me pray that the lesion that she has is not cancerous.
    In the name of Jesus.

    1. I pray that the blood of Jesus washes away every cancerous cell in my sister daughter’s body In Jesus Christ name. Amen

  13. Prayers for Marisela that she have all wisdom and knowledge be Hera’ The Lord to remove all individuals who are not right for her! That the Lord send her Boaz now!

    1. Please pray for my sons mental health
      Please pray for my children
      Please pray for all the school age children and all the children of the world that they’ll be safe no matter where they are🙏

  14. Kids writing exams starting on march finishing in July. Their names are Joshua Williams and Justin Williams ages 16 and 17 years

  15. Please pray for my nieces and nephews while their parents are going through a rough patch. May they learn form this experience yet sti
    L feel loved by rest of family like me their aunt who loves them.
    Thank you! I am also praying for the many children names on the list and welcome this group into my life!

  16. 1.Praying for contract opportunity and Divine connection for myself and my husband.
    2.Praying for God’s favor over my children (Deborah and David)
    3.Praying for tentative memories over my children.
    4.The strength to finish the house project that we have started.
    5.Praying for my niece Mariam to get a better job offer and marriage as well.
    6.Commiting our trip home,for financial breakthrough.
    7. More strength in my spiritual life and God’s blessings over my home.

  17. PRAY FOR:

  18. I sent a prayer to GOD for my oldest son and his family. Please pray that be still and know that GOD is GOD.

  19. Please pray for my son and daughter who is going through a financial crisis and a faith crisis. Ahmad and Courtney. Pray for the Auston children who just lost their mother. Pray for the safety of my grands Aaron Ashton a Ashlyn.Pray for Trumaine who needs a job to help take care of his kids. Prayer of protection over children in school for their safety.

  20. Kindly pray for my son studies.To get concentration and to give maximum efforts without waiting time.
    Pray for court case to be iny favour

  21. Please pray for our children Philip , Anna Paula, Yochabel, Levi ,Justin,Carina,Valentina,Theodore,Charles,Carlos and Josie For the out pouring of the Holy Spirit and for Christ to lead us to do His will and commit our life’s to Jesus! For forgiveness and to stop sinning and be obedient to Jesus words.

  22. Prayer request for my son Sean ; for health, wholeness, healing, abundant health.
    He has gone from an active, social 20 year old to not doing anything. Repeated sinus infections – even a sinus op; many antibiotic courses; meds; vitamin injections; many blood tests- not showing anything. He has no energy; brain fog; vertigo; exhausted. He needs break through as it is getting to him ; mental health declining and he says he feels useless. Pls pray. Blessings

  23. Please help me pray for my children and grandchildren for guidance, clear direction and for them to have the fear of the name of the Lord.

  24. Please add the following people which includes my adult children and grandchildren as well as myself. Especially for my 47 yr old son Felix Cruz who lost my darling daughter-in-law Christina Faye Roebuck-Cruz and left 3 children behind for my son to continue raising. The names are:
    Felix Cruz, Felix Josiah , Eliana , Tealiah , Allen Salmons, Jennifer, Micah, Mikaela, Mikenna, AJ, Jake, Caleb, Mila, Shawn, Holly & Kimberly McGaha, Jonathan Ramirez, Hunter & Chesea Padilla, Missy Salmons, Ryan, Emily, Annabelle & Austin Thomason. Yvonne Ramirez too

  25. Requesting prayer for my 16 year old who had dropped out of school -doesnt seem to see the use of school. He seems to be under influence of bad company and think that he might be taken advantage of. We fear that he might also be depressed.

  26. Please pray for my 5 sons and their spouses. There’s lots of anxiety and suspicious stuff in their minds over each other. God Bless.

  27. Pls pray for my children Ruthie Edward and Edward Esin(II) that they may be filled with the love of God
    That they may yearn and desire God

  28. Please pray with me over the lives of abused and abandoned children, may they feel God’s love and may those around them step up and protect and care for them.

  29. Need prayer for many things but my fist top of the list would be for all my children and grandchildren that they will live a happy loved & prosper in this world today and future…
    Also if I coiled get healing prayers for the SA that i had endured and now he’s going after me when he admited twice

  30. Please pray for my son Jovi (27). He has depression, extreme anxiety and unforgiveness towards his abusive dad. He needs emotional healing and peace that only the Lord can provide. He attempted to commit suicide last Sunday and I am grateful that God kept him alive. Thank you for the daily prayers that you send in my email. May God bless you and your ministry.

  31. Pray for good health peace and happiness for each member of my family. Pray that we are a loving close knit family supportive of each other and treat each other with respect help us to stay humble and together as a family make a difference and open our heart and soul to those in need.

  32. Please pray for both my sons to get along with each other and to be good brothers supportive and loving. Pray that both are guided in the right path and find success in their respective career, stay humble loving kind, respectful and responsible. Pray that their both settle down to a good life remove them from toxic friends, drugs, alcohol and parties. Keep them away from the wrong crowd. Pray for both my boys to have close loving relationship, respectful to each other and all elders, pray that they lead a good honest life. Amen

  33. For Logan, my 15 yr. old son, to come home from his church camp with a renewed spirit and on fire for following Gods will for his life. For him to be cooperative about entering the 10th grade at the school God has him at. For him to engage more than ever with clubs at his school.

  34. please pray for Damianus aditya and myself. I have been waiting for reconciliation and to forgive each other, peaces for me and him, I have been struggling with pain. You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, in suffering and disappointments. I come with a broken heart, his heart so hard, he doesn’t respond to anything. Father, please soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart and the people around him for me. I can’t touch his heart, i know that prayer is a powerful thing. Without Your graces, we cannot accomplish anything. only God can change people’s hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. and if You don’t want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you

  35. Please pray for my GRANDDAUGHTer SIERRA that She makes the right choices and stops hanging around with the wrong crowd please guide her in the right direction keep her safe and out of trouble help her to see the pain she is causing us make her understand that we love her very much help her from doing wrong and getting into any sort of trouble please Lord hear my prayers for my granddaughter. take the destructive behaviors away from her to stop smoking cigs and if shes doing anything else and take the anxiety and fears away and the insomita not being able to sleep. put good Christian people in her life. Give her direction for her life and favor. for the evil spirit to leave her.God to break the soul ties and generational curses from birth by family Deliver us in your name Jesus. Bring us happiness and continue to watch over us, prosper us even as my soul prospers, and bless us. Supply all in everything that we lack and bring us closer to you. Deliver and protect us. Cut away all people that enterntain these strongholds and keep us away from those spirits. my family Pray for healing broken heart from death of her uncle and dog. heal relationship of the family mom nanna and aunt

  36. please pray for Damianus aditya christie and myself. I have been waiting for reconciliation and to forgive each other, peaces for me and him, I have been struggling with pain. You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, in suffering and disappointments. I come with a broken heart, his heart so hard, he doesn’t respond to anything. Father, please soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, i know that prayer is a powerful thing. Without Your graces, we cannot accomplish anything. only God can change people’s hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. and if You don’t want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you

  37. Please pray for the protection, and healing of my grandsons Cuy, BJ, and CJ. Their parents are abusive, and they have moved numerous times.
    Thank you for praying.

  38. Please pray that God will provide us with all the resources required to build our planned international christian school(Camp David Green Academy) in Kenya.

    Waiting upon the Lord.

    In His service,


  39. Please pray for the undocumented children and parents that were separated, let’s show love and mercy on the less fortunate, let’s keep America our great nation under God Almighty in constant prayer .

  40. Please pray for my teenage son that he makes the right choices and stops hanging around with the wrong crowd please guide him in the right direction keep him safe and out of trouble help him to see the pain he is causing us make him understand that we love him very much help him from doing wrong and getting into any sort of trouble please Lord hear my prayers for my son Amen

    1. I pray that your son will see how much love you have for him and will make a change for good, put your trust in God. I pray a hedge of protection around him,
      We thank our Father, that He is a wall of fire round about your son and that He set His angels round about him, in the name of Jesus. Amen and thank you Lord.

  41. Please pray for my teenage son that he makes the right choices and stops hanging around with the wrong crowd please guide him in the right direction keep him safe and out of trouble help him to see the pain he is causing us make him understand that we love him very much help him from doing wrong and getting into any sort of trouble please Lord hear my prayers for my son Amen

  42. Please pray for my daughter. She has left a very dysfunctional husband, overcome her drug additions and is trying to get her twin daughters back from DSS. She unfortunately fell prey to a deceitful man whom took ambitions to look for a new job to hounding her to due something illegal in order to help her. She is now facing unbelievable consequences. Please pray for her innocence in not getting convicted and her strong desire to regain custody of her twin special needs daughters. Thank you and all the prayers given will be heard by the most High and Jesus Christ himself.

  43. Please pray that my 19 year old daughter and I reconcile and she returns home to live again. also please pray that her father’s negative influences come back void and are loosed, as he is encouraging this estrangment. Also, and most importantly, please pray that my daughter changes her heart and accepts Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Thank you.

    1. I am agreement with you.
      “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen . Hebrew11:1 in the name of Jesus, amen and thank you Lord .
      Stand on His Word.

    2. I am in agreement with you as a mother, we put our trust in God alone. Most of all we pray for her salvation immediately in the name of Jesus. Heavenly Father reign down your glory on this household ,this family and their walk with Christ . Love Love Love John 3:16

  44. I am asking for prayers for my teenage sons. I am having many problems with them going to school and their behavior at school. I am praying for a miracle. I don’t know how else to help them and what i’m doing wrong and what to do. I am at my wits end. I would appreciate all prayer.

  45. Please pray for myself, my health is deteriorating, I have diabetes, high blood pressure, and terrible chest pains, which landed me in the hospital twice, I pray that you guide the doctors hands, please please. I pray for my sons Kyle and Gervais and Nathaniel that God continue to watch over them in this world full of hate and anger and temptations, guide them to make the right choices. My mother for her continued strength to hold our family together, also my job make a way where I can be home and financially stable to take care of my kids and my mother. AMEN

  46. Please join me in prayer for my teenage children and adult children. My daughter is battling alcoholism and depression . She is filled with anger and has walked away from God. Please pray for her to get back to god and for God to make her whole. Her name is Sarah. Please also pray for my daughter Naomi who is battling anxiety and self-injury and depression. Agree with me to bind every evil spirit that wants to destroy my children and steal their joy. Please pray for my daughter Naomi to be freed from the spirit of fear, depression and self-injury.

  47. Pease pray for my daughter DJ who’s having a difficult time with her grandmother and her uncle after her dad pass away thank you .

  48. Please lift the following teenagers in prayer:
    Bella, Evan G., Sebastian, Francesca, Gaby, Caro, Evan R., Alex D., Alex N., Celeste, Matthew, Lucas and Gabriel.

  49. I beg you God to break the soul ties and generational curses from birth by family. Please don’t let it come nigh my future kids nor my wife. please in you name. Deliver us in your name Jesus. Bring us happiness and continue to watch over us, prosper us even as my soul prospers, and bless us. Supply all in everything that we lack and bring us closer to you. Deliver and protect us. Cut away all people that enterntain these strongholds and keep us away fron those spirits. Me and my wife thank You Jesus amen.

  50. heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation and restore relations for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don’t let their hatred on I made them proud. Show me your way, Lord; teach me your paths. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me

  51. my children need to find god Sheldon gray celeste gray need work and faith and healing kyle vandermerwe needs healing needs to find peace and god I Roslyn van der merwe am divorced 4 years and havnt met a soul mate im alone and lost band miss my ex husband I cant move on I need help and god to help please we drowning in so many areas help us please

  52. Pray for my son Alfonzo Rodriguez. He been looking for a job. Has applied for lots of Jobs.had 2 interviews and waiting for something it’s been six months that he’s been without a job.

  53. Please pray for my daughter Julia and her currant home environment. While I’m being transformed in this season of my life, I pray that ABBA FATHER COVERS HER BY JESUS` BLOOD and shows her HIS LOVE THROUGH HER grandparents and for PEACE WITH THE LOVE OF OUR FATHER SURROUNDS HER EVERY ENVIRONMENT. thank you all so very much and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  54. Please pray for my finances. I am awaiting a loan to fix our roof, and also some settlement money, a vehicle for my taxi business, my children’s education, my son’s drug problem, my mother’s health and mind, a good husband. Just to be comfortable. Thank u Lord for the blessing I have already received and more to come.

  55. I would like to thank you God for your blessing on my life. I would like to request that you pray for the finances needed to fix our roof, also for a settlement to be resolved, I would love to start my taxi business, and be able to stay home with my kids, please pray for my family, my job, my love life. My health, my weight. Please just pray, that every plan I have for my kids, that it comes to pass, in Jesus name. Amen. Pray for my friend Kesia, Stephanie and all my other friends going through problems and also family members.

  56. Please pray for my son Chris, to be set free from drug addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts and for salvation to come his way. For God to bring him peace.

  57. Please pray for my 2 year old grandson, David from Melbourne Florida, who is in the hospital with a brain injury from a fall. Thank you all.

  58. I need prayer for my son and daughter. They have court today. They are being accused of attempted murder with 2, accounts. And they were only defending themselve from some gangsters that jumped my son and my daughter was trying to defend her brother. Then got jumped also. But one of the gang infuriated individual is accusing them of be I.f stabbed. And my kids say that dosint happen. Please help me pray for them.

  59. Please pray to reunite my children with me, they were taken by cps based on false allegations, and pray that cps realizes their mistake and doesn’t listen to the naysayers making false allegations.
    Please pray that I can pay all the bills on time in full, getting our stable house and all of our health in divine perfect order.
    Please pray for immediate results.
    My son Luke has autism and we have never been separated in 13 years. My daughter is Samantha and myself (Stephanie Marie ) and Thomas. (My fiancé )
    Please help us reunite us ASAP . I suffer from ptsd, and this is causing more stress on me as well as Luke.
    Thank you thank you thank you God! I’m so grateful for you all.
    Ps- cps made me move out of our home so my mother could be the supervisor and on my ssd money they expect me to pay for two households. I’ve been sleeping in my car. Please pray that the right people at the right time enter our lives to help us. Thank you!
    Stephanie Marie

  60. Prayer request for son, Paul, that he would return to his first love, Jesus. There is much deception particularly in young adults who think that a bit of love for Him carried in their heart is enough. He knows living together outside of marriage is wrong, and the lady with whom he lives is not a believer. Up until age 22 he was careful to be honourable, but these ladies who enjoy Harry Potter things also bring a wrong spirit that is very deceptive.
    When he was still at high school, I prayed for him to have a strong, godly wife who would choose to be obedient to the Word, as new Bible discoveries were made; and together they would choose His way.

  61. Please pray for my son Ricky as he has mid-terms tomorrow and has had the flu all week and not been able to study. He is anxiety filled as his scholarship is riding on his grades. He has been struggling all year and now this… please pray. Thank you.

  62. Pray for our military families. Those who are oversees fighting, the family members who are left alone to handle all of the issues alone, the children who are constantly being moved from place to place, pray for their education, for their health and pray that they will adjust to their new surroundings without trauma or problems. Help all of us to know God, to depend upon HIM, to pray and talk with HIM EVERYDAY. To read HIS WORD, to study and meditate on every scripture as we go. To trust in HIM and to set an example of prayer before our children and others. May thank the Lord for HIS grace and may HE continue to have mercy on our souls in Jesus Name.

  63. Please pray for my kids, firstly, my eldest is on drugs, my second has anger issues and I want him to do well in school and my third is now starting school, and I want him to do his best and not be pressured. Secondly, my mom who has a few pains here and there, give her good health and life. Lastly myself for love, happiness, spiritual growth, a promotion in my job, to travel and my children to travel, my own business, my weight loss journey. Thank u, to pay off my debts

  64. Please pray for the healing power to flow into my right hand and the middle finger to be loosened up. Please pray for my son to be sensitive to God and to want to know him. Pray for our relationship to be closer. Pray for restoration of joy in me and him. Thank you..

  65. I really need God’s intervention in my life, i don’t know what is wrong im believing for a job and financial breakthrough, i have bills to pay.God have mercy.bless my children let me dwell in Your house
    I need prayers.

  66. please pray for Z that he passes a huge test at work. also that his intended marriage is a happy forever lasting one

  67. Please pray for my teen son to be lead by the holy spirit, and Christ to lead home. Christ please touch his heart and remove any evil behavior from him.

  68. Please pray for my 5 sons hurting from my divider and abandonment by their father who was there one day and gone the next to started new life. He’s mean, cold, vindictive, calculating (and he left me) argumentative, worldly, disconnected from God and reality and desensitized to the meaning of family and fatherhood.

  69. Please pray along with me for my 4year old girl, who had nightmares at night, she can’t sleep peaceful night. Also need prayers on wage increment as I am underpaid. Pray for my 10 year old girl to be lead by Jesus in her growing stage and in focusing to her books. I pray that I can be a powerful and strong mother who can financially meet her children’s and family needs.

