Monday 12/4/2017
Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else.
Galatians 6:4-5
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Help my children do what they should so they may enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done their work well. They are responsible for their own conduct and don’t need to compare themselves to anyone else.
Galatians 6:4-5
Do not let my children value what is worthy by the measure of this world. They will not fear displeasing their peers and being left out of certain circles, rather, they will develop a wholesome dread of displeasing You. Isaiah 8:12-13
Make my house strong so the enemy can’t use us to hurt each other. As I parent Your remarkable children… I will keep them from hunger, anger, loneliness, and exhaustion… that is when they become vulnerable and make bad decisions. Thank You for loving me and sharing this wisdom with me this morning. Mt 24:43
Thank You for giving my children Your Word and giving me the insight to release its power into their lives. May they exercise the power of the Word in their own lives by learning to adhere to, trust in, and rely on it! 1 Th 2:13
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Heb 12:12-13
Give my children a wholesome dread of displeasing You so they will be intrinsically motivated to obey Your commands. Let them experience the light free feeling that flows from doing the ‘right’ thing so that they crave more and truly begin to understand that obedience is not only the root of character but the foundation…
May my children submit to Christ, stop fretting about their hurts and challenges and give them to You!!! May they spend time everyday thanking You and seeking You… so that they experience peace like a mighty river rolling through their obedient lives! Isa 48:18