Tuesday 10/13/2015
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer.
Psalms 66:18-19
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May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and hears their voice in prayer.
Psalms 66:18-19
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Give my children the heart to protect Your creation. They have dominion over the works of Your hands and all things have been put under their feet. Make them aware of how precious and important they are in this world. Psalms 8:6
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth and the Life … give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. John 14:1,6
The seeds have been planted! My children have talents they haven’t discovered and dreams that haven’t been filled. Give them the faith and patience to know they are evolving… to keep them humble in seasons of great harvest… and strong in times of lack. Ge 2:8
Help my children understand that the turmoil in their lives is not Your will for them. Show them that strife is the work of Satan. You made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. You were pleased to live in Christ. Let them be, too! Colossians…
I pray my children yearn for Your presence, for when they do … it is a clear picture of a satisfied life. Just as those who drink water crave water to satisfy their thirst … those who experience the presence of God crave Him to satisfy their souls. Isaiah 55:1-2
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Give my children the heart to protect Your creation. They have dominion over the works of Your hands and all things have been put under their feet. Make them aware of how precious and important they are in this world. Psalms 8:6
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth and the Life … give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. John 14:1,6
The seeds have been planted! My children have talents they haven’t discovered and dreams that haven’t been filled. Give them the faith and patience to know they are evolving… to keep them humble in seasons of great harvest… and strong in times of lack. Ge 2:8
Help my children understand that the turmoil in their lives is not Your will for them. Show them that strife is the work of Satan. You made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. You were pleased to live in Christ. Let them be, too! Colossians…
I pray my children yearn for Your presence, for when they do … it is a clear picture of a satisfied life. Just as those who drink water crave water to satisfy their thirst … those who experience the presence of God crave Him to satisfy their souls. Isaiah 55:1-2
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Give my children the heart to protect Your creation. They have dominion over the works of Your hands and all things have been put under their feet. Make them aware of how precious and important they are in this world. Psalms 8:6
Do not let my children’s hearts be troubled, distressed or agitated. Show them the Way, the Truth and the Life … give me the words to pray over them to help my children see You and know that You are the living God able to calm their hearts. John 14:1,6
The seeds have been planted! My children have talents they haven’t discovered and dreams that haven’t been filled. Give them the faith and patience to know they are evolving… to keep them humble in seasons of great harvest… and strong in times of lack. Ge 2:8
Help my children understand that the turmoil in their lives is not Your will for them. Show them that strife is the work of Satan. You made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross. You were pleased to live in Christ. Let them be, too! Colossians…
I pray my children yearn for Your presence, for when they do … it is a clear picture of a satisfied life. Just as those who drink water crave water to satisfy their thirst … those who experience the presence of God crave Him to satisfy their souls. Isaiah 55:1-2