Thursday 3/17/2016
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts.
Colossians 3:16
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Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts.
Colossians 3:16
My children have a hope and a future. Help them to focus on that, not the past. Use their pain to show them how to help bring healing to others … that it is the broken who become masters at mending. Isaiah 43:18-19
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender … may they feel the pain of their own sin so that…
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too! Dan 10:10
Help my children understand what it means to honor one another above themselves. Let them experience the unexpected joy of helping others and the unbelievable peace that comes when they stop believing that their way is the only way. Romans 12:10
Show my children that they are Your masterpiece … that You created them anew in Christ Jesus so that they can do the good things You planned for them long ago. Ephesians 2:10
My children have a hope and a future. Help them to focus on that, not the past. Use their pain to show them how to help bring healing to others … that it is the broken who become masters at mending. Isaiah 43:18-19
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender … may they feel the pain of their own sin so that…
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too! Dan 10:10
Help my children understand what it means to honor one another above themselves. Let them experience the unexpected joy of helping others and the unbelievable peace that comes when they stop believing that their way is the only way. Romans 12:10
Show my children that they are Your masterpiece … that You created them anew in Christ Jesus so that they can do the good things You planned for them long ago. Ephesians 2:10
My children have a hope and a future. Help them to focus on that, not the past. Use their pain to show them how to help bring healing to others … that it is the broken who become masters at mending. Isaiah 43:18-19
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…
Give my children the wisdom necessary to understand the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice. You teach us that sin has earthly consequences and You also teach us how to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin. Open my children’s hearts and make them tender … may they feel the pain of their own sin so that…
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too! Dan 10:10
Help my children understand what it means to honor one another above themselves. Let them experience the unexpected joy of helping others and the unbelievable peace that comes when they stop believing that their way is the only way. Romans 12:10
Show my children that they are Your masterpiece … that You created them anew in Christ Jesus so that they can do the good things You planned for them long ago. Ephesians 2:10