Friday 11/15/2013
I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Heb 12:12
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I am here to serve You Lord, give my children the wisdom to follow me. Though my hands are shaky and my legs are tired I am committed to your straight path where Your strength resides. Heb 12:12
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank You for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Dt 30:2-3
My children must first WALK OUT of the wilderness before God can deliver them to their Promised Land of blessing. May my children begin to speak God’s Word over their life rather than speak defeat… and choose to walk away from choices that bring them harm. Eph 4:29, Is 65:16
I pray my children’s lives become a conduit to bring Your love and purpose to fruition in the lives of those around them. Give me the wisdom to cleverly get Your Word into them until the day they begin to crave time alone with you … and that time will come! Isaiah 55:10-11
Show my children specific areas of their lives where they are displeasing You. May they repent, receive forgiveness and then work to remove those behaviors from their lives. In doing so, they will be free to live a life that is full of joy, peace, and much love! 2Ti 3:15-17
Surround my children with people who celebrate and worship You. May they love and be kind to all people, especially those who don’t know You… keep them from adopting the ways of those who do not trust You… so they do not fall victim to the enemy. Jos 23:14
Thank you for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives. Jas 1:2-4