  70. Please pray for me n my children j that all evil stays away b that I no longer be allowed to be lead astray by my own wanting or addiction heal me n my family n remove any evilness put on us by others. I pray that my life may positively move in the divine path that God has set out for me b that we be protected from all evil enduvers. Purify our souls an forgive me of my sins.

  71. Please pray for my adult prodigal lesbian daughter. She is really changed and going further into a disgusting lifestyle. My husband and I had a huge argument as I confronted daughter about her lifestyle. Dressing like a man, tattoos everywhere, drunkeness foul language. She was a positive role model for young people now she is so self-centred. Please God deliver her from that evil

  72. I pray for cyber crime criminal to stop posting photos of innocent young woman who they use it as a business . Clear there heart and there mind and stop the evil doings among young woman. I am one of the victim. And i saw many post on fb also. Please pray for us that this crime will solve. And not let the evil ruin our spiritualy intellect and physical and emotionaly.

  73. In Jesus name I need prayer for my health I have Parkinson’s this is and I wanted to go a week in Jesus name .
    I also need prayer for my family for my sons that are incarcerated my daughter this suffering from bipolar and depression.
    For my daughter Veronica that’s having a Time with her moving because she needs $700 deposit for her so she needs prayer for financial needs and her son is going blind prayer for him. Thank you in Jesus name

  74. I am temporarily with a family whilst their nanny is overseas for 2 Boys 3 Ben and 5yr William , both parents work alot, but they still get good family time, the older boy from day one has panic and anxiety attacks and every day he talks about planning evil acts with his friend and starting wars at school and just wants to be evil, and shooting and killing and he hates me and wants me to go, both have been extremely challenging and defiant, argumentative and the older one had the worst tantrum i have ever seen, he was hyper ventilating, these boys have everything, beautiful home, eat very health organic food, no sugar, no televsion and no computer games, this is only my second week and i have another 5 weeks to go , the boy has told me to go away he hates me , he has so much anger and hatred that i feel this is a demonic thing that is attacking his spirit and he is trying to influence those around him including his friends and school and his younger brother to be evil, tonight he asked his mother to hide and make poison in my food so i will die, i am with the best agencies in London, i have the best references and i haven’t seen this in more than 20 yrs except for a ten year old boy who has aspergers and oppositional defiant disorder, what i am witnessing i feel coming from a little boy who is being under spiritual attack ,the parents arent christians or go to church, i have done nothing wrong, except try to follow and implement the handover of the schedule and routine from the current nanny with the guidelines of the parents and the current nanny, I also need the job financially i hadnt found work in 6 months prior to this , during this one attack he had he cried that he hates himself, so i researched about self esteem and confidence issues and have been trying very very hard to turn things around, when he has gone into these rages, it is like he is tormented by a Demonic attack and what can i do about it, as they are not christian, i pray quietly, i think he needs extra attention and psychological help and ill continue to do my best to manage the behaviours, thank you god bless you all,

  75. 1. Please pray for my daughter jemima to do well in her first unit tests in college.
    2.Please pray for my sister Judy ‘s marriage.
    3.Please pray for my brother Ragish’s success in his business
    In Jesus Name. Amen.

  76. I just need prayer for my family and I and most of all for my 14 year old son. He is very smart and talented yet GE keeps ending up hanging around the wrong crowd and I just pray that he sees the right way before its too late and I have to bury him. I just want him to be safe and protected and to know that he does have people who love him and will always be by his side.

    Thank you

  77. Please pray for my sister in law K Schexnayder who has been diagnosed with colon cancer and mast on her liver , adjourn me in pray because this is man word but I’m believing God for a miracle which may be impossible but his word says we are healed by his stripes . Please pray for her doctors , Dr Kohler, Woodard, Moss and Fredericks that God grant them the insight to find out why her legs are swelling . pray also that every and any medication they administer to her is blessed by the blood of Jesus and good for her body and no weapon transformed against her will prosper in Jesus name. That all her labs normalize the scar few her colostomy heals with no complications . Her blood pressure and blood sugar remain in normal ranges. Stop and Remove any visitors that mean her no

  78. Haven Grace My daughter was just born a little over a week ago, she is the nicu and diagnosed with trisomy 18 which is incompatible with life but she has been strong… We’re just waiting on cardiology to come back Monday hopefully with good news about her heart so we can wean her off ventilator… I pray for healing of my daughter and for this sickness to go away so she can come home with us… I know miracles happen everyday and I’m leaving this in gods hands

  79. Please Pray for my son .. He’s in prison has been 2-1/2 yrs my husband and I are trying to get him home .. He made a mistake it’s hard on us.. he is my only son, His family needs him and he needs them, I been in Church over 20 yrs now serving God ,, My Faith of him coming home is soon.. Please keep him in Prayer,, His dad is getting feeble and need his help .Please Pray God will hear are prayers for him to come home ..God Bless In Jesus name Amen.

  80. Please pray for my daughters, I don’t know if they’re saved.They live with their mom and I have not heard from them for years. And pray for me, I have been dealing with a few problems in my life,Yahweh knows what they are. Thanks for your time and consideration.

    1. Hello Andre, I was lead to send you this note. God loves you. God loves your daughters and their mom. I believe that no matter what your problems or issues, that does not cause God to stop loving you.

      If you have daughters, please know that when their Father is not present in their lives, they are open to many spiritual and mental torments. Many young girls do not feel whole or loved when their father is not present in some way in their lives.

      Please take a moment and reach out to your girls, no matter what. When you reach out to them, the Father in Heaven will send you greater help. When you give, you will find that God gives much more than we could ever think of giving. Please open this door to your own heart by helping your girls. They truly are a gift to you from God, no matter what your problems. Nothing is too hard for God. Put into words to HIM exactly what you want. He will hear your prayer and will answer you.

      For God so loved the world that HE gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON for all of us and that includes you. God is a forgiving God and when we repent HE is quick to forgive us and HE does not even remember our sins any more. Set yourself free, be determined to reach out. Even children understand when we tell them we are sorry and that we want to make it right. Just a letter and/or a phone call will make a difference. Decide what kind of commitment you can make to them, no matter how little, and stick to it. This will change you. God bless, there are people praying for you.

  81. Please pray for Olga and Dan for happiness in marriage,find respect and big love to each other,felt in love again like the o first time.
    Please pray for improvement financial situation,exelent health,the sport peaceful feeling always with us.
    Thank you Lord

  82. Please pray for my son Ilya and his fiance Callie find Lord in they marriage, happiness,love and respect,creat beautiful kids,please pray for improvement they financial situation,find piece,love in marriage. Thank you Lord

  83. pls pray for my daughter her name is serena. She becomes very violent using bad languages and angry, hitting and throwing things. I request you all to pray for her.

  84. Please I believe in the power of prayer,and I ask please help me in prayer for my 14 year old grandson,he has been accused of something that he says he did not do bottom line and if you knew him you would know this is not something in his nature,he is a good young man,says prayers,goes to church,he is not perfect and is a 14 yr old boy like normal teenager,but he says yes sir,no sir.he is thankful for what heshas and for what he gets,anyway I don’t tell you those thing because he is my grandson or cause it sounds good he has had a hard live and a unfair one but he still loves everyone,happy finds good in all things.he has a heart and has touched so many peoples heart.he needs Gods love and help and prayers that his unjust painful nightmare he is going through will end and he will be allowed to come stay with me and his pop on the 14th of this month.we love him and believe he is tell the truth.please send prayers that Craig is found innonce of this mess and allowed to go and live a normal life with the ones he loves and loves him.I am sorry I am so bad with ow to and how to say things how I m mean them and how others take them have always been a bad problem for me,so forgive me if this makes no sense.pleases pray for my grandson that he be allowed to come home to his family were he belongs,that he did not do what is said he did,God knows all, please here my prayers please help my grandson please.I love you thank you Amen

  85. Today been the 7th of June is my birthday I ask The Lord grant me my heart desires in good health , relive me off spiritual bondage, give me the spirit of tolerance and a break through in all my endeavours this and many other things I ask for .Amen

  86. Please for my son named Gitin Varghese. He is 27 years old. He is very calm & quiet boy but he didn’t share anything with me. He didn’t ask any advise from me. Past 7 months, he is not working. also he is nit a Jesus lover. Please for him..I am his mother.

  87. My relationship of 8yrs had ended and has torn my family apart. He has no regret in his mind for his selfish ways and has no intention of returning to care for his family. I need prayer for my family and that he bond it back together. I pray that my spouse return with a change of heart to accept God and restore our family/broken relationship. If any one can help me pray for my family for I am only one person. My name Emily his name Manuel.

  88. My husband and I love God with all our might and believe in prayer. It is by God leading me to this page that I trust you all with out prayers and needs. We need to see clearly where to move out family. We need also to have a house to live in. We need my husbands job to to successful to provide food shelter and clothing for us. We want more than anything on earth to bring goner and glory to God. We need to be better parents through this difficult and trying time of life to show our kids that we do trust our God and that we can rejoice in everything situation. We struggle so much to do this. We fail so often and our kids see all of this. We live our kids very much. They are each one a miracle from God. They want more brothers and sister but we can’t afford more more can I carrie them. I have several babies in heaven w God. I want to feel continent with the three God has given me and not want any more if that is the way he wants it. Most of all I want to be a stronger more Provebs 31 wife. I fall short numerous times a day. We need true family on earth that will love our little family and encourage us and help us grow. My husband wants to get back into ministry but because of life not going how we ha hoped he isn’t able to go to seminary. Now he is 42 still hasn’t had any success w a career. He is a Godly man a supporting husband. I want him to seek God and find the career God has for him. I want my husband to feel joy in work of the lord. To feel encouraged and confident. I most of all want him to become a man after God heart. Sorry to ramble on. Thank you for your support. Your prayers on your sight are a miracle from God. We have seen first hand the power of these prayers! Thank you for bein obedient to God and sharing these with others. May God grant you and your families blessings and prosperity for all generations.

  89. I keep praying for my girls and often hear of people who pray for the change in their kids for years. I will always pray for them continuously but I want to be able to live at peace and leave it with God and walk in the freedom of knowing he will make the change and it’s so hard. Fear grips me sometimes or thoughts that there is no change flood my mind. I just want to be free from the worry and anxiety for them. 😩 Help me to be free Lord!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼💕

  90. My husband will be filing for divorce. This is not what i want. The enemy has been attacking my marriage. Please pray that we dont divorce. Pray that we are reconciled back to one another.

  91. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in Christ for being wonderful! My prayer request is for many areas in my life that, if I allowed them, would depress deeply. Its because I KNOW God is alive and fighting for me in the spiritual realm that I continue to be happy against all odds. I am 37 but still feel like a teenager in my heart, body, and my dreams have never changed. My husband, for lack of a better term, is a thug. He is a believer but, in my opinion, talks more than he walks his beliefs. Noone is perfect but I dont believe in divorce, still am in love w him, but realize I may never have fallen for him if I knew about him then what I know now. Hes been to prison for having n unregistered gun but is now making the same mistakes. Hes older than I but waste his time rapping and dreaming of being famous like a 15 yr old child. We both have 7 children, ours together r the last 5 born. He helps w them but still acts as though helping is a choice, and favorites to me rather than an obligation. I pray he begins to love us as much if not more than he loves himself. My oldest, not by my husband, r twins. My son has not spoken to me in 2yrs because he doesn’t like my husband and I can’t say I blame him, but I was such a good and attentive mother. I dont know how I allowed this man into their lives. He wooed me w words and promises of what great man he was. I truly did not make him show it before marrying him. I just trusted hin blindly. Stupid me. Our 7yr old son together has issues in school behavior wise and academically. I want to be a professional and finish school. My husband rarely keeps a job. Its like being married to a child…his ideas, his responses when we talk, all of it is just not what I want but yet somehow I love him so deeply still. I dont even know if I should be praying for unity or seperation anymore. Sometimes either way seems would be the best choice for my childrens and my future. Please pray for what you feel I need. You r now on the outside looking in. I pray you can see my issues more clearly than I. Im so confused. God bless!

  92. please help me to pray for my son to past his 4th quarter in high school to earn 12 credit this May to be in the program to graduate high on time. My son been struggling through out the years because he said that his classes are hard, and he was getting hard time to focus. Please pray for him

  93. Please help me please…my daughter kiara douglas go to court May 2,2016 and that she get to come home.. Pray for the lawyer Thomas Kelly( i took at my saving out so i could gave a paid lawyer)that he is able to win my case…Pray for the judge that he let my back come home.. Please help me

  94. Please help me pray for me son Colbert Fraser who is writing his National Grade Six Exams today April 27 and tomorrow April 28, 2016. He has studied and prepared himself as God expects and so now I am declaring by faith that he shall be successful in Jesus’ name!
    Please back me up in prayers. May God shower His blessings upon you and your family in return.
    With thanks,
    Shelly Levans

  95. Please prayer for my daughter ,she is not special need child having developmental delay.Please pray to god for help to grow up as a normal child.

    1. Dear God,
      I approach Your throne in Jesus’ name and I ask that You reach out and touch this child and bring healing to her body. Cause her to be a testimony of Your goodness and Your healing power for there is none other like You.
      In Jesus’ name, Shelly Levans

  96. Please pray for my daughter, Diamond, for a great job that she interviewed for. If it be the Lord’s will, please pray that she will be offered this opportunity in Jesus name. Also, please pray for something else that she struggles with. I love you and thank you in advance, all my sisters and brothers in Christ. This page is an absolute BLESSSING!

  97. Please pray for my son, he is battling depression and anxiety, along with leading a dark life. We love him so much, please pray God saves him.

    He is in a dark place, only God’s light can help him.

    All prayer warriors, please pray for my son to find happiness and become healthy both physically and spiritually.

  98. In need of prayer for family, my daughter just started a relationship with another female, it’s saddened me so much. To know this, My prayer request is that God separate her from this demonic lifestyle, send Godly people. That will be a positive force in her life. I am constantly praying that God hears my cry, I am so hurt, But I know God will answer and hear my pray.

  99. Pray for my spiritual life, work, my boss Patsy, for our NGO (PSH), my daughter in-law (Lucy), who now want’s to claim my house, give my son Clint her husband strength to be strong & help him in his marriage., my children’s well-being and my house.I pray for my 2nd eldest son Dylan to get a decent job and help him with his family guide & protect all my kids, Clint, Dylan, Patrique, Zhane, (Daughter-in-laws) Chanelle & Lucy. My Grandkids, Storm, Hannah, Connor and Dynel.Pray for us

  100. Pray for my granddaughter who is becoming very rebellious and disrespectful to her parents and adult authority . Name is Emma Grace , age almost 12 .

  101. Please pray that my son gets off of drug usages and will never go back to them again. Please pray that he finds a job soon only he can support his family one that he enjoys. pray that he finds the right people to come in contact with and help him. Thank you

  102. Good day
    Can u pls pray for my husband masud I am pregnant and have a baby of 10 months he had left me he don’t want to support me and the child. I want to abort the baby because I have no support or income. He abuse me and is very stubborn pls pray for god to change him and deal with masud I want to end my life pls

    1. Carmen, May God strengthen you today as you pass through this very dark Valley. I pray you walk into any church today and ask for prayer and someone to talk with. We are not meant to carry our burdens alone and there is a church in almost every neighborhood in the world. I pray you have one within walking distance so you can go today and share your burdens. God is good and may He hold you in the palm of His hand during this very difficult season in your life. I am praying with you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    2. Carmelita, I am praying for you. PLEASE DONT let the enemy get into your thoughts and speak to you of harming yourself. You are created in God’s image so you are WONDERFULLY made! Please get on your knees and pray. The Lord will send an answer I KNOW HE WILL! What state are you located in? Please go to the nearest church and ask for help. You have a sister here in California who loves you and your baby…that sister is me. I am praying for you now.

  103. I’m needing prayer for the safe return of our grand child for the healing of her heart condition and the Lord to heal her lungs.And for God to return her to us safely, in Gods speed.And her mothers safe return to us also.

  104. Please pray for my fiancé, KENYADA, and our family while he is incarcerated. I am left to raise our two year old daughter while he is away (not sure how long he is going to be gone for). I’m not sure of anything at this point. No place to live now. No family to help us. Limited funds until I find a job and daycare. Please pray for us and that our family stays strong and endures this difficult time. Also, that when KENYADA is released that he is a changed man and we can live a normal life finally together as a family. I need strength and courage. I need help being a better mom and to remain positive.

  105. Hello my name is Zulema an I am needing PRAYER ON MY OLDEST SON 18 YRS OLD, he has been in trouble with the law, getting into trouble. He is now incarcerated an we are waiting for him to go in front of a judge. I need Prayer to help him get the point and stay out of trouble and to get out of there. He is a GREAT CHILD, JUST SOME MISTAKES!! PLEASE PREY FOR DAVID..

