Tuesday 12/17/2015
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Romans 15:5-6
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Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Romans 15:5-6
I pray my children’s lives become a conduit to bring your love and purpose to fruition in the lives of those around them. Give me the wisdom to cleverly get your Word into them until the day they begin to crave time alone with you… and that time will come! Isa 55:10-11
My children will fear no enemies, not one! They will not tremble today or be terrified because of them. You are with them crushing those enemies and saving them from the potential pain of falling into traps and a life of destruction. Dt 20:3-4
My children have a hope and a future. Help them to focus on that, not the past. Use their pain to show them how to help bring healing to others … that it is the broken who become masters at mending. Isaiah 43:18-19
Let my children savor the fruits of their own industry. Give them a spirit of independence so they taste the exquisite reward of freedom … then let them readily share the overflowing abundance of their hearts and their treasure … for when they truly love others my children will begin to see God’s hand working…
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus … and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives (however slowly … teenagers!) Once the doubt is…
I pray my children stand firm and NEVER give in to a coldness of heart. May they never allow the enemy to talk them into protecting themselves relationally by shutting their hearts up in a steel box. Matthew 24:12