Friday 8/07/2015
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God … I pray I feel them too!
Daniel 10:10
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The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God … I pray I feel them too!
Daniel 10:10
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many many blessings You have given them… their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Ps 19:13
Let my children be grateful. Teach them the ‘reinforcement principle’ … they get more of what they acknowledge … so that they begin to routinely thank the ones they love for even the smallest favor. They already practice common courtesy when they are in public, thanking coaches, the lunch lady, the checkout clerks … let…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings You have given them … their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Psalms 19:13
Whisper to my children today, remind them to stand strong, vigorous and very courageous… to be neither afraid nor dismayed. Let them feel Your presence as they are touched by a stranger’s smile, the song of the wind, the warmth of the sun, and the sting of the rain and know that You, the Lord…
Do not let my children develop an attitude of superiority. You created them to carry the burdens of others… and their load will require assistance, too. Let them receive the understanding and concept of teamwork and allow themselves to need help. The people You then place alongside them will take their breath away! 1Ki 10:20
Help my children understand that many are called to God but few are chosen. They must put on the robe of righteousness when presenting themselves before God. Show them that Jesus Christ is that robe and then help dress them for the rest of their lives in Your eternal garment. Mt 22:14