Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer. Col 2:8-10
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Our world offers powerful substitutes for needs that only God can meet. Show my children that it is their union with Christ that makes them complete. He is the only answer. Col 2:8-10
Give my children Bible Promises in a bumper sticker world. Let them be as moved by scripture as they are by the latest quote! Your promises lead to a life of more joy, laughter, peace and contentment than any witty phrase. Rom 12:2, Psalm 1:1-3
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words. Mt 5:8
I pray my children put all anxiety to rest and learn to pray with grateful hearts making their requests known to You… for You promise Your peace in the hearts and minds of those who begin to trust and rely on Christ Jesus! Php 4:6-7
If my children don’t have peace, reveal to them the root. If the cause is their own sin may they confess it today, stop the sinful behavior, and most importantly RECEIVE forgiveness so Your joy may come to them! 2Sa 11:27, 1 Jn 1:9
Help my children carry the burden of someone else today, ta ing time to listen to a hurting friend, showing kindness to the lonely, or encouraging the downtrodden with their patience. Galatians 6:2
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank You for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Deuteronomy 30:2-3