Wednesday 2/18/09
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Lev 2:13, Mk 9:50
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My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Lev 2:13, Mk 9:50
My children will pray for those who persecute them. Give them the heart of Christ and let them react to persecution the way the soldier in the story did. When boots were thrown in his face as he knelt in prayer, he did nothing… and the next morning… the boots were polished and returned to…
You purposely created my children with a need that only You can meet. When they come to depend on other sources to fill that need they are guilty of idolatry. May they recognize what they are doing, stop, and learn to enjoy the fullness of a daily relationship with You. 2Peter 3:9, Isaiah 55:6
You promise to make my home joyful and favored if I am just and consistently righteous. Make me grateful for that promise so that I take it. In doing so my children will taste the blessing and someday place their home on the same foundation as mine. Pr 3:33
May my children find the blessings in their trials. Often times it takes the presence of a storm to find peace… as they pass through the storm and walk into the eye they find Jesus. I pray my children find Him without the need of a storm… but if that is not the case keep…
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study Your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners if their life. Let them receive Your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey You. Matthew 5:8, Hebrew 12:1, John 15:3, Psalms 50:10
My children will make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person that offends them. They will be bound together by love and let the peace that comes from Christ rule their hearts. Colossians 3:13-15