Wednesday 6/11/2014
For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan!
Ephesians 1:11
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For their own good, I pray my children make up their minds to walk with You and follow Your plan!
Ephesians 1:11
Keep my children from believing the lie that the thing they desire most will bring them the happiness they so desperately crave (be it a relationship, their health, a certain possession, financial security, etc…). Teach my children that true happiness comes when they trust You for what they need, knowing if it’s right You’ll provide…
May those who care for my children find rest. Your Word teaches us that the natural path away from depression, lack of perspective, and a sense of hopelessness is to rest our bodies, receive the love being poured out to us by friends, and banish the whispers of fear by replacing them with Your voice…
We offer You our hearts, dedicated and fully immersed in a lifestyle of continual worship. Let my children release their gifts, talents, and abilities to You so they may hear what kind of sacrifice You want from them. With a pure heart they will serve You first so the purpose of their lives will be…
Let my children recognize that the little rainbows in their lives (the small needs met at just the right time) are the signs that You care for them. I will watch for these moments in their lives also and together will worship You in gratitude and love. Genesis 9:13-15
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives … not just to their lives but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Corinthians 3:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
I pray my children don’t become lifelong whiners… and I pray even harder that I don’t get sucked in by those who do! Give my children warrior spirits so they don’t freak out when they encounter trials (at least not for long!) Let me teach them (by example) to rise in the midst of adversity…