  106. Please pray for my daughter Ayla Smith she is experiencing same sex interactions with a girl named Biance, Lord give me your wisdom and knowledge on how to minister and surrender this to you, In jesus name Amen

  107. Hello. At the end of last year, my husband was diagnosised with PKD. We have made life style changes and seem(at this time) to be doing okay with him. At the time, we decided not to get our son, Caleb, 16, not tested…up until now. Caleb has started throwing up in the middle of the night and I’m scared to death that he has inherited this awful incurable kidney disease from his dad. Please pray for our son. Thank you.

  108. Hello 🙂 my name is evelyn & I come to ask for prayer. I need healig for my marriage.

    Please pray for my marriage, thank you.

  109. My son is in a battle for his children who are being neglected and emotionally abused in their current home situation. The children are not doing well in school. Please pray that the truth will be revealed and for Gods will to be done in their lives. That his glory will shine an this situation be a testimony to his faithfulness and protection for his children. Thank you Lord for you are good. In Jesus name. Amen

  110. Prayer request. My young grandchildren in both homes are under worldly and spiritual attack. Parents need Grace and Wisdom how to deal with it. Dad needs to find peace not rage.Dad was raised in the streets as a non believer yet he seeks Our Lord. Health if both mom’s is an issue. I am a Warrior! In this moment of time I ask for prayers of Strength, Wisdom, Mercy and love.

  111. Pray for Tanyea and Dylan to break all family curses as a result of generational sin and restore what the enemy has stolem from these children and to release the protection angles on the whole family.

  112. Please pray a hedge of protection and healing to my daughters , emoitionally, physically , mentally , and spiritually . Heal my oldest of asthma and youngest of mental doubt and fear. Thank you Jesus and to all of your prayer !!

  113. Request for prayer for my son’s doors opening for schooling ,education and job.Teach my son’s how to be a steadfast man for the Lord. Tacadrick, Chase & Braxton.

  114. Please pray for the miracle of children and healthy biological children for me, Monica. For healing of kidney stones for my mom and for Robert to be transferred.

  115. Please pray for my daughter who is in very poor health and is married to an emotionally abusive man. He verbally abuses her and the children daily. She is a Christian. He claims to be, but mocks her reading her Bible and for praying.

  116. Please pray for my children Calvin peter and Solomon Peter to get better education,
    pray for me to get my own house and owning my business
    pray for my financial difficulties

  117. Please pray for myself and my children as we are struggling with a custody battle. I feel helpless but through the support of family and friends I have faith that the Lord will help us through this. I need strength to get me through this. My kids need the most prayers as they struggle with this most difficult situation at such an early stage in their lives. Thank you all so much for your prayers. They are much needed!

  118. Please pray for my 19 year old daughter that she is not sexually promiscuous, will not engage in sexual activity and will be free of impure thoughts and actions. Please keep her away from drinking alcohol and taking drugs and associating with those who may influence her to do so. Bless her with a a circle of friends that are academically minded and make good Christ-like decisions and will encourage her to do the same. I know that she is searching for romance and I fear that she will gravitate to the wrong type of person. Please pray that she will establish a loving, chaste, respectful relationship with the decent Christian boy (BV) that she was in the plays with. He liked her and was good for her and she liked him too. May their love for each other grow stronger and stronger day by day. Thank you so much for lifting her in prayer!

  119. Please pray for my son he is in a custody battle for his infant daughter. My prayer that the lord will do what is best for everyone evolved but especially, for the baby. Lord your will be done. I love and trust you to do what is best for us all. Pray that my son will have peace in what ever decision is reached. I pray for his girlfriend who tried to commit suicide she is very confused and needs you blessing and prayer. In Jesus name Amen

  120. I need prayer to get off drugs, it took my business, family and finance away, i feel like I’m in a deep lonely hold, and iam tired of losing everything even my mind faith and strength, please pray for me in Jesus name.

    1. Father in Jesus’ name I ask that you help Yolanda. Cause her top be strong where she is weak. Cause her to have faith and to continue to reach out to you for help when she feels helpless. Make her strong, cause her to rise out of this situation and be a testimony.
      In Jesus’ name,
      Shelly Levans

  121. Please help me to have abundance and prosperity in my life. I am 55 years old unemployed Filipino seaman. I can not be hired anymore because of my age and unemployed for 16 months now.. I am drowning with mountains of bills and credits need to be paid soonest. Please help me to find an employment or source of income other than my line of job to support my family.

  122. I have been trying for a second child for a while. I did my third iui and I am testing for pregnancy on dec1st. Please pray for me that it will be a blessed December.

  123. Please pray for my husband and me that we get through these trying times. He’s away from home right now and I am struggling financially to keep our home, my job, and sanity in tact. I pray for strength for the both of us. Thank you

  124. Please pray for me as i am battling metastatic breast cancer since November 2014, I am a wife and a mom to 4 children.

  125. I am in need of prayer 🙁
    I Have a wedding coming up Next month NOV. and as the day gets close things just seem to keep going down I’m really i need of prayer for supporters and help on my side . I need help in prayer to fight bad thoughts in my head like “things aren’t going well because its not meant to be” when in my heart I actually believe the opposite because we have been together for almost total of 5 years and we have a little girl , we have been able to over come so much , thanks to the man ABOVE our heavenly father for it all , his guidance , love and protection and strength hes kept in my family. Just yesterday we fell into a government money scam artist and lost money we needed for the wedding …. please please help us in prayer. Thank you ,


  127. My son is thinking about quitting college to continue his YouTube channel and start his Christian t-shirt business. He is barely in his 1st semester. He spends over 14 hours a day with his g/f, they have the same classes. I think this is her doing. We like her alot but codependency exists big time with them now. We keep telling him to pray about it and he might regret his decision later, etc…he said he was gonna talk to his youth pastor for counsel but, this girl has a hold on him. please pray for him to make the right decision

  128. Please pray for my son, that he learn to control his temper and realize that he is perfect the way that he is and that he has within himself what it takes to succeed and make something out of himself. do not have to compare himself to others and worry about what others think about him . That he is just as good as the next person. Learn how to be more outgoing and make more friends that can appreciate him for who he is and not for what he can do for them. Be the successful young man that God meant for him to be. (learn to get along with his dad)

    Please pray for my daughter that she get rid of all the anger that she has (learn how to get along with her dad and get rid of the anger she has toward him and others) straighten out all the mess that she has gotten herself into. get her finances straighten out so she can pay off all of these debts that she have made. stop blaming other people for the problems that she have caused for herself. stop depending on ibuprofen and Tylenol pm every night over come her compulsive disorder that she has of pulling her hair out and picking at pimples until they bleed and blaming other people for things that she does. Realize that she need to lose some weight and stop coming home from work and getting and going straight to bed. and please pray that they realize that they need to put Jesus first in their life in order for things change in their life.

    Be Blessed

  129. please pray for Jeffrey Joyson 3yrs old boy .he is suffering from brain tumor last stage. he is now admit in Christian medical hospital vellor.india

  130. I need a prayer for my family. Dcfs is threatening to take my children from the home. I am a good mother and have never experienced anything like this ever in my life. I just want them safe in my home so that we can move on and stay together. My kids are 3 months and 14 years old. Please lord keep my kids safe and let them remain in our home. Thank you.

  131. Please pray for a hedge of protection around my children protect them all harm. Please pray for my children’s safety from all enemies.

  132. Please pray for my children Alex and Isaac for work and transformation of their heart so that they follow Jesus Christ. For Nomar, Nathan, Nadya so that they are leaders in school, understand their classwork and have the mind of Christ in everything that they do.

  133. Please pray for my children that they stay strong and are leaders and that they will continue to not succumb to any peer pressure or temptation.

  134. Please pray for my son Sam, he is away at school and feeling alone and needs the holy spirit to give him stregth and make the most of this part of his life. I am worried he may do something that might harm himself mental or physically. He needs peace.

  135. Please pray for my adult son and his marriag he has turned his heart away from God! He seems like there is a strong hold on him there are so many evil people around him with bad influence that has him persuaded to worship nature, please please ask God to send him back home with his wife and all the evil negative influence will be removed

  136. Please pray for my baby Christopher he is not born yet but he has a hole in his heart and a thin arterial, pray for his life, his brother Giorgio is waiting for him and he is already attached to him, he loves him so much. He told me that Christopher is his gift from Jesus. Thank you for all your precious prayers.

  137. I would like prayer to become a stable christian. I’ve become tired of being serious with the things of God one day and the next day the opposite. I realize the seriousness of the times we’re living in, therefore I’m asking for prayer to gain the strength to share the gospel with my family and with whomever God wants me to share him with. I have a desire to want this to be my ultimate priority, but right now I lack the boldness to carry it out.

    thank you for your prayers.

  138. Prayers for my son Frankie, may God protect him and keep him safe. May Frankie have Wisdom that surpasses all understanding. May those that come against Frankie not prosper. May Frankie know right from wrong and have good judgement and common sense. In Jesus name.

  139. Greetings in Jesus name.I need urgent prayer for my son Joshua singh who is 9yrs old. We found Lately he is not listening told us . he does not want to do revision of His school work. He is being rebellious. He only wants to watch TV and play games on phone. We as parents speak to him all the time. Please prayer for him.

  140. I’m a mother of 3 little girls. I was the only one working and providing for my family unfortunately last November I was diagnosed with leukemia and have gone thru so much chemo and now recovering from stem cell transplant. Please pray that I make full recovery and that my financial problems are solved. I was in the process of looking for a house because our current housing situation is awful but I got sick. Please please pray that I can still go through this process in the name of Jesus and move out of my current house and buy a new house. My kids deserve so much better. And after all I’ve gone through I need a miracle please keep my family in ur prayers.

    1. By the Blood of Jesus you are healed. Have faith of a mustard seed. Keep on, doing the next right thing to meet all of your desires, it will happen.

  141. please pray for my nephew that God protect and guide his little heart and mind, at only 6 yrs old he’s seen and been thru a lot, and for my sister for wisdom on how to raise her kids up in the way of the Lord

  142. Pls prayer for my 9 yr old son his name is Joshua. He is afraid of giving his maths paper and has now taken a dislike to studying. He has a very low self esteem any himself. Pls keep him in it prayers..let me know how to deal with this issue. Thx u and God Bless Mrs Shirley dsilva.

  143. In need of prayer raising 3young boys and working a part-time job strugglen to get through life and it’s hard but I never give up need prayer for strength in courage also financial healing Thanks

  144. Please pray for my daughter Erika. She is 20 now and headed down a road of distruction. She was brought up loving and followng the Lord at a very early age. I know she has accepted the Lord into her life and was a huge POWER HOUSE FOR THE LORD and a big time threat to the enemy. She is very immature in many ways but yet prideful, hard, disrespectful to her family- mainly me and close immediate family. Her father and I divorced 5 years ago and he pretty much lives only for himself and putting his life before hers for many years now… I believe that she is seeking validation from many that do not have her best interest at heart. She has pretty much shut me out of her life and living recklessly… Please Pray for Erika! Thanks

  145. Please prayer for step daughters education and health. She has some health issues that causes her to have a hard time learning. As school starts again please join me in prayer that she learns a lot this year and goes both educationally and spiritually.

  146. Please help me to pray against evil marks on me that always stand against me in all l do. If help people it come against me.l need your prayer

  147. Please pray for my husband who was recently diagnosed with MS. I pray for him to stay strong and healthy.
    I also request prayer for my teenager to open her heart to Jesus and want to be a follower of HIM. Help her to stop her rebellious ways and look to HIM in all circumstances. Keep her from her sinful nature.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  148. Please pray for my 19 years old son who just 1.5 years ago was an successful senior and Eagle Scout, and drugs have taken his life. He is in jail from drug related crime and drug abuse. I want my son back so bad.

  149. Please pray for my family. My husband recently left me and the kids. I’m distraught and I would like to believe he is confused. I’m praying for peace, reconciliation, and discernment. I do believe my family is under a spiritual attack with my husband being the main target.

  150. Please pray for my 14 year old son Justin who has high functioning Autism and is extremely defiant and disrespectful 😥 I think the enemy wants him and I am fighting for him every day !!

  151. i have just seen these prayers which am going to start praying everyday , please pray fro linnah & Rachael their are my children, they have a problem with learning spellings and reading, its stressing me out. pray for them so that they have lots of wisdom like that of Solomon.
    Even me am 35 years but I don’t know how to read and write BIG WORDS.
    Thank you for the good work of promoting the word of God.

  152. I would like to request prayer for me (Mandy) and my family.

    I am an addict. I have two sons that i have been neglecting for years because of my addiction. We live with my mom because i have no job. I would like special prayer for her for dealing with all of us! My niece also lives with us because my sister is also an addict. I have no denial about what i do but i do live with regret daily because i leave my kids everyday. And even though they have never seen me do them or been told they still are not getting my full attention and love they deserve. They are both great boys i have always taught them to be respectful. I have strong faith in God and ive always told myself, because of things that he got me thru a couple of years ago, that i would know when it was time to quit because i have always felt that even tho i was sinning by doing drugs i was also constantly meeting people that were like me, good at heart but just on the wrong road and we ALWAYS end up talking about God.So in a way i felt like he has been using me in that sense because i do have such strong faith in his miracles. Well the time has come and i feel him telling me to stop but i have lost something in myself along the way. I dont feel happiness anymore i just dont feel anything. I was married to their dad 13 yrs and i have had 3 homes taken frm me since we divorced and i just cant make myself “want” to try and do anything. Im feeling like such a waste of space more and more everyday. I know my boys need to see me get up and get a job and help them with school work and get us a place of our own again but i just wont. My oldest son Justin struggles greatly in school and has difficulty learning and has become very depressed and i know im passing down my habits to him. He doesnt know what to think about God he says. I would like special prayer for him to be able to have confidence and focus and to know he can do anything thru Jesus Christ. And to be able to feel him and hear him calling. My youngest son Jacob has always felt the presence of the Lord and wants to learn about Him. I would like special prayer that he seeks God with such a passion and that he shines the light for others to follow.
    Thank you so much for this website i havnt been able to ask for prayer in a very long time until now and i know Gods hands are working on me as i write this.

  153. I wish to request prayers for the nation of Trinidad and Tobago.

    As we are approaching the country’s election day September 7, 2015 many politicians are beginning to engage strategies that would perpetuate division amongst the people along ethnicity and race. My prayer is for the unification of my nation’s people and that the right leaders as ascribed in God’s plan for this beautiful nation will be manifested on the aforementioned day’s results, in the name of Jesus.

  154. Please pray for my son Nicholas who is an alcoholic. Pray that he comes to know the Lord as his Savior and stops drinking.

    1. Praying for your son. I cope in anxious situations, as a single mother with a son that has an abusive father, with alcohol. It’s a struggle that my son and I endure alone. My prayers. God Bless

    2. hey I don’t know u or where u from. but what I can tell you there is a way out of addiction His name is Jesus Christ our Higher Power . by coming here for prayer you’ve taken the first step seeking help for your son’s recovery . But he must also want to stop, if he is not ready change, then pray a lot. just ask my mom. I was addict ( my number one use was alcohol) and I also had/have guilt of things I did while being completely submerged, not caring who I hurt. a yr ago I cried out to GOD told Him change me or take me . but I refuse to keep living in this mess. it’s not easy but w Christ you can do all things. I would advise u to find this Christ base program called Celebrate Recovery in your area you won’t regret it. CR is a biblical and balanced program that can help you overcome your hurt, habits, and hand-ups based on actual words of Jesus. people don’t judge you , they just love on u. for God’s glory . telling you, i’m paying it forward. remember to pay it forward

  155. Alyx is a sensitive child filled with stress and anxiety. She worries about everything and takes things people say about her or about black people in general to heart. She became so insecure that this year she became in danger of not passing. I moved her from public to private school, yet still she struggled to get control of her mind and emotions. When anyone asks her why the year was a bust, she does not know herself, and she becomes frustrated and cries, and bites her nails, and paces, and all kinds of things. I’ve rebuked, covered her with the blood, begged, pleaded, prayed intensely and everything along with getting her extra help. She is still floundering. I searched the Internet about praying more for well-being of children and ran upon this site. Will you help me pray for this child to be confident, focused and not as affected by the words and opinions of those who don’t even have any relationship with her. Pray everything you can think of–I am. And I’m at a impasse of uncertainty and fear for her. Thank you for standing in the gap. God bless you!

