Thursday 4/09/2015
My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them.
John 4:23
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My children will smile today when they think of You. They will spontaneously do something nice for someone else as they are reminded of how much You have already done for them.
John 4:23
When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You … and pray for redirection! 2 Timothy 2:16
May my children find the blessings in their trials. Often times it takes the presence of a storm to find peace… as they pass through the storm and walk into the eye they find Jesus. I pray my children find Him without the need of a storm… but it that is not the case keep…
Sometimes when my children are experiencing a season of loss… they forget the good stuff. Their own loss hardens them to the plight of others as well as their own blessings. Their happiness will never come from getting what they want, but only through gratitude for what they already have. Please remind them today to…
I pray my children know You through Jesus… for He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to You but through Jesus! May they humble themselves and finally accept that they can NOT earn Your love, forgiveness, devotion, or salvation! Jn 14:6
Faith enables my children to receive what God has already done. He has already made my children healthy, wealthy and wise … but they must believe it to receive it. May my children remain patience and steadfast in their faith as they mature in Christ and transform their lives and their destiny through obedience to…
The world around us is under the power and control of the evil one. My children are safe, Your Son holds them securely so that the evil one cannot get his hands on them. Keep my children away from anything that might take Your place in their hearts. 1John 5:18-19