Tuesday 4/8/2014
As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Philippians 3:13, 20
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As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Philippians 3:13, 20
Whenever my children pray, they must forgive anything they have against anyone so that their Father in heaven will also forgive them! If they do not, neither will their Father in heaven forgive them! Mark 11:25-26
I pray my children don’t become lifelong whiners… and I pray even harder that I don’t get sucked in by those who do! Give my children warrior spirits so they don’t freak out when they encounter trials (at least not for long!) Let me teach them (by example) to rise in the midst of adversity…
As we walk through trials, our one mission is learning to rely on and trust God. Thank You for promising restoration and blessing as we practice our faith in the face of adversity. Dt 30:2-3
As my children mature allow me to give them the dignity of making more and more of their own mistakes and then letting them learn from those experiences. They belong to You not me… keep me from hindering You from working in their lives by over parenting. Ro 12:16, 14:3, 14:23
When someone exits my children’s life … that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned … it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths, then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Samuel 12:20
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Hebrews 11:34