    1. Yes, I am praying with you. Alyx is blessed to have such strong intercessing mom praying on her behalf. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. When my daughter was in school, I took her to volunteer with orphaned children to help focus and balance her mind… to get her mind off of her own problems and focus on making life better for others. It really seemed to help. Maybe check out volunteer opportunities in your area at a shelter for children or women/children… even if it is just planting flowers on the porch or helping with a fundraiser (sometimes children’s charities won’t allow direct contact with the children)… God is good and keep praying!!! Never never never never give up!!! 🙂

  156. A friend told me about this website and I am loving the spiritual beauty I find here and that we can come together as part of God’s amazing family, supporting one another, keeping our angels ’employed’ as we declare His word.

    I request prayer for our son Paul 25, and that he will find God’s best for every aspect of his future. Paul has been dating a lady for 2 years, and she is strongly connected to witchcraft which has come mainly as a result of her passion for all things ‘Harry Potter’. The lady has no interest in revoking what she has been involved in. Our son loves the Lord, but he is not mature enough to be discerning in these things. I don’t see the ‘chemistry’ between this lady and our son. I feel as though she has ‘kidnapped’ him into her web.

    Please also pray for this lady.

  157. Please pray for Max, a sweet 3 year old boy scheduled for serious dental surgery in August. Please pray for the total healing of his teeth and mouth. Please pray that any procedure go smoothly and perfectly. Please pray that he be made healthy and whole.

  158. May the lord remove the bitterness, anger and UN-forgiveness between Carlos and Jennifer. May he restore the love between them and protect their love from all evil, In Jesus name AMEN

  159. we have been struggling to clear our debts and trying hard to find a job abroad. We would want to construct a new house but have no sufficient money .Life seems to be so stangant. We are not getting better opportunties with better pay . Please pray for jobs abroad

  160. Hello asked for prayer for my 5year old son marcellius brewster and prayer for me nakia. Pitre im marcellius mom judt general prayer asked god to. Continue working in are lives and open doors for us god is head of my life always.thank truley nakia pitre from los angeles california

  161. Please pray for my son Jom to stop his habit of drinking wines everyday I am afraid that he cannot control his emtotion and might hit us ( his grandfather, grandmother and myself) . I know he is depressed because he can not find a Job. Please include him on your prayers .

  162. Can you please pray for my grandson, Robin 24 years of age, who has cronic fatigue syndrome, and is depressed. Can you Please also pray for me and my daugther.
    Thank you in advance.

  163. Please pray for my husband to be healed of his pain and restore good health and be strong to handle any obstacle that may come in his path

  164. Please pray for the families of the students who were brutally murdered by al shabaab at the Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya. Pray also for the terrified, physically, emotionally and psychologically tormented students who escaped the massacre but carry with them the pain of the gruesome ordeal. Pray that our Lord God Almighty transforms the lives of the terrorists, softens their radicalized spirits and hearts so that they may see the value of life and embrace love and cohesion.

  165. Please pray for my Son who feels like he is lost and is focusing on the wrong things at this time. Also pray for my Brother who has to go get a lump he found under his arm checked out next week. Thanking everyone in advance. Have a blessed day and a Happy Easter! 💝

  166. I like you to prayer over my daughter she has stomach cancers please she has a 3 year old son that need his mum

  167. Please pray for my two teen sons 15 and 17. That they know how much GOD loves them. And that they are touched by the Holy Spirit.

  168. Please pray for my son that he may change his habit of doing the wrong things n have fear of God within him

    1. Heavenly Father I come to you and ask that you please be in Ricky’s life and meet whatever needs he might need. Please watch over him and keep him safe for harm. In your name we pray amen.

  169. I’m not sure if anyone ever prays for me. I’m not so good at praying myself sometimes. I do however say little prayers throughout the day, just random. I pray for people I see and don’t even know, pray for safety and my children and loved ones throughout the day. But today I’m requesting prayer for a clear mind, peace in my heart and soul, to regain trust in my life with my loved ones and ones I encounter. You see I have a hard time trusting due to being molested as a child by two different people, to being married for 18 yrs and a now ex- husband who cheated and abused me and had another child with another woman.. I’ve only been divorced for 2 years and still suffer from thoughts that drive me crazy. Now that I’m in relationship I’m still suffering from crazy thought that get me down. I’m trying to wean of depression medication. I really don’t think I need it now that I’m much happier and that I have a wonderful God to guide me. Please if you have time say a quick prayer for me and my children today. Thank you so much.

  170. Thank you for taking the time to prayer for my children. My husband is deployed with the Air Force and it has been a trying time. My youngest son is scoring low in school, he completed an assessment in VPK and the assessment shows that he is not performing at his age level. My oldest son has ADHD and has been acting out, I’m going to reach out to resources available in the community but it has been overwhelming. I feel like I have failed my children. My youngest is 2 and she has moments too like every two year old. It just seems that my home is out of control I want the peace of God back in the home, for the children to have clarity and be able to excel in school and other activities. I know that pray can change anything and I Know that I serve an Awesome God. Pray that I would let God lead me into how to be a better parent and understand His plan for my family.

    1. May God give and grant you peace in your home. May he be in your children’s hearts, minds and souls. May he give you the strength to carry on through the storms you are facing and bless you with a sense of peace and hope. God please make your presence in the home and lift this mother during this trying time. Send angels to every corner of this home for peace and comfort.

    2. I also have a son with adhd who has been acting out. It hurts to see him this way. I understand what you’re going through. I once was a military mom at home with my children. It isn’t easy. But you have to hang in there. Be consistent with prayer, Pray with your children in the middle of your home and rebuke that, that old ugly devil leaves your home and that your home be filled with God’s love. You haven’t failed God. He’s waiting on you to call upon him. I’m praying for you dear. One thing my son loves is music it always tends to calm him down. If you get a chance find some Christian music to play throughout your home. Just a suggestion.

  171. Please help me pray for my son who’s 8 years but likes to act like a girl, God please remove this spirit that’s trying him

  172. I would like to say a special prayer for my 18 year old son while he is @ work. That the hours go quickly, not stress and with care and protection. Amen

  173. Please pray for my little grand baby . she is only 11 months old . She is very sick for over a week and running fever.. Please pray she will receive the blessing of perfect health . Thank you Lord Jesus Christ , Amen

  174. PLEASE pray for me. I’m in a domestic violence shelter in Yuma Arizona. I seek prayers of support during this extremely trying time of my life. I am asking for prayers to strengthen my patience as I do all I can do, and wait upon The Lord. I am asking God for emotional, mental, and spiritual healing, stable safe housing and that He heal my mind from depression and anxiety and that He heals my body from a chronic back injury. I claim the VICTORY IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

  175. Please please please pray for my daughter Maya who is 24 years old – that she would be filled with His peace, joy and wisdom and find her destiny purpose and that she would have good healthy eating habits and not be so worried about her weight. that her body would be healed of all allergies, including gluten digestion problem that makes her a fussy eater. please pray that she would have good friends and not be lonely. and that she would have a happy healthy relationship with her family. that the Lord would protect her mind and heart from wrong emotional entanglements and free her from any ancestral baggage. please pray for her protection and her health – esp that she would eat well and be happy. thank you so much.

  176. I am please asking for prayers for my son my name is Marlene Wong and my sons is zion is set to have an open heart surgery tomorrow and I’m just asking for prayer ,for him we have faith. In god,we know everything. Is going to be ok.thank you in the name of god amen

  177. Hello, Please help me pray for the safety and protection of my children, Felix 11 and Shayla 13. We live in IL and they traveled by plane to Texas. They are spending their Christmas vacation with my ex husband, until the new year. 01-03-2015. We have never been apart so long.
    Please, help me pray for their safe return home here in IL.

  178. Please pray for my son John to be healed from addiction and anger and pain, that he may have the wisdom he needs to make good choices and get on the path that God wants him to be on. Asking for prayers for the highest possible outcome so that he may have a good life, serving and pleasing God.

  179. restoration for my family and marriage Lift Tyson and Debbie marriage up and rebuke divorce. Strong prayers for my children during all of this.. Tyson and his family are trying to turn my children against me. Please strong prayer to turn this situation around and give us all strength and peace

  180. Please pray for my husband he had been searching for a job for the past 3years but to no avail. He is very qualified but he keeps getting rejected. He gets a few interviews but they never get back to him. Please pray the God will open doors of employment for him in Jesus name.

  181. Pray for my son to accept that the man he calles daddy is not..and to bless us to find out.pray he becomes stronger at heart.and always know i will never leave r forsake him..

  182. Please pray for my son he is a HLHS survivor and is going in for a heart catheterization tomorrow morning. Pray that his heart is healthy and no further surgeries are needed.

  183. Please pray my daughter accepts a paid internship that she has been offered in her field. She seems to think that any money is evil or that the drive is too long that she needs to enter a convent . Please pray I find a way to talk to her, she is pretty much not discussing things with us. thank you

  184. Pray for my son please. That he is covered with the blood of Jesus Christ and healed from any addiction. His body and mind are healed in Jesus name. He will be the head and not the tail, be above and not beneath.

  185. Please pray for my family. Dad always fights with us and mum and lately things are heaps worse. I’m constantly unwell from the stress and my blood pressure is through the roof.

  186. My family is in dire need of financial help asap.We could lose our home and all our belongings any day now. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for the past 20 years and now I’m physically and mentally disabled and find it hard to work outside the home, but I do not qualify for disability. My husband has been physically and emotionally abusive to me and my children. His abuse has caused my teenage daughter to suffer emotional problems and it has interred with her ability to attend school and make friends. I’m doing the best I can to hold myself and my family together, but I’m scared that I’m at my breaking point. I don’t have anyone to turn to for help in any way. My husband hates me and wants to see me homeless and eating out of the garbage. Please God, we need your help now. I’ve been praying and praying for help and answers. Please forgive me my many sins and help us. Please God, we need your help now. I’ve been praying and praying for help and answers. Please forgive me my many sins and help us. Please send us financial help so we can pay off our mortgage and not have to worry about financial problems ever again. Help to cure my daughter and make her happy again. Let her do well in school and make many good trusting friends. Help my husband with his anger management problem and save my family. Amen

  187. Please pray for my husband,(samson) he is very very lazy, careless, he always want to sleep he avoids his responsiblities, he is jobless and don’t even try to find a new job pls,pls,pls prayer for him

  188. Please pray for protection for my family (my husband, my 2 children, myself, and my 2 dogs). We are currently renting a house and we found an alarming amount of mold in our basement due to water damage that our landlord never properly cleaned up after seepage and a broken pipe. The property manager and the owners are slow to resolve the issue due to the cost and we are battling with them everyday to get some clarification as to what they are going to do. While this is going on, we are being exposed to mold (not sure what kind and if it is toxic). I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Thank you and God bless all of you.

  189. Please from the bottom of my heart, I am a desperate mom, at my wits end and I really need the help of others to pray for my only son who is in his final year at school and is addicted to drugs, I need God to speak into his life so that he never touches drugs and again and for him to focus on his final exams, please prayer with me for healing over his life and let this demon leave his body for good, Amen

    1. In Jesus name your son will be healed! Have faith and do not give us because our God is an awesome God! He will not fail us!

  190. Please pray for my children, for Omotayo and Olanike to be blessed with a God’s chosen husband for them ,good future, happiness, good health and prosperity. For my son, I pray that God will minister to him and let him the vessel of God mission. For my youngest daughter , I pray that God will direct her and minister to her and bless her with good future .and a fulfill present. I pray that my marriage will continue to be successful by God’s grace. Amen. Please pray for one of my children that is struggling with series of Health issues. That is disturbing her from moving forward to achieve other things in life. I believe that God will agree with all our prayers and that these obstacles in our life’s will come to past, amen. Thank you.

  191. Please pray for my children, for Omotayo and Olanike to be blessed with a God’s chosen husband for them ,good future, happiness, good health and prosperity. For my son, I pray that God will minister to him and let him the vessel of God mission. For my youngest daughter , I pray that God will direct her and minister to her and bless her with good future and a fulfill present. I pray that my marriage will continue to be successful by God’s grace. Amen.

    1. Our Father I ask that you please be with Hadjias Children, bless them with God fearing Spouses, good health and happiness throughout their life. May the be noticed as your children and lead by example in your presence.

  192. I pray for a miracle. the guy I have been dating for about a year has had major crisis and is in a downward spiral for the last 6 months. He went through a divorce just over a year ago, his mom was diagnosed with cancer and lost the battle 2 months later. Things have been a roller coaster between the two of us. He is scared to love again or have a relationship. We had a great relationship before his mom passed and I believe he is severely depressed and it is affecting our relationship. Ryan has asked for a “break” and we have not spoken since wed morning. I don’t know what that means or looks like. I have not tried to contact him out of respect. I’m trying to sit back and trust God in this and pray for his healing. It breaks my heart that grief and depression have consumed him. I really would love to be with him and have a lasting God honoring relationship. I’m having such a hard time sitting and just being still. I’ve had such a roller coaster life for 10 years with many many trials. Some from choices I’ve made some just happen. I know life is not supposed to be perfect and we will have these. But I truly would love to have stability and life be straightened out and have a wonderful marriage. These are the desires of my heart. I had an amazing thing with Ryan and would love it back. I don’t understand why God has taken it or put it on hold our whatever it is? Maybe to trust him more? Maybe to have Ryan find him more deeply? I don’t know. But I’m struggling with the loss. I’m struggling with the pain and I’m struggling with being patient. I pray for restoration and redemption. Things seem so impossible right now but I know our God is amazing. Please join me in prayer for guidance direction and restoration.
    My son has been struggling with drugs on and off for the last 2 years. We have been seeing a christian counselor the almost that entire time. He continues to make poor decisions and falling back into the pattern of using drugs. it is breaking my heart and so stressful for me as a parent. I am a single parent and even though his dad is in the picture, most of the burden falls on me. I am struggling with this and so disappointed. I am trying to figure out why it feels like my burdens are so heavy. I am trying so hard to keep moving forward and put my trust in God knowing that this too shall pass, but I am feeling so overwhelmed. I pray for God to intervene in both of these situations and for him to restore all of these relationships. My heart is so heavy. Thank you

  193. Please pray for me so that I may find friendship and happiness in my life. Because of moving away from my childhood home to be in a relationship I have no friends or family. I am so very lonely because I am also disabled, which prevents me from driving or leaving my home. I have contemplated suicide many times but because of my love for God I could never follow through with it. If anyone reads this request, please pray for me. Thank you and may God bless you.

  194. For god to be revealed to Nate and Adrian so that there is no fear and that there hearts stay protected and to bless all that persecute them. mom and dad rely on gods protection to the max being human we can fail them god cant and wont the same power that saved adrian once will save them again. have no fear sons.

  195. My children and I request your prayers to help us heal from a broken home and help us come back together stronger happier and healthier! We ask that God show us the way to heal our broken home. Help us create a strong stable loving supportive family again. And bring the right man into our lives to be a loving partner father and friend to us all! In Jesus name humbly with love we pray! Amen!

  196. In Jesus’s Holy Name I am asking for prayers for the conversion of my sons Marco and Jerry. They are good boys but have not been going to church and they need GOD in their lives. Please pray that they will always follow the right path and stay away from drugs, alcohol, and bad influences. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen!

  197. Please pray for my children and me. Jacob, Kendrick, Dakota and Lana. Pray we all come back together as family. Pray all broken hearts will be healed. In Jesus name amen.

  198. I would appreciate if you could pray for my daughter who is 38 years old and suffers from borderline personality disorder. She has two small children, a boy 6 and a girl 3 1/2. My daughter has an addiction to pain medication as well as alcohol abuse and her husband is worthless and does nor work or really do much of anything. My daughter is a nurse and works a lot of hours. I worry about her and her family constantly, as I don’t know how or where this whole situation is going to end up.

    Thank you.

  199. Please send Josh a message of encouragement that God can heal all things. Here is his address: Josh Johnson 7637 West Surrey Ave. Peoria, Arizona USA 85381 he would be grateful in hearing your words of encouragement.

  200. Please pray that my son Joshua will go to rehab again for Heroin Addiction and that God will heal him from this addiction in Jesus name I pray.

    1. Lord I pray in your name that Josh will go to rehab on October 28 as scheduled and that you heal him once and for all from his heroin addiction and that he finds happiness and joy in your heart. Please continue to walk with him in his recovery and give him guidance. Thank you Lord for your passion and your love for my son Josh.

  201. Please I need prayers for my 25 year old daughter who has come home because her boyfriend physically abused her and was using drugs. She has faith and has turned to the Lord for help but now she is trying to save her boyfried instead of focusing on herself to heal. We do not want him in her or our lives. He has used and abused all of us, got her and us in financial debt and is very disrespectful. The family do not want anything to do with him. He makes alot of promises and said he would change to get her back and she is falling for it again. He has no ambitions, doesn’t have a job or a car, that is why he wants my daughter back. My Husband said if she goes back this time he is writting her off. I love my daughter to much to loose her to this evil guy. Please pray for her and my family. Thank you.

  202. Please I need prayers to make a decision. I have been made an offer of a Job and not sure if i should take the job as I don’t want anything to hinder my service to God.

