Sunday 12/15/2013
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
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Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
My children will live in truth and love so they may have the grace, mercy, and peace that comes from You and from Your son Jesus Christ. Truth is internal and may be accomplished in quiet meditation but love requires us to reach beyond ourselves. We have been commanded to love one another from the…
I pray that at some point in this day I will have the opportunity to teach my children that good and evil are both present in each of our hearts… and that whichever we choose to feed is the one we will become. Ro 12:21
In the midst of my children’s pain, let them find someone who is hurting and offer them help and hope. In doing so they will please God and possibly save a life! Lk 23:39-43, Ac 7:59-60
Whisper to my children today, remind them to stand strong, vigorous and very courageous… to be neither afraid nor dismayed. Let them feel Your presence as they are touched by a stranger’s smile, the song of the wind, the warmth of the sun, and the sting of the rain and know that You, the Lord…
May Your Word become a guide for my children so that when they read ‘let every man be quick to hear, ready to listen, slow to speak, slow to take offense and slow to get angry’ that they take it to heart and implement Your wisdom! James 1:19
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3