Sunday 1/17/2010
Let Your Holy Spirit lead the lives of my children. As they learn to yield to Your spirit, strengthen them to be a bearer of Your love to a broken world. May Your Holy Spirit give them great love for others. Col 1:8
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Let Your Holy Spirit lead the lives of my children. As they learn to yield to Your spirit, strengthen them to be a bearer of Your love to a broken world. May Your Holy Spirit give them great love for others. Col 1:8
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them. 1Pt 4:10
My children’s present struggle may be over what You want to do through them! When the world is saying no but something deep within my children stands firm, let them see that this is You… and if they walk it out… my children will achieve their God given destiny. Jn 7:38, Php 2:13
Speak tenderly to my children after You chastise them so they will be more open to receive Your forgiveness and subsequently obey Your voice. Give me a tender spirit also, so my discipline will be an earthly example of the freedom that follows repentance and results in obedience. Isa 40:1-2
My children will not receive the fruit of Your promise if they ask with wrong motives. I wouldn’t give a beggar provisions to buy beer and neither will God bless my children if they are solely motivated by their own selfish pleasures. Jas 4:3
Thank You Father for breaking the hold sin had over my children. May they receive this incredible gift by faith, believing that through Christ, they have the power to resist sin. I am so grateful that You have made a way for us to travel from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God……
My children will constantly listen to and obey Jesus. This is a direct command from You! I will do the same. Mark 9:7