  203. Please pray for my husband and my marriage. I think he has a porn addiction problem. Need many many prayers

  204. Please pray for my granddaughter Alivia that got bit by a spider. She does not have health insurance. Her arm is sick. Thank you for praying in Jesus Name.

  205. Please pray with me. I’m a cancer survivor and teamcaptain of a relay for life team.

    We have a function on Friday night 8 Aug.2014. The Cancer Assotiation of South Africa are our beneficiary.

    But things aren’t go well this time.The venue isn’t finalise yet and the tickets didn’t sell well although we are working the whole year to make this happen.

    Please pray for a miracle because only God can help us to succeed in our work.

    Thank you for praying with me.

  206. Please agree my husband children and I have the mind of Christ, our will is aligned with God’s will for our lives. We are blessed to be a blessing, everything our hands touch prospers, our faith is bound to the faith of Jesus Christ, we shall not be deceived by the enemy or his imps or his counterfeits, angels go before us and make our paths straight, we are disciples of Jesus and are winning souls to the glory of God, God has hand picked my daughters’ husbands, my marriage is thriving and exceedingly blessed, we win home in Fl, our ministry is blessed. We are delivered from our housing threats and our house will NOT go into foreclosure and we will sell it when God says so and tithe exponentially! All these things I pray believing that God will do exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all I can ask think or imagine according to the resurrection power that works within me. The SAME resurrection POWER that raised Jesus from the dead. In Jesus name I pray with thanksgiving and expectation. Amen

  207. Please am appealing for prayer for my only child. He s read but he doesn’t comprehend very well, he reads but when ask to explain he doesn’t remember what he read and that’s makes me worry. He is going thru a lot thru the recent death of his dad so am asking deeply for prayer please pray for him to do well in school its only god just now that can help

  208. Please pray for my son Nicholas, he is in so much pain, and I don’t know what more I can do to help him. I’m afraid daily that he will choose to take his life. I wish he would get some help and find Jesus. I love him so much and I hate seeing the pain and anger in his eyes. Please help

  209. Please pray for myself and husband we need to change as we have drug addiction please help us jesusl

  210. Please pray for myself as I will not talk to a counselor and I will forget this situation, free from worries – and crying.
    Thank you,

  211. Please pray for my daughters and myself, as we go through financial trials in our lives. Please pray for me to receive gainful employment, so that I can take care of my family. I am a single mother of two and I am willing to work to gain the desires of my heart. Please pray for me. Thank you

  212. Please pray for my health and to find a good ‘affordable health insurance for me and my husband. For my business to florish.My daughter to find true love and to pass her board exam.Also for my son and his wife to conceive again.And for our daughter in law to show that she accept us by calling us Mom and Dad.

  213. please pray for my daughter Makisha she is sick and Jesus said that our faith shall make her hold. I believe in his word I have the faith and I know that he is still in the healing business right now. God bless you all who touch and agree with me today.

  214. Please pray for my 7 kids …I was reunited with them recently ..This past Sunday we all went to church and their father is against it . Pray for protection healing in their hearts and more faith

  215. Also may you pray for us and my children Diana and Samantha we have been away from each other for a long time and since we have been reunited we are struggling to bond,may you pray that God restores to us that motherly love and daughterly love.

  216. i am asking for prayers concerning my carreer which i am doing am looking for a job which might give me experience before i fininsh in 2015.i am also asking if you could pray for my daughter Diana she has been struggling to get a job.

  217. Please pray for my son Michael. He is in a situation that he is being abused by his father, step-mother and sister. Please pray to give him strength to know that God and I are here for him and we will make sure he stays safe. Please pray that the counselors see the truth and Michael has the ability to tell him everything. I love this child with all my being and need your prayers to help get my son and I through this challenging time. In Jesus name…Amen.

  218. rebellious jobless son alroyd who threw several jobs and nobody willing to take him that He is filled with theHoly Spirit and gifts of the holy spirit and blessed with good job and turns back to Christ and turns humble, obedient and learns to respect AMen

  219. So many of us have serious problems but our problems are not too big for God ! Father I pry for all of us…and thank you Jesus for interceding for us! Bless you Lord! Give us peace and resolve in Jesus’ name,,Amen.

  220. Thank you for this site!! i just started praying the prayers!!! Plz pray for me…*not ever giving up on the Lord but i’m in a dry place and so tired..disgusted with myself!….praying body full of pain constantly from sciactic nerve in back…no family member wants to help me do anything! I have to pay someone…..cigarette smoker over 50yrs…stopped drinking 24yrs ago, but trying to start again. depressed, lonely for mate, financial problems, family divided/ and bitter against either other.
    Thank you so much and God bless you for praying and caring, in Jesus’ name!!

  221. Please pray for my two sons Graig and Fu’Quan. They both are in trouble and have to be in court today. Please pray for them both to ask God to forgive them of all their sins not matter big or small and to have all charges dropped against them. Please pray for a wonderful outcome. Graig and Fu’Quan are both scared. So please pray for them to place all their worries in God hands without having dout and without being afraid. Please pray that they both Graig and Fu’Quan will continue their journey walking in God’s path.

    In the name of Jesus Christ.

    Thank you

  222. Please pray for my grandson as he is troubled he is only 8 yrs old &I don’t want him to get in trouble anymore

  223. Dear brothers and sisters,
    Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might to save, heal and deliver.
    God is gracious and kind, slow to anger and plentious in mercy.
    He will never leave us or forsake us, only trust in him and in the power of His Name.
    May the God of all comfort, comfort and strengthen you, guide you and bless you with Faith and Hope in his faithfulness.
    Be Strong in the LORD, again I say BE STRONG IN THE LORD.
    For we all are his dear children and his LOVE is POWERFUL as it works in us.
    Continue in Prayer and petitions for all men and God who is Faithful will hear your requests in FAITH and deliver you from evil. And when you stand praying forgive those who have sinned against you as your Father in Heaven forgives you your sins.
    Praise and worship God at all times singing songs and praises to his Name.
    Peace be to you my beloved brothers and sisters in His name. Hope thou in God and Trust him to do this.

  224. Please pray for me to receive gainful employment so I can support my two daughters and myself. I wish to owe no one. I am confident in God’s provisions and I trust that the Lord will help me. Also, please pray for my brothers who has gone astray. One by alcoholism and violence and the other was on drugs but is now off it…but the damage is already done to his brain. Please pray that they will accept the Lord and walk the path of peace. Thank you.

  225. Please pray for me my court date is July 9,I’m so stressed and scared of the allegation brought against me, I lost my job and my employer says the only way I can get my job pack, is that all charges are dropped, i know my God all Mighty is with me, I turn this situation to you my God in the name of you’re son Jesus Christ, Amen🙏

  226. I am so happy I found your site; it has brought me hope knowing there are awesome prayers to pray over my children. I know there is power in prayer and I thank you for sharing your gift from God. Please pray for my daughter, Lori Luna, who needs to be redeemed from the snares of the enemy and for her to give her life to our Lord Jesus. Also, please pray for my son, Anthony Luna, who has no faith and needs to be saved. I pray that they both give their life to Jesus this year.

    Thank you and God bless.

  227. Asking for a blessing for my sons. Both are in need of jobs and homeless. I live with my mother in a trailer park and landlord will not allow them to stay. I am a single mother and there father and I have been divorced long time. For he is not there for them. I know that god is with them always and so do they. Love god. But I am speaking out and claiming victory over Satan…thanks for prayers. Believing a breakthrough is coming. Not given up r into Satan’s games. Amen

  228. Please pray for my children Nicole, Michael and Anthony, that they come back to The Lord, and find true happiness

  229. Please pray for my oldest son who is addict to drugs. Things are not going well for him as now police are involved. He soul is lost and his heart is filled with so much sadness, hatred, hurt, forgiveness and depression. I ask to please release him for this life and to also pray for the others that are in this situation too. I am scared one day I will no longer have my son living on this earth. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM AND MY FAMILY!!

  230. Im lloyd,please pray for my son dwyane dunne who is always ailing with sickness and is sick now also,and also pray for my wife diana and me and ask lord to forgive us for our sins.

  231. Please pray for my sister who is fighting an infection. Please pray for my mother that lives in severe pain. please pray for my daughter that she remains calm, performs to her best ability and earns her scholarship after years of hard work and adversity.

  232. Prayer for my family And I need prayer to Get a job to pay my taxs of house & IRS taxes Dont want loss my house.and For my bros & there family mom.

  233. please pray for my husband Andrew who has three months left as his cancer has spread. Please pray for a miracle. Please pray for my children who are both undergoing depression
    My daughter has been heartbroken many times and has not been happy for a long while. Please pray that she will find a man who will love her and bring her joy and bless her amply to enjoy an abundant life. My son has OCD and dyslexia and is very melancholic. All the heatlth issues in the family has made him depressice and suicidal Please pray for him that he will be well
    Thank you

  234. Please send up a prayer for Anthony, who. Has deep-seated spiritual issues. He is being affected by demonic forces that evildoers are sending against him. If this keeps up, he will come to a very bad end. I ask that God would send the evil back on their own heads, so that conviction will come about. Thanks to all of you, and God bless you.

  235. Praise god please i am desperately in need of prayer for my family the devil has invaded my home my husband and i are seperated my son is tormented by a gay spirit the devil is a liar my husband is in a great state of confusion but i decree and declare as am writing to you i beleieve god is restoreing my marriage my son set free my son is very anointed young man he love the lord more than anything playing the keyboard and drums is gifting but is mind not so stable my husband a man use to love to pray and read the bible he back slide from thechurch i need a miracle for my family keep up the good work god will reward every one of you prayers members god bless you all

  236. Im in need of pdayer for mya grown daughter, she is addicted to pain pills, please pray for her and my 5 year old grandaughter :’-(

  237. Please pray for my moms mental health, and for God to guide me on what to. Please pray for God to influence my family to participate in her care with me. Thank you.

  238. Please pray over my family, my spirit, my health, my mind, my daughter Naritza and my husband Eduardo Aguinaga.

  239. Please pray for the relationship between my daughter and her father. She is the product of an affair that I didn’t know I was a part of until after she was born.

    He wasn’t there during the pregnancy. A phone call here and there and asking if I needed anything was all I got from him. He wasn’t there for the birth of our daughter. I prayed that he would be here, that he would come back and be a part of our daughter’s life. November 2013 he came back. He wanted to know if he could be a part of our child’s life. He wanted a chance to make it up to us and to make things right in her life. He said it bothered him to think that he has a child out there and he was not being a part of her life.

    He came clean about having a wife and kids. He apologized for being a coward and not pulling his part during the pregnancy and that his marriage was the reason for his disappearance. Apparently the marriage was and continues to be upside down. He and his wife had been separated, but had decided to try making the marriage work. His wife doesn’t know about the baby and he is afraid to tell her as their marriage continues to be in shambles. He doesn’t want to do anything or present anything that would cause the marriage to go over the edge. At this point he is afraid having this “extramarital” child in his life could prove to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back in his marriage.

    For him to have a loving relationship with his daughter is all I ever wanted– for him to love his daughter and play an active and consistent role in her life and her well-being. That’s all. When I asked God to bring him back around, I didn’t ask that he be in my life as my man. I just wanted him to be here for his daughter. I want her to grow up knowing him and having the daddy/daughter relationship with him. I want her to know what it is like to have her daddy’s love. I don’t want her to grow up feeling unloved and rejected. I want her to be loved and accepted, like his other children.

    I respect the fact that he’s married. I would never want to purposely do anything to cause trouble in their marriage I just want him to be a real and active part of her life. I know he can’t be there for her 24/7 as he has a family and they will always come first. I don’t want her to grow up with reasons to think or feel that he didn’t care enough to be there at all. I don’t want to have to explain to my child why her father isn’t here.

    I pray so hard that he doesn’t abandon her. I know God doesn’t force us to do anything we don’t want to do. He gives us free will. However, I ask God to touch his heart and influence his thoughts and ways that he will love her and make a conscious effort to be in her life. I am praying that God will not allow him to be at peace with himself in walking away from his child. I am praying so hard that he will be a man of his word to me in that he promised that he wouldn’t walk away again and that he will always be here for his daughter, to love and support her–consistently. I know it’s not going to be easy always. Despite it all, I am more than willing to work with him in order to protect his marriage and family life with his wife without sacrificing his relationship with his daughter, especially when he only lives five minutes away from us.

    He is afraid to tell his wife about the baby. We both know that at some point his wife is going to find out about her regardless. I have been advised to count my losses and just seek child support. If I seek child support his wife is still going to know, especially when correspondences began to show up on his doorstep. She basically manages the family funds and would know if funds are being subtracted from their banking account or his pay check to pay for child support. With that being said, please pray for his family. They are going to need God’s intervention also when the truth comes out. I pray that the marriage will be strong and resilient. I pray for the children as I know they will be negatively affected by all that has happened, at least one of them will The youngest is only 2. I pray that we can all get along for the sake of the children and that none of them, namely my child, will have to suffer from rejection and alienation of her dad, but would instead gain a loving stepmother or whatever she would be to her. It is my prayer that when she finds out she will embrace my baby and welcome her into their life. I have heard of that happening before. I pray that my baby will be accepted and loved and well taken care of when she’s with them. I pray that she will be treated as equal, or as close to equal as possible, to the other two children.

    This is a painful and difficult situation. I want you to pray for me and this situation as I am in need of your mighty prayers. I know you are prayer warriors of God and I need you to stand in my stead before the throne of God. I am praying, but I need for you to pray with me. I am praying for my daughter and her relationship with her dad. I am a single mom who has raised two children alone already. I have struggled for the last 23 years to be mom and dad to two kids. I lived and continue to live on a one income household. I struggled to give them all that they needed. I am tired and I don’t want to do that anymore. I want him to play his role in her life- with all due respect to his wife and their marriage.

    Also, I am praying for peace in my heart as I am so hurt and confused. I am praying for peace so that I can go on and live life with my children. I am praying for peace because I don’t want to be angry at him. I don’t want to allow animosity to settle in. I want to forgive and move on because I know God will not bless me with anger, animosity and bitterness in my heart.

    Thank you, in advance, for your prayers!

  240. i would like you join me ,in praying for my children,my daughter winette join the army as a cadet officer ,and it now training, but the the worst training in the world, i pray for strength ,determination,will power .and the grace of God to see her through .i pray for my son (beneakaman)he going astray,i pray that God will bring him back on the right path,i pray for my next son winston ,who feet is not doing good ,i pray for healing,i pray that my daughter lotaya find a job.i pray for juliana and junior that the find favor

