Saturday 4/24/2010
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Heb 11:34
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Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Heb 11:34
My children will be more influenced by the future than the past. What they commit themselves to will determine who they are today and who they will become. Philippians 3:13
Of course my children will fall, that is the nature of humanity! I pray they don’t view the fall as the end… but the beginning. Thank You for extending Your hand down to them… I pray they take it, rise in Your strength and finish the course You have set before them! Pr 25:16
Take whatever faith my children possess and work with it! Your Word is filled with thousands of promises. May my children use the index at the end of their bibles, find the promises they need to carry them through their current trial… and then believe You that You are able and willing to deliver! May…
Secure my children’s values so they stand firm when tempted. May they know who they are. Then release them from the urge to compare themselves to others, especially those that are not pleasing You. Give them the grace to free others from conforming to their standards and the security to believe that judgment is Your…
My children will fear no enemies, not one! They will not tremble today or be terrified because of them. You are with them crushing those enemies and saving them from the potential pain of falling into traps and a life of destruction. Dt 20:3-4
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others … love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality … they won’t…