Wednesday 10/05/2011
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3
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May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attribute of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50
Teach my children that Christ has redeemed them from every curse of the law, including sickness and disease… that Jesus bore their sickness for them not with them. Reveal to my children the ways in which the enemy is blocking the manifestation of their healing so they can act to unlock Your promises into their…
My children will pray for those who persecute them. Give them the heart of Christ and let them react to persecution the way the soldier in the story did. When boots were thrown in his face as he knelt in prayer, he did nothing… and the next morning… the boots were polished and returned to…
Thank you for giving me Your peace. If I become wrought up or anxious about anything today, remind me that I am wasting treasure. Show me that it is as silly as swimming in a crystal clean river and complaining of thirst. Help me teach this to my children. Jn 14:7
My children will learn to seek Your wisdom in all situations. There are many people on this earth who are out to trick them… my children will be protected from false motives as they learn to seek You. Jos 9:14
Give my children a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will be intrinsically motivated to obey Your commands. Let them experience the light free feeling that flows from doing the ‘right’ thing so that they crave more and truly begin to understand that obedience is not only the root of character but the foundation…