  241. Please pray for my husband and my marriage. He is being held in emotional bondage by his 3 daughters (17, 20, 23) and his mom and sister. We have been married for 4 years and every single day of our marriage, they have pushed him to divorce me. They withhold affection, and all interaction from him if they don’t get their way and they have been absolutely rude to me but I have tried to get along with them for my husband’s sake. When we first got married we decided to try and have a baby so we started praying about it and trying, so soon as they found out that started harassing him and being ugly to him so he decided he didn’t want a baby after all. He is so bound by these people that he lives in guilt thinking he isn’t a good dad. His mom and sister told him that he owes his kids waiting on them hand and foot because he wasn’t there when they were little because he was deployed in the US NAVY…so he feels like a failure. They use that guilt to manipulate him and get what they want. Add to that (unofficially diagnosed but told by a dr he needed to see a USAF Psychologist that he needed to see a DR and get meds) Bipolar Disorder and PTSD, AND unable to find a job since he retired 2 years ago b/c he is either not qualified (no college degree or special skill) or over qualified (NAVY Chief-24 years) and you get miserable. He pays a % of his retirement to his ex-wife and another $770 for child support so we are struggling financially living off of my teacher salary. We used my teacher retirement last year so there is no back up. I am a GOD-fearing lady who lives her life for the Lord. I have been a loyal, forgiving, and loving wife…following what the Bible says a Christian wife should be. His family doesnt like he because I married him and “ruined their plans of him moving either to Texas near his mom and sister or back up to Va near his grown kids and my daughter and I didn’t fit in their plans” his sister said. When we decided to get married, he didn’t even want to tell them but I made him (I’d never met any of them) so when he told his sister (he was 41 at the time) she told him not to and he said we had already decided and it was what we wanted to do and she said “Well I can tell you right now I won’t make it easy for her. It is going to be an ALL UPHILL battle, I promise you that” and she was not lying! He has lied to me and about me, used all of my savings and retirement, cursed me out, thrown fits of rage, run up $100K in debt with credit cards I had no idea we had and there is nothing to show for it but windows on our house, made seriously selfish choices without talking things over with me first and told his pastor he was 45 years old and didn’t need to get my permission; jumped from sales job to sales job in last 2 moths collecting no paycheck (100% commission jobs) walked out about 30 times for several days, and last year he packed up and left while I was at work and I didn’t hear from him other than a few cold emails for 4 1/2 months (Oct. 30, 2012-Feb 12, 2013); and I honestly thought I would die. I had just quit my job teaching in my hometown to prepare to move to Va where his kids live so he could be closer to them but THEN he changed his mind and it was too late to get my job back. We both got temp jobs through the same agency but when he left with no notice without taking his equipment back before hiding out in Texas, AND the drama caused when I started looking for him because I had no idea he had just left….I thought he was dead somewhere…anyway, I prayed and prayed and STORMED THE GATES OF HEAVEN” for my marriage and GOD worked miracle after miracle and all of a sudden he was back home, no repentance for the hell he caused leaving me high and dry or for the years before but I knew GOD would work everything out…but you have to let Him and do the footwork. GOD seldom drops things in your lap while you do nothing. We went from Feb to Nov with very few arguments and life was better than before BUT it was because his “family” had kind of cut him off because he came back to me. The “kids” were supposed to come here for Thanksgiving but only one of the three planned to come and when he found out, he started getting “down” again. From then on, his depression got worse and he quit his job at a local car dealership and started applying to jobs on Craigslist out of desperation…one BOMB after the other…We started seeing his pastor (local and mine is 40 minutes away) the end of Dec because he was LYING and raging, and leaving all the time saying it was over, and making impulsive decisions…like taking a job that he knew would require him to be gone for 3 weeks out of the month traveling and he didnt tell me until after he’d left for what I thought was a night or two that it required him to be traveling for 3/4 weeks (+ weekends) each month or that we would have to pay expenses up front. When I found out in January that he had almost $100K worth of debt ( after coming out an asking about the credit card I saw him use, not because he told me) I asked him what was I going to do if he died, I have a 15 year old that I am a single parent of and I’d be totally responsible for all of his debt plus living expenses. He told me he had a life insurance policy for $200K so I’d be okay but I could tell he wasn’t being honest so when he asked if I wanted to see the paperwork I said yes. After asking 6 or 7 times if my name was on it (b/c he decided not to show me the paperwork) he finally said his sister and his 3 girls were on it but he knew his sister would help me if he were to die. Seriously??? I called his pastor and that is when “counseling” started. It was TERRIBLE!!! The guy did not know what he was doing and seemed scared of my husband which made it easy for my husband to smooth talk him….until he was caught in several lies with him. I wanted to seek professional counseling but I didnt think my husband would listen to anyone but MAYBE his Lutheran pastor so that’s where I started. I knew the pastor would eventually say the same thing the 3 professional counselors (2 USAF +1 civilian) and our PCP said…meds, testing, and regular therapy but my husband said he’d go and never did. Well, last Tuesday he walked out again while I was at work and says that this time he is not coming back. You might say I should be glad b/c it sounds terrible but please don’t. It has been hell over the last 4 years but it has also been heaven! He is fantastic and we are best friends and have so much fun together! We cook together, clean together (house and yard work), go on adventures together. We clicked immediately and have been inseparable since…except when his mom, sister, and girls start interfering and he gets in a down part of the bipolar. I mean I can understand b/c he was in the Navy for 24 years and got paid 2 times a week and there was structure and people telling you what to do and when to do it and then all of a sudden you are on the outside struggling to find a job and make ends meet and your family is putting you and your wife through hell trying to get you to divorce her and since those were the only people he talked to besides me, he has 5 people against us (sometimes he made 6) filling his head with crap holding their relationships and guilt over his head verses one person (me) telling him I love him, please stay. After a while he didn’t want to read the Bible anymore, started throwing fits more, cursing at me and screaming over tiny things (like did me telling him we needed to pray about a job before I could tell him what I thought , plus I had no idea what it was and it was the 4 one in 3 weeks.), watching JUST news TV or listening to news talk radio all day until my daughter or I got home and he’d give us the remote, plus sitting in the house all day, bills were piling up, being turned down for any real job, stopped being interested in sex, and just seemed overtaken by the enemy. I read an article about a wife that started meeting with some friends from her church to pray for their husbands and before they knew it the two of them were almost 30 and it was really effecting their lives so I asked a friend I work with if she was interested in that same thing b/c he marriage was miserable…she seemed disinterested but agreed and we prayed one day and then couldn’t to the point that I quit asking….then he left. It has been very hard on us and our marriage. I want restoration in my marriage b/c of who he can be when he fully gives itself over to the lord…right now he hasn’t. He told his pastor that he doesn’t feel convicted and so he rarely says he is sorry…then he told me that the Holy Spirit doesn’t talk to him and i was like say what???? then after talking to his pastor who said the same, I see it wasn’t a him thing it was a them thing. I want my husband healthy and happy and with a job and without an unnatural obsession with mom, daughter, and sisters bondage. I want him to rise up to the head of the house like he should and get his priorities straight…he’s told me 3/4/5 times that he doesn’t care if he lets down me and GOD by seeking a divorce as long as he doesn’t let “his family” down. That seems so sad to me. Anyway, so he has this problem…BUT I am married to him!!!!! I am not going to just walk away. Then he sent me a message on FB telling me to stop texting him (1 I love and miss you and 1 went to lawyer but couldn’t go against GOD), emailing him (1 email 5 sentences or less long about how i was going to a lawyer, and then i put a post on FB that I love my husband and that I was praying for us) He said he was BEYOND happy (He use to tell me he loved me BEYOND LOVE) because he was living with his girls and they were the happiest he’d seen them in a long time, so again so acting like there was hope because there was none. He said the only thing we had to talk about was the divorce. The hardest part is the last two weeks we had were perfect and 2 nights before he left we went to my church together did an alter call, he said he was sorry for the way he’d acted and he loved me dearly, and we even made love…and then I came home from work and he was gone and now its over and he wants a divorce. My battle isn’t with my husband but with dark spirits, demons, and the like. I am in a fight for my marriage and my husbands safety/life (if he’s really got a bipolar disorder) and I am scared! My Last year I cried and prayed all day, didnt tell anyone, hid from everyone because i didnt want them to know I what had happened, and I quit eating and sleeping. Lost a TON of weight too!!! I want this marriage to work because I made a vow before him and I meant every single word. i intend to stand firm on solid ground for my marriage and for his heart, mind, body, and spirit to be transformed!!! PLEASE pray for his salvation (says he is saved but how if he doesn’t have the HS inside of him guiding him? His pastor said the Holy Spirit doesn’t talk to people but the Bible says it does so it is obviously a Lutheran thing. So I need people to help me come against these demons, spirits, and all that is dark in this marriage, this house, his family…just do a total spiritual restoration so that I don’t have to say goodbye to my husband, and so that his family will have eternal life. Pray for our marriage, (us individually) and physical and mental healing to him, and me because I am drained from all of this…I can’t even get through a day at work without crying and having a breakdown. I want to fight for him but I don’t know how. GOD brought him back last year but will he a second time and since his girls are there I am not sure I stand a chance to win him over again. GOD is the ONLY way!!! Help me storm the gates of heaven and pray without ceasing!!! PLEASE and thank you in advance!

  242. please pray for my family we are going through some rough time with my mother inlaw that’s the grand mother, we need her to ask forgiveness for what she is doing to the family this is causing much pain to me and my husband she do not want to see us together after twenty six years of marriage please pray for us.

  243. Dear Staff, Please pray for God’s grace to bless my son Christopher with a new good paying job. Chris lost his job in November 2013 when the company just closed there door’s with only one day notice. He has applied in so many place’s. Pray that God may open door’s for him to walk through so, Chris may realize his purpose in life. Thank you Chris’ Mom.

  244. Thank you for your prayer’s. Please pray for Renee’s family as she goes to her resting place in GOD’S Kingdom soon. Pray for her family’s strength. God bless you!

  245. Goodnight! Could you please pray for my Daughter Tionne Allison Henry and her cousin Daniel Simpson who’s doing there grade 6 exam GSAT tomorrow and Friday she is proforming in her 70% in school now which isn’t great so please wisper a word for them so that they themself will be surprize at there result in June thank you and God Bless

  246. Please for my grandson Ethan and my son Gregory for daughter Selena my nephews Travis, Daniel,Daelin,Adam,Andre,Ben, nieces,Tiffany,Theresa,Alexandria,Lauren,
    Amanda,Alisa,Alaina,Amber,Evalina,April. great nephews and great nieces. Pray for God’s
    covering and guidiance in each of their lives.

  247. Please pray for my daughter Sydne Clarke . She is having a little difficulty in her subjects in school. Please pray that her mind can be clear and available to receive what the teacher is teaching her in class. Thanks

  248. Please pray for both of my daughters who live with their husbands far from me, one is in Australia. I ask the Lord to put a cover of His prowerful love over them, protecting them, giving them opportunities and breakthroughs. Protect them form danger and evil people. I beleive and will beleive until I die that the Lord has been good and merciful and faithful in all ways!! Please pray that my faith grows more and more each day and that fear is completely casted out of my mind!!

  249. Please pray for my daughter who is deciding to go to Cedarville College to be prepared for ministry of children and young adults.

  250. Please pray for my children, brittney,samantha,jason and grandson kaystin.. we all live in the same household.. My 2 eldest chidlren are girls and now in their early 20’s.. They have seen abuse from their father towards me, phyisical and emotional.. I dont want the girls to become abusive or find abusive men.. I pray that god will send good christian men into their lives and break the chain of abuse from generations before. May they be led by the holyspirit and make godly decisions. May they not desire drugs or alcohol and prosper in all things. may god bless them with favor and abundance. My son jason who is 11 years old and my grandson who is 3 years old have seen scott yell and bicker and pick fights.. may they not be like him but like their heavenly father and have respect for women and desire god.. be respectful and be blessed in everything they do.. may god prosper them with good christian friends and may they obey the laws. may all of my children come to know jesus, allow the holyspirit to guide them and to always make wise decisions.. may they except jesus christ as lord and have a humble heart, slow to speak,quick to hear and love god with all their hearts. May god protect them and provide for them always.. May scott and alicia put all the past behind listen to god and become all that god designed us to be and better parents to our children and grandson.. may the holy spirit,the angels and gods light manifest in our home in jesus name amen

  251. please pray for my thoughts and feeling to be fully healed so that I can think nice positive things again (Rebecca)

  252. My 11 year old son and 2 year old daughter were taken by social services and now they are living with my mother waiting for adoption to go through. Social services is telling my son that he will never live with me ever again because i might go back to using drugs. They are wrong because god is a healing god and he has healed my disease of addiction but they dont see that or care to see the progress ive made. My son is losing hope and hes failing every class. He doesnt want to go to school anymore at all and hes falling into depression. Please pray. My daughter is definately affected by my sons temper tantrums and depression. She shows it in other ways. Im doing my best to get on track for them. Thank you

    Turea Santistevan
    720 250 6644
    10:52 am 2/28/14

  253. Please pray for my 3 year old daughter, Myka she is not talking at all. Doctors think she is very delayed development. Please pray she will start talking. Im very worried about her.
    Thank you & God Bless

  254. Please Sir/Madam,

    i want you to pray for the success of my children in their education and in their undertakings and to protect them from evil spells and attack. The names are Michael arolefela Olanrewaju, Manuella Omowonuola Olanreaju, Matilda Omotinuola Olanrewaju, Deborah Omosinmisola Olanrewaju and Mishaelle Kofoworola Olanrewaju

    Michael Abimbola Olanrewaju

  255. Please pray for Terri and for reversal of the devils stronghold at our job. Please pray for God to expose all wrong doing and shine light in dark places. Thank you

  256. Would you kindly lift up my grandchildren to Our Heavenly Father in prayer? They seem to come home from school with such nasty attitudes here lately. I believe that they must be in contact, behind our backs, with people they should not be associating with.

    They go back in their rooms speaking of people who for, whatever reason or another, meddle in our business and do not like us. I am curious as to how they get in touch with some of these people outside the school in the first place.

    Being influenced with demonic forces; they make plans without their mother’s knowledge or approval. The boy is especially disloyal (he complains to school counselors over trivial matters so much that the CPS worker has come by the house)this child has always been overbearing and demanding his own way. In addition to this, he lies constantly and steals).
    My daughter , although I am sure she has done the best she knew how, is not entirely without fault. If it were me, there would have been some things done very differently. But anyway, you see this home needs help from the Lord to turn things around.

    Please pray for us? God bless you so much! (Sorry this took so long 🙂

  257. Please pray for my children and myself. I am a single mother, 45, going back to college. I need a breakthrough in several areas, as well as supernatural provision. I also am asking for my steps to be directed in the ministry God is speaking to me about, and EVERY DOOR to be OPENED.
    thank you.

  258. Please pray for my son, his dad is not in his life and I being a single parent doing the best that I can to provide for him and I. It seems like he’s looking for an father figure, his soon to be 15 and it’s getting a little hard trying to keep him focus on staying out of trouble. We talk,laugh, go places, go to church, I just need prayers, I don’t want him walking away from GOD.

  259. Please pray for my son, Marcus so he will be safe and can still stay in his school despite the negative responses.

  260. Please pray for my daughter, Savannah. She is engaged to be married soon to a young man who is displaying signs of emotional abuse. Thank you for your prayers.

  261. I’m asking for prayers of reconciliation for myself and the love of my life. she is my best friend and I hope one day for her to be my wife. But recently we had been arguing and it scared her and she left. I know this seems silly but she was the one person who loved me and I love her. Please bring us back together again, let our foundation be strong and loving please let me get the apartment that I recently applied for. I want to create a home for my family including her. I love her and I want her in my life forever.
    Thank you

  262. Please pray that god will intervene in our marriage, my wife told me she had filed for divorce, i havent been home as much as I should of, I was working 80 hrs a week trying to keep a job, please pray that god will intervene in my marriage and save it from divorce, please pray that god will soften her heart and she will see me as the man i am trying to be, not the one that I have been, please pray that god will restore the love in her heart for him, or family, and for me. Please lead me to be a better father and husband, please god deliver a miracle to save my marriage.

    Thanks for your prayer


  263. Please pray for my 2 and 1/2 year son Jeriah Marceau Edouard, He was diagnosed with Autism this year and has no speech (but does makes sounds) and have some autism behavior (such as flapping his hand,restless night, not responding to his name, not eating by spoon, and unsteady gait). I will begin therapy in January, and ask that God deliver him from autism. In in the name of Jesus.

  264. Please pray for a renewed faith for John C, a letting go of personal pride and the recieving grace of Christ. For strength and determination to reach his potential in Christ.

  265. Please prayer for my family protect&salvation,&success in financial&more wisdom of God,my fiancee Miss Irene we what to get married for about 2years lake of finances specificial R120 000,we believe God for miracle,to send angel miracle,&my 3childring health good,to grow under the hand of God,mark 11;24,for nothing is impossible with,for greater is the one with us then,the one that is against us

  266. Thank you for the wonderful prayers. Please pray for my relationship with my boyfriend to be god centered relationship and let God open the doors of marriage for us.

  267. Please pray for my Grand Daughter she went see her mother she is five for her health & proction . And for my son’s marriage he don’t know what to do almost 6 years living separate. We want God to change and bring them together. We are very worried about both and the child. Please pray for my family we are going through many problem. Thank you

  268. My name is Annalyn Alabata, 27 years old running 28 next year feb 5. I am struggling financially, and i really need your help in prayer. I am from Philippines and i wanted to get a job outside my country…plz help me pray that i can work abroad so that i can pay my debts and can help my family. Father God thank you for the work you prepare for me abroad and thanks for a Godly Employer. this is my email ad:, ive been praying for this long time ago…i believe God will give me the job by your help in prayer. Thank you so much from my heart.

  269. Please i’m asking you to pray for me that God will provide money to buy a car for me or my husband Winston. He has a car but it is broken down and very old, so he’s driving my brother’s car. Last night when he was coming home from work someone scratched the bumper and i’m so afraid that it might have b een sometime more serious and we would have to pay for it and we dont have any money. Please pray that God will provide our own car so we can give my brother back his car. Please I’m asking you to pray for me that God will help me to get a job on one of the Meditteranean cruise ships/Disney cruise ships as a Pool Attendant ( I paid an agency to get me that job and i havent heard anything from them as yet) and that pool attentants on these ships will get a monthly salary plus tips and they will pay me well so that I can help my husband to finish building our house, so that our 3 kids will have their own rooms and we will have a room for ourselves. Pray that the Meditterean cruise company/Disney cruise company will post jobs for Pool Attendants and the agency I signed up with will apply for the job for me and they will hire me. Pray that God will help my husbandto get a better paying job, one that he won’t have to work at nights and he’ll get paid weekly and he’ll be making more money that he is right now, so that we can pay our bills, the mortgage, rent, buy food, have money to send the kids to go to school, buy a new car and save some money for a rainy day. he will also help him by taking away his high blood pressure and not let it come back. Help him to lose the weight he has on and he will never gain back the weight. The lord will help my 2 daughters to stop telling lies and he will help to start reading and writing properly. God will help Ashley to start studying without myself or her dad having to tell her to and she will be placed on her school principal honour role every year.god will also help my son to start talking. Please pray that god will also bless our finances. Thank you so much

  270. Please pray for my son. He is appearing his School Final in March but is not studying the way he should.pray that he show interest in his studies, and concentrate in his work leaving aside everything just for 2 months.

