Sunday 2/10/2013
My children have talent and God requires them to use it. They will not spend precious time strengthening the talents they want rather than the ones they already have. 1 Co 112:11
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My children have talent and God requires them to use it. They will not spend precious time strengthening the talents they want rather than the ones they already have. 1 Co 112:11
My children will consider the ways of the ant and be wise. The ant does not wait for someone to tell them how to survive, they just do it. Give my children the determination to accomplish the ingrained mission programmed into their very being … and the will to keep working daily toward that goal!…
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Hebrews 11:34
You promise to make my home joyful and favored if I am just and consistently righteous. Make me grateful for that promise so that I take it. In doing so my children will taste the blessing and someday place their home on the same foundation as mine. Proverbs 3:33
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Heb 10:36
My children will acknowledge the personal corruptions present in their hearts and give those to You, but they will not use them as a crutch to justify their shortcomings. They will present their pure unblemished hearts before You by covering themselves with the blood of Jesus… and they will live free. Lev 2:12 I confess I…
When my children find themselves condemning others, let that be a clue that they are not receiving forgiveness for their own sin. Guilt and condemnation tell my children that their sins are too big for God’s forgiveness. Help them adopt a humble attitude and forgive themselves the way God has. Isa 43:25