Monday 2/24/2014
Work in my children; give them the desire to obey You and the power to do what pleases You. Philippians 2:13
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Work in my children; give them the desire to obey You and the power to do what pleases You. Philippians 2:13
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God … I pray I feel them too! Daniel 10:10
My children will not be hindered by their past mistakes. When thoughts of hurt and betrayal enter their thoughts today, remind my children that You gave Your Son for their forgiveness… so they appreciate Your ultimate act of sacrifice so that they may live a free, peaceful, and joy filled life. Once their mind is…
May my children walk in all that You hold for them. May their lives transform to be a place of refuge and protection from a broken world. The world is broken but my children are NOT because they are the redeemed of the Lord … saved by the one and only source of salvation ……
By faith, my children will walk under the protection of their Lord. They will serve You and have no fear of being tormented or injured by the creatures of the pit. They are called to evangelize and to total faithfulness out of concern for others who do not share this protection, even in the face…
Help my children listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into Your wonderful light. 1Peter 2:8-9
It is only our faith and trust in God that makes us truly successful on earth. My children will remain strong in the Lord for the short time they are here and NOT become enamored by the ways of the world. Jos 23:13