  271. Please pray for my children and especially my son who is goin through some really traumatic experiences right now that is affecting the whole family n others. Please pray that God will strengthen me as a christian to pull through this rough time, that he will guide us and deliver us from the plan of the devil. In Jesus Amen.

  272. I ask for prayer for my son Anthony. His father is deceased and I have raised him alone pretty much. I had a man in my life previously but we decided not to get married so my son and I are pretty much alone at this point. However, I work all the time to pay bills and make ends meet. It is hard to raise a man. I ask for prayers for guidance for my son. He has a girlfriend now and he is under her influence so strongly. He can barely concentrate. I put him in a different school system so he can stay focused and graduate on time from high school. I just want him to become a God fearing and righteous man in his life. To be productive to society, to be successful and choose the right woman for his life. Please pray that Anthony succeeds and align his thoughts and actions with God’s actions in each aspect of his life and I truly believe in my strong faith. Amen…Thanks in advance for your prayers!!

  273. Please pray for my sweet daughter Tatiana. that she look up to the Lord to the answers she’s been looking for, to relay on Him for guidens, to stop beleiving the lies that are being wispered in her ear to seperate and destroy her relationship with her own mother and family. To have the courage to stand up and walk away from the terrible place she has chosen to live due to the lies of the poeple who live there. To untie the chains of bondage the enemy has grapped around her. To have decernment and wisdom and to take her little baby boy and unashamed go back home where she is loved and wanted by her entire family. Amen

  274. Please pray for God to touch my son. Please Father tranform his young life. Fill him with your Holy Spirit. Sorround him with Godly influencing people. Lead Father, guide him to the life you have for him. Give him courage and streght. Give him hope and allow him to feel your love. Amen.

  275. Pray for me and my 7 children.I lost my youngest child January 2013. He was an awesome 16 year old who belonged to Jesus. I NEED prayer for peace and reconciliation for my children and me. I also NEED for it to come out in the open if the doctor did something that caused him to die. We do know the doctor lied to us and that makes us suspicious.

  276. please pray that my children who have been in las vegas for the past8 months and now we have to battle a legal matter on Tuesday involving them getting to come back home to canton,ohio. I’m in need of prayer for my children to return home with their mother(myself)this has been one of the most difficult times of my life being away from my children.

  277. Please pray for my son Jarred he has a mental condition which the doctors say is unrestoreable. But I know God nothing is impossible. He needs a total healing and restoring of his mind back to normal. The lord says ask and we shall receive. I’m asking and believing for this mighty miracle. Please pray for jarred and a speedy healing. Thank you and God bless, sincerely,Diane Vierra

  278. Please pray that for me and my family that god will bless our finances, at times we don’t have money to send all our kids to school we sometimes have to choose one, cause she’s the oldest one and she’s in high school. Pray that god will help us to always have money pay our bills, pay the rent, buy food, sent our kids to school and put aside some for a rainy day.

  279. Please I’m asking you to pray for me that God will help me to get a job on the Meditteranean cruise line as a Pool Attendant ( I paid an agency to get me that job and i havent heard anything from them as yet) and that pool attentants on these ships will get a monthly salary plus tips and they will pay me well so that I can help my common-law husband winston to finish building our house, so that our 3 kids will have their own rooms and we will have a room for ourselves. Also the lord will help winston and I to get married, help winston to get a better paying job, one that he won’t have to work at nights and he will also help him by taking away his high blood pressure and not let it come back. Help him to lose the weight he has on and he will never gain back the weight. The lord will help my daughters Ashley and Alyssa to stop telling lies and he will help Alyssa to start reading and writing properly. Help Ashley to start studying without myself or her dad having to tell her to and she will be placed on her school principal honour role every my son Ayden to start talking. Thank you so much

  280. Please pray for my 16 year old son who is experiencing the pressure of teenage life wanting to experience freedom and fun but not ready for the responsibilities and consequences it entails. I pray that God will guide him in his choices that he chooses for his career and his life vocation. I pray also that the Holy Spirit will enlighten his mind as he does his studies too. I as a mother asks for prayers for myself to be strong and to have the wisdom to guide him .Jesus hear my prayer.

  281. please pray for my son who is feeling abandoned by God and has lost his faith because of his anger. Also please pray that God thru Jesus will take way my irrational fear of losing my son to death. I have been griped by this fear for sometime now because in my dreams I see him in a coffin and I am at a funeral home. Please help me accept whatever
    God’s will is.

  282. Please pray for my boys, 18 and 14, they both have issues that could impact their lives for eternity. Pray that I will have wisdom (I am a widowed mother) and courage to confront the enemy when he presents himself to me, and the ability to forcefully and lovingly apply God’s word to our home situation as it is necessary. Pray for healing for me physicially (I have 3 life threatening diseases), that make me weak physically when I need to be strong. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers and for keeping your promises.


  283. Please pray for this family. Ada, Jamal, Adalize, Jay and baby. They are in a shelter on drugs and I took the children to church but the father don’t want them to go to church.

  284. Our son gabriel was diagnosed with miller dieker syndrome a rare brain malformation . The prognosis we have read is not too good. Life expectancy is very short with lots of problems. I believe in jesus and his miracles. Please pray for our little angel . We love him so much.

  285. Please pray for me. The love of my life left me. Am praying for him to return back to me, but it seems it is not working. Please think of me. I love him so much, but lyes and selfishnes of his parents separated us. Am not able to live without him and depression is killing me. GOd bless you!

  286. Please pray for my 26 yr old son Kyel. He need a job , He is trying so hard and cannot find a job . He is so discourage and often feel God has forgotten him . I try my best to encourage him that god will open doors for him . Please pray for him I don’t want him to be discouraged. Please god help him to find good friends and favor he is an only child my heart break for him he try so hard and nothing work please pray for him . God bless u thx

  287. Please pray for my 21 yr. old son, Jonathan, his father passed away last year, he has recently lost his job, his truck is broken down and he is now addicted to drugs. He is in a very bad place right now and I cannot get through to him. His grandma and grandpa have been housing and supporting him since he was 16 and now they have had to kick him out because of the drugs so he is now homeless as well. His father was my ex-husband and he despises my husband now with good reasons. He has lived a horrible life growing up as my ex-husband left us when my son was 9 months old. He was a very good child up until now, he is a hard worker, and he believes in God. Satan has gotten a hold of him and my prayers alone are not helping. I thank God that he is alive and pray that he rescues and heals his mind and body. Please pray for his drug addiction, protection, a job, financial blessings, and for his truck to get fixed so that he can go to work.

  288. Praise the Lord… God Almighty …. We so bless with your love, with your spirit. These are my family members names Santosh Simon, Jeewa Santosh, Udesh Chamika Lakshan.

    Pray for Santosh Simon and my Job & my only son’s Higher studies.. He is waiting for his exams results…


  290. Please pray for my 21 year old daughter Beaujolais. Her sister Colette died on May 2 and Beau hates God, is in extreme rebellion because of bad things that have happened to her. She has a history of drugs, occult involvement and a drug dealer boyfriend that she will not leave even though he beats her. She says he “saved her”. This has brought much strife and division to my household and is tearing what’s left of my family apart. Beau is self destructive and laughs at the idea of going to hell. I am at wits end. The Lord does not hear my pleas–maybe He will hear yours. If this nightmare cannot be ended, I pray I die before she does so I do not have to endure the anguish of burying another child. Thank you.

  291. I need prayer for restoration of my marriage. I did not protect or take care of my wife and because of it she had/is having an emotional affair and now wants a divorce. She says that her affair is over because he is trying to work on his own marriage but still is going through with the divorce. I need him removed from our lives and for her to realize she still does love me. We have been together 11years have 5 children and 1 grandaughter

  292. Please keep our son, Jeremy, in prayer that his temper improve. He is a good 18 yr old, but his temper is out of control.
    And that our other son James find a job soon. He has been out of work for 4 months.

  293. Please pray for my daughter who is 7 years old and at birth she went through a few surgeries and she has hydrocephallus. Please prayer to God that she will no longer need the shunt in her head and it will be disappeared by the miracale of God’s touch. Also I would your paryers for her to do well in her studies and she is not doing that well. Constantly she will cry and wont tell us why she is crying. It pains me to her like this. Please pray for her recovery and keep her well.

  294. Please pray that Jesus gives my mom ( Ercilia Barahona) a quick recovery and restores my mom right arm and leg to their full function. Also that Jesus gives her the spiritual and emotional strength to help her through this time. Thank you all so much. She suffered a left side stroke.

  295. Please pray for our teenage son. He needs all the prayers we can give him during this difficult time in his life.

  296. i really need your prayers ,my job is at stake,my contract havent been renewed and this is my only source of income to take care of my mother and my sister,pray for me that i been given a new contract

  297. My boss, N George is deliberately trying to get me fired from my job.

    This could be catastrophic for me my wife and four children.two of whom are currently at university.

    I seek protection against George’s greatest efforts to get me fired.

    My job is critical and my only means of taking care of my family, which consist of my wife and four children.

  298. I really need your prayers , I need to find a job I need to help my husband we have 5 kids 2 car payments rent utilities insurance food with only one income is really hard please help me pray. Thank you

    1. Lord, I believe too. These current circumstances concerning my son are so, tragic, terrifying, and beyond all comprehension. I cannot think straight or even behave in a “normal manner.” It is so horrible and so much to cope with, i am truly in a daze. I beg you, my Lord, i beseech you, my son is a sinner, and has hurt many people in his pursuit of drugs, you shall not abandon him. I am afraid, Lord, how can I as a human being under such horrific circumstances, not be afraid? Yet I will fight to continue to trust you! I believe, and where my faith is not perfect, I beg you, help me in my unbelief!! I do not know this person. We finally got him to rehab, and he is doing well, but all of his frighterning misdeeds to obtain these drugs have now caught up with him. He doesnt even know yet. I am a strong, strong believer, and lover of Jesus Christ. The Lord has stepped in again and again- and he is a believer too. Drugs are a horrible, horrible evil. Tell us what to do, Lord. My poor husband is his stepfather, and he is suffering greatly over this too. You know our hearts, Lord. Stand with us, and stand with my son too. In the blessed name of Jesus Chist- and I DO so plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this entire matter- all that we know, and that which we do not know. For you know all, and are almighty God. Amen.

  299. lord do not lose faith in me, please let me find the funds to adopt my baby and live in the two countries with financial freedom for my family and I.

  300. Please pray for both my kids, they are battling to sleep at night. They are 9years old and 10month old.

  301. Please pray for my son Makwunta. Please pray that he choose the way of God and stay out of trouble and to stop hanging with the wrong crowd. Please pray that what ever trouble he may be in that God will have mercy on him and see him through it. Amen

  302. I need agreement for my son and daughter in law, for a miracle for their marraige. And spiritual restoration. They have only been married 4 years, and have two beautiful little girls. And the enemy has convinced her the only answer is divorce. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  303. please pray for me to be out of debt , my alcoholic husband an bring my family an I closer to God an improve my finances Amen.

  304. Please,help me to pray for a financial miracle,Me and my family going through a very hard and difficult time, thank you for standing on the gap for us. And God bless you.

  305. Please send prays to our Lord and cover me with his Precious Blood.
    I am experiencing something with my circulation, heart, thyroid and right breast.
    Please keep me safe while I under go whatever procedure needs to be done and restore me to perfect health

  306. Please send prayers to our Lord in behalf of my son and his young family as they will be traveling may God keep them in his protective arms safe. in Jesus name i pray . May all travelers be in the Lords grace.

  307. I have a 8 month old son who was born with Down Syndrome, also with a heart condition requiring open heart surgery. I meet with his surgeon in about 12 hours to discuss the details of the procedure, and to set a date for next month in July. I’ve never been more scared for anything in my life. Please pray for my baby, Andre, that it be a successful surgery with healing and speedy recovery… for surgeon, Dr Chai, for his skilled hands and caring nature…and for my other children trying to handle all the anxiety of this. Andre is the biggest blessing to our family, I think God for him everyday. Please pray for Andre…. we love him so much!! Thank You, Carol & baby Andre…and his siblings…Kevin, Lindsay, Tyler, Logan, and Jaelin.

  308. Our only 149 years old son has fallen under his ” friends’ ” influence and started smoking, drinking and experimenting with light drugs. Yesterday, he run away from home and is staying at his friend’s… . My wife and I feel helpless, devastated and don’t know what to do. We pray to the Lord enter our son’s heart and steer him away from the devil and the lifestyle he currently has. Could you please pray for the Lord, to be with him, to guide him and protect him at all times; not to let anything bad to happen to him and ultimately bring him back to us, safe and sound. Thank you and God Bless!

    1. I went through the same thing with my son, when he was 19 (he was raised in church) he went to the Marine corp and went wild. I was like the woman who went to the judge and never stopped. I prayed every scripture over my son, put a picture of him on my wall and put the word “Pastor” in front of his name, put oil on it and called those things as though they are though they were not. Fasted, and fasted!!!! The devil cannot have your son!!!
      HE is the seed of the ritghtous!! I will stand with you in prayer!! Be consistant and give it all you got.!!!!!!!!! My son is now married and back in church and has two boys, and now he is raising them in church. But it took a couple of years!! Be deligent!! GOd Bless you

  309. Our business is being taken away by unethical unscrupulous means. We had our pastor come by and dedicate our business to GOD! HE is in control and we will be HIS steward for the business we have given him. He will not fail us and we will not fail him. pray for our business to be restored in full even more than before . HE will guide us and we will be blessed and give HIM the praise and glory for all HE is doing.

  310. I ask prayer for myself that I become exactly as God has planed for my life. No more failure attitude. Keep my daughter and grandson on your prayer list. Pray salvation come to her house and protection for her and her son.. Thank you for your prayers

  311. please pray for me to grow stronger in faith i have just accepted Jesus and really need to walk in his path.

  312. I would love to have a job in music or math or medicine I do have training to do that but I have had some memory problems that make it difficult for me to pursue my dreams Please pray for me. I really need it. Thank you Tanya

  313. please pray for my 21 year college student to find a summer job. I am recently divorce and money is tight. He goes to college and only has a year and 1/2 left but i do not have the money i use to have.

  314. i would like to request a prayer for my little brother aaron. He not realy my brother but i been around him sence he was three and he is nine now we are close. He had a tough life already his dad passaway when he was 3 he was with his mom and his mom bf for about 3 years but when he was 7 his mom started doing heavy drug and started caring less for him and lost custody then his grandma got custody of him and his little sister but there grandma not realy much better then there mom she still do drugs and realy strict on him he started to not like his grandma much i agree with him i just want him To stay with me in my own place so i could take care of him and be that person that will always be there for him that will never leave him. Thats what he need in his life so he dont grow up hating life he nine and thats what he thinking about already. I told him dont worry i promise i will alway be there for him no matter what happen in life and i want to keep being there for him always. I want to keep my promise to him.

    in jesus name i pray

    thanks for praying with me
    god bless you

  315. Please pray with me for my son that he will be well and find peace in his heart. Pray that loneliness and sadness will leave him and that he finds a sincere friend. Thank you for your prayers.

  316. pray for our children sons eric,, evander cherie daughter-n-law and daughter lynn that they hv a intimate relationship with the LORD, and doors to open for them to school and job openings, that they let go of unGODLY music.

    1. pls pray for my kids to be God fearing men and woman to be propser for the to lead and not follow the world be different unqine and to love others as God has loved us

  317. My family stands in need of prayer. My aunt Margaret Gray is trying to rob my mother now that she has dementia and can not speak for herself. She has gotten lawyers involved and misrepresented what the truth is. She is trying to take property from my mother that her parents requested for her to have. This lady is in her 80’s and is still doing evil. I pray that she accepts Jesus as her personal savior as well as her children. I pray that she will do what’s right and stop doing evil. I really pray for peace in this family and allow my sister and I focus on our mom and not on her evil works. I trust in Jesus and know that he is bigger than my problems. I know that he will uphold the righteous.

  318. Please help me pray to my daughter to stay away from bad influence friends and drinking and to bring back back love to her parents… thank you very much

  319. please pray for my daughter/neice that they be successful in their GSAT exams next week; March21-22, 2013. Pray that they be in good health, be focused, relaxed and even now as they revise , pray that they will retain and remember what was taught/ studied. Even the subjects that they were shortchanged that God will intervene supernaturally in the minds of the entire class/classes. Pray that he touches the areas of the brain that is needed to function in the exams. Let them do exceptionally well and be placed in their first choice o schools. Pray that they will be able to manage the changes that are coming on the papers this year. Pray that God who is faithful will come through for them. He said” They are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.” Help them to be still and know that He is God. That the battle is His but the victory is theirs.

