Sunday 12/16/2018
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Peter 4:10
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Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Peter 4:10
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other. Ro 15:5-6
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
When my children are knowingly or unknowingly walking in sin, cause their hearts to soften. May they hear and heed Your messengers rather than mock Your rebukes. Yes, gossip really does sting back and those innocent white lies are still entrances for the enemy. There are natural consequences to sin … may my children repent…
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives… not just to their lives… but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Co 3:18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Hebrews 10:36
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others… love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality… they won’t long for…
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other. Ro 15:5-6
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
When my children are knowingly or unknowingly walking in sin, cause their hearts to soften. May they hear and heed Your messengers rather than mock Your rebukes. Yes, gossip really does sting back and those innocent white lies are still entrances for the enemy. There are natural consