Sunday 10/05/2014
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter.
Esther 10:3
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May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter.
Esther 10:3
May those who care for my children find rest. Your Word teaches us that the natural path away from depression, lack of perspective, and a sense of hopelessness is to rest our bodies, receive the love being poured out to us by friends, and banish the whispers of fear by replacing them with Your voice…
Build strong character in my children by teaching them the importance of self discipline. Their greatest victories will be their internal ones. They will set their standards high by following the example of the spiritual strength and character needed to accomplish great things for You. Proverbs 16:32, Matthew 16:24
Make my house strong so the enemy can’t use us to hurt each other. As I parent Your remarkable children… I will keep them from hunger, anger, loneliness, and exhaustion… that is when they become vulnerable and make bad decisions. Thank You for loving me and sharing this wisdom with me this morning. Mt 24:43
Do not let my children value what is worthy by the measure of this world. They will not fear displeasing their peers and being left out of certain circles, rather, they will develop a wholesome dread of displeasing You. Isaiah 8:12-13
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth and the Life … give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. John 14:1,6
Let me experience much joy and comfort from my children’s love, specifically their love for others. This kindness so often refreshes the hearts of God’s people. They worship You in serv- ing others and behave as true disciples of Christ. Philemon 1:7