    1. Paula, I love your power prayer over the students!! I pray in total agreement with you! 🙂

  320. Please pray for my son Robert. He is using drugs and has bad friends. Im asking God to touch him and remove the curse of drugs and anger. Bless all of you.

  321. Please pray for my son Edgar who has been experimenting with drugs and bad associations. I declare that he is delivered in Jesus’ name, I declare that my family is restored, I declare victory over Satan. Favor and mercy will follow my family. Look God has made us new! In Jesus name I pray, Amen, Shalom

  322. Please pray for my 3 year old autistic son. He is an amazing blessing from God. I am so grateful. But services and therapies for his condition are lacking in our city, and I have to fight tooth and nail from him to get the help he needs and deserves. Please give me strength to never stop fighting for him, and please please please just let good things come to him and our family.

  323. Dear lord pray for me and my family were all going through tuff time’s lord help my father peggy there health is bad i no lord that you will help and heal all who are suffering amen

  324. Pls pray for my husband David to change his ways, he want to divorce me. I am deep in debt nd I want to turn my life around nd be a true christian. My mum is having stress bcos of financial problems. Pls pray for me. By faith it is done.

  325. Dear Lord I pray that you will ease my fears and give strength and wisdom to my oldest son who will soon find himself caring for three young siblings. He is full of fear and doubt but has a loving heart, I pray you will guide him and let him feel your love.

  326. Dear God, I need your blessing for a financial miracle now! Because, I want to relocate to be closer to my family, (by year end). Lord, I am also asking for healing to my physical body. And, for spiritual guidance in my life. God, I thank you in advance for all my needs.

  327. Please pray for my husband, livai, that he does’nt leave me and my daughter. Pray that he be strong in God and in our marriage. Thank you. Bless you.

  328. Please pray for my son Christian. He has been using all kind of drugs since he was 16 years old now he is 22 years. He has been in every rehab and treatment possible and also in and out of jail and I really dont know what else to do. I confess that sometimes I had lost faith because it has been too long waiting that God help my son I know heis hurting inside and that is why he is using drugs. At this moment noone knows where Chris is because he was released the 18 from jail again. Please help me pray for his complete healing phisically, mentally and spiritually. Please help me pray that God perfprme a miracle in my son’ life l.Somehow I still believe and have hope that if God had saved others He will also will delivered my son Christian from his drug addiction, depression and He will restore in my son the joy and desire to live a rigtheaus life. Thanks in advance for your prayers. God bless you all

  329. Please pray for my children (Beatrice, Christine Eli and Kearney John), who my two daughters is away from from. Also, for my 2 niece, who left by their father. (Pamela and Ysabelle)..

  330. Please pray for my kids Andrea 4 and Harold 2. Nowadays they are behaving very badly. Growling, crying aloud, taking off all the dresses, saying bad words etc. Please pray for them in Jesus’ name

  331. very real homeless threat is hurting our family.i am created and growing to be Gods person,i completely surrender and welcome His income & expenses, relationships & plan
    for life,no more or less then his best please pray for me and you,to know and do clearly lead by his spirit,we are behind on the mortgage. Now I’m concerned we’ll lose our home. thank you for praying for us, GBY- we praise, worship and affectionately bless our Loving Almighty Creator in Graceful Holiness, sincerely wholeheartedly forever. Amen!

  332. I am Joshy Mathew i need your prayers support relating to my problems. I got married on May 2009 till now we dont have kids, both of them worried we know our christ will do.I need some MAJOR PRAYER CHAIN for us blessed with a baby as soon as. Can you please forward this to as many people as possible and start a prayer chain for us.

  333. My name is Audrey Richards and I have a son who is 17 years old and his name is Alexandre Richards and he is still in school. My ex-husband isn’t working and can’t help us financially and i am not working either, yet, Alexandre needs to continue his studies. I am reaching out to Jesus Christ for divine intervention in providing for all of our needs, financial and other wise. Also, I am praying for us to have the finances to continue to live in our aptartment and to pay all of our bills as well as putting meals on the table for us to eat. It really isn’t easy for us. I am aslo asking the Lord to restore and heal my un-healthy hair and scalp. I have heart palpitations also so kindly keep us in your prayers. I really need to br healthy to take care of my son and myself. I have no member of my family living in switzerland as I am from Africa. Many thanks, Audrey.

  334. My trailer I bought two years ago is used and had been remodeled because of water damage from leaks. The dealer I bought it from assured me they had fixed all the leaks, and were suppose to come back to do some more work after I got it moved to my land, but never did. Now the trailer is falling apart, literally, there are places in the floor that feels as if it may fall through each time I walk across it. My father had passed away in 2010 and left me some money so I bought my trailer with cash and paid money down on three acres of land. I am disabled and single, with no one to help me financially or any other way. I cannot afford to get it fixed living on a very small income it takes all I have just to have necessities each month.
    I have repeatedly called and sent letters to the man that sold me the trailer asking him to fix it, but he ignores me. If it doesn’t get fixed in the next couple of months, and it keeps deteriorating at the rate it is going I will soon be out of a home. So I am terrified that I am going to be homeless. Please pray that either the people I bought the trailer from will grow a conscience or God will send someone to fix it, or open another door for me.

  335. June 11, 2012

    My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights…” James 1:17 (KJV).
    In my search to save the life of my child, I prayed diligently and God led me to a private Christian ministry fitness and weight-loss camp for Youth 4-18 years of age who are overweight and obese. Due to our being blessed through the camp’s services, I wanted others to know about this camp, and made a conscious decision to forward this letter to several churches, businesses, organizations, etc. to request prayer and financial assistance for the ministry. I’m pleased to be a partner/volunteer, and serve God by helping others. In an effort for divine intervention, my unwavering faith has led me to help bring increased awareness to individuals around the world. This is truly a wonderful ministry; engaged in implementing God’s work. We have been truly blessed by donating to this organization, but we realize the sowing of additional seeds is needed. We sowed into the ministry (to help kids suffering with obesity) and we’re still reaping fruits from God’s bountiful harvest.
    My request is to ask if you’ll search your heart and pray for the camp staff to continue their life’s purpose, which is to serve God by helping obese children and adults. Galatians 6:7-8 says, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Because the camp is a faith-based organization, all donations are tax-deductible. With God’s guidance, lives are being saved. Adults and more specifically children 4-18 years of age are overcoming medical risks associated with childhood obesity such as : Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, heart disease, stroke, just to name a few .
    Childhood and adult obesity affect all people regardless of gender, age, race or ethnicity. The program is primarily geared toward children who are overweight, at risk of becoming overweight and obese. The camp also has programs for adults because of the belief that in order to prevent obesity, parents must become involved. My request is to pray that the camp receive financial favor as you and others sow financial seeds to allow the camp to continue helping children and adults. I will continue to have faith and believe that the camp’s resources will be greatly increased, so the staff may continue to execute its profound purpose in life, which is to serve the Lord, while enriching, touching, and saving the lives of so many, with God’s guidance. In addition, there is also a Youth minister on staff who counsel children and even adults seeking to learn about the Lord. Youth and adult camp participants may also sign up for fellowship classes one night or every night of the week. What an awesome ministry with an awesome purpose, to extend the lifespan of children and adults. Currently, the indoor camp is open and the lake property camp is scheduled to open tentatively the summer of 2013. We must face the fact that for the first time in history, if we don’t help our youth fight this widespread obesity epidemic, according to statistics and research; children are likely to have a lifespan shorter than their parents.
    With financial support and God’s guidance, the camp will continue to be a tremendous asset to children and adults. Camp participants are encouraged to attend a faith-based church, and the youth minister has been successful (with the Lord’s help) in leading souls to the ‘Kingdom of God’. Please extend the lifespan of our future leaders- our nation’s children.
    Let’s save the lives of our future leaders and mentors. Thank you for your prayers.

    Epiphany blessings,


  336. please pray that my family receive the funds needed to move and start our life new in GA.

  337. Please pray for my Fiancée Reney to who am engaged 3 years back and my marriage was fixed for this year. Since a month since i was busy with some official trip for the office’s work & i did not get time to talk to her and had a short communication gap. Therefore she became very sad and upset about my behavior and out of the anger & stubbornness her heart got hardened & she decided she don’t want to continue for this marriage. I tried to apologize but she don’t want to listen to anything and her parents are also supporting it, am very upset and depressed with her behavior now. Please pray that god will touch her and give her the courage to forgive me and accept for the marriage. I really request for your prayer.Joe

  338. My son Shaun is 4 years he is not interested in studying and very hot tempered Pray for my son that he may enjoy is School days and find interest in studying heavenly father shower your blessing on my son in his growing year And let your perpetual light shine upon him Amen

  339. I am in need of prayers for my daughter. She is in jail, she went to the store with two friends. The friends committed an armed robbery, those two had a knife and the sister took the victim wallet and threw it on the ground, she told my daughter to grab the wallet, my daughter grabbed the wallet and threw it in the ditch and kept running. She compiled with the officers and told them that she didn’t know the two (brother and sister) was going to robbed someone. She is guilty for being in that sort of company and also for even picking up the wallet. She has a young child, her landlord called me and told me he knew she was in jail and he wanted her out his apartment and how long before I could take her things out, the sooner the better. I am so troubled, she have made a grave error and it has affected her in every way. I am hurting so bad, my blood pressure is high and I am under so much stress. Please pray with me that God give her favor for a deferred sentence, this is her first felony offense. May God Bless You.

  340. Please pray for Lexi and Shelby Akin (ages 3 and 5). They are both in the hospital having been diagnosed with double pneumonia and mono. The pneumonia is viral. Please pray also for their families that are so concerned about the lives of these 2 children.

  341. Let us, as the Body of Christ come together and agree over the needs of the lost , hurting, and lonely as the holiday season approaches. If we don’t care for them who will? Pray that the Body takes seriously each opportunity to reach out everyday. To stop the crazy business we all struggle with and open our eyes to what is around us. This prayer is really for us as much as the lost, this is what we were saved for! God, bless us with Your heart and Your eyes so that we can bring You glory and bring You joy.

  342. Please pray for my 3 sisters. Let God open their hearts to forgiveness and allow us to be a family in all ways. Let them feel Gods healing powers.

    1. May God send other sisters to walk with Colleen while she waits for her natural sisters to see the light. May she have Your joy today, Your peace, and dance through this day with the knowing that You are still in heaven and it isn’t over yet.

  343. My twin daughers are starting kindergarten tomorrow and they are having problems listening, following instructions. I am asking for prayer for them to be better listeners and not be disruptive in class.

    1. Michell ,
      How much red food dye are they taking in. My daughter was having difficulty with her son and they took him off all red food dye and he was able to concentrate better in school, church and home.

  344. Good morning! Praise God for giving you all the heart of a servant. Your dedication to this website and to praying for our children is awe inspiring to me as this is an area that I am lacking. I am the mother of four children and I regularly pray WITH two of them and FOR the other two. Please pray for and with me that I may become more dedicated to doing both for all of them. I spend much of my time ministering to broken women and couples. I have been called to focus on restoration and reconciliation. I need to focus also on rasing these warriors for Christ! Please pray for my focus on this task and for the hearts of my children to receive.
    God Bless,

  345. Tiffany and I have been separated for 11 months. She hails from Canada and am from Uganda. We fulfilled all the requirements for grant of a permanent residence status for me to be able to travel and reunite with her. Its been over 14 months since we started this process. Separation for such a long time is quite challenging. Please pray for us to be together again soon.

    Bless you

  346. Please remember the family of Joe Watlington. Not only did my Mother go to meet Jesus, but his daughter has gone to meet him as well, this weekend. Let us rejoice in their reunion, and lift up the hearts of the family that are sill here on earth.

  347. Lori,

    I jut got off the phone right now with my brother trying to convince him NOT to end his life today….he is going thru martial problems and I need some MAJOR PRAYER CHAIN going on for him…he knows the Lord but is withdrawn from him right now…I talked to him as much as possible to ask him NOT to do anything stupid. Can you please forward this to as many people as possible and start a prayer chain for him. His name is Dominic R

    1. find some testimoney on youtube from those that have tried and then have come back and found jesus, their are some very powerful testimonies from others who have been in the same place, this is a call for help, is their a christian healing centre in the countryside , my sister had been badly influenced , drugs , very bad crowd and had to remove her from those bad influences and get her to the country away from those bad influences, pray for the spiritual healing for your brother, Dominic in jesus name, there is hope and their is light at the end of the tunnel, jesus heals,

  348. Beth Ann Erhardt’s precious mother, Jody Ruff, who has loved much while walking this planet needs our prayers. She is in the hospital (late stage Alzheimers, possible stroke), Beth Ann is with her… please pray for Jody and her family… and take the time to twinkle today in honor of the way Jody lives her life… never meeting a stanger and sharing the love God placed in her heart with EVERYONE she meets in the course of each day!!!

  349. I just wanted to update you on my nephew Luke Hollas. He had his first surgery on Thursday. He was quite the trooper, a 6-hour surgery to implant 208 leads on his brain. However, since the surgery, he has not been able to keep anything down and is becoming very weak. He was originally scheduled for the brain resection for Tuesday – but he has not had any seizures since surgery. Normally this would be a good thing – but we need seizures to obtain data prior to the resection. Now they are trying sleep deprivation to initiate seizures.

    I ask that we pray for Luke for strength and for seizures. I am also asking for prayers for my sister Karen. She has not left Luke’s side and is herself exhausted. It has been extremely stressful and exhausting for her as well.

    Thank you for your prayers and support.

  350. Darin and Christina Burrell are an awesome couple who found out around 4 months ago that they were expecting their second child. These 4 months have been very trying for Christina as this has been a very difficult pregnancy. They were referred to see a specialist a couple of weeks ago and learned that their baby girl who Christina is carrying has a chromosome abnormality call Triploidy. They have named their unborn daughter Savannah Grace, which means Abundant Grace. Christina is wearing a “prayer pager” (1-956-213-3039) that is being sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church in McAllen, Texas.

    Please take a minute out of your day to say a prayer for the Burrell family (Savannah Grace, Christina, Darin, and big brother Jaythan). Please pray that little Savannah Grace will develop properly, for mommy’s health, and that mommy and daddy will experience a peace that surpasses all understanding, and then call the number (1-956-213-3039). It will vibrate letting them know that someone has prayed on their behalf. Also remember their doctors, asking for God’s guiding hand and wisdom as they care for Savannah Grace and Christina.

    The pager has a factory set greeting message that says, “Please leave a message after the tone.” However, instead of inputting your telephone number, input the numbers 733 followed by the # symbol, which is a special code meaning “Praying for you.” (The digits “733” represent the number of letters in each word.)

    Please call… just takes a second or two! What an awesome blessing and encouragement it will be for the Burrell’s every time they get a “buzz”. They covet and truly appreciate your prayers. Please pass this message along to all of your family and friends so that it will have a greater circulation and this family will be covered in prayer at all times.

    The Burrell’s created a CaringBridge site to keep everyone up to date on Savannah Grace. CaringBridge is a nonprofit organization that helps friends and families stay connected. You can visit Savannah Grace’s CaringBridge site at

    Thanks for your prayers and God Bless.

    Marshall & Palmira

  351. Luke will be 7 in December. In short – he goes into the hospital (most likely) on Sept 2 for a 4-6 week stay while they perform a brain resection to try and eliminate his epileptic seizures. Please lift Luke, his mom (Karen) and their family during this very trying time. There is potential that he could have serious deficits post-surgery. Pray that all the surgeons and teams are guided by God and we have a positive outcome. If you feel moved, please place Luke on your personal prayer list for a while!

    1. Please pray for Ryan Hogans that September 6,2016 that he will be release from Leon County JAIL with a cleared record about his driving licenses and small marijuana that his probation will be cleared so he can get back his job and his children. Ryan life change be on fire for God and faithful in church. RYAN will be bless with apartment so he have a place to stay not with women that God will send him a wife all the curses broken off his life.

    2. Pray for Tillie Hogans books that been published will be made out a movies that a producer will call me with a contract so i can help ministry and peoples do God work, also my invention a big company will buy me out, healing of right arm due to polio so I CAN USED my arm. My finance , I PAY my tithes that no generation curses and any curses caused by anyone in my life. that I get marry this year to Anthony.


    4. Please pray for my children Joshua Williams and Justin Williams writing the csec exams starting in March and ending in June 2023.

      1. Please help me pray for my son Demitri who can not stay or sleep in his house because he heard voices. I pray for total deliverance in the name of Jesus. I pray that God restore his souls and give him clarity of mind and spirit and soul in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen amen

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