Friday 2/23/2018
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words.
Matthew 5:8
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Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words.
Matthew 5:8
Let me know my children’s weakness, but show them their strengths; feel their fears but fortify their faith; see their anxieties but free their spirit; recognize their disabilities but emphasize their possibilities. Proverbs 27:17 & William Alan Ward
Build strong character in my children by teaching them the importance of self discipline. Their greatest victories will be their internal ones. They will set their standards high by following the example of the spiritual strength and character needed to accomplish great things for You. Pr 16:32, Mt 16:24
My children will learn to be courageous much like they learned to walk. They will see Your outstretched arms and hear Your loving voice saying, “Come, you can do it!” Make them see that the assurance of Your voice, Your presence… is all they need to tread safely into the unknown. Dt 31:6
Let my life be a reminder to my children that we must obey the commands of God revealed to us through scripture. Many things are kept secret and for those we aren’t responsible … but where scripture is clear … there are no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ nor exceptions. Deuteronomy 29:29
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in His glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Col 1:27