Saturday 5/21/2011
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
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As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
Let my children run in stride with those who (like them) are committed to lives of purity. Let them draw on examples of commitment to the Lord, like Eric Lidell (Chariots of Fire) and my life as encouragement to pursue their faith and finish their race. 2Timothy 2:22
My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them. John 4:23
Show my children that the true church isn’t a building but Christ’s body. Help them see that they are a vital part of that body and lead them to take their place. Open their hearts to receive Christ so they may receive the benefits of His presence. Eph 1:22-23
Make Your way level and straight before my children. They are young and need Your guidance. Send me out before them as a mighty worker removing stones and breaking down obstructions with every prayer I utter and every act of obedience and service to You. Ps. 5:7-8
We cannot produce peace, it is a fruit of the Spirit. When my children received Christ they also received His peace … they just don’t always know how to activate it. May they allow the Prince of Peace to govern their lives because it is in circumstances where my children submit to His will (not…
Left alone my children are vulnerable and incomplete. Surround them with Christians of all ages who continually motivate them to love Christ better and better. Create among them a spirit of Christian community where it isn’t odd or weird for them to reach out to each other for prayer or spiritual based encouragement. 3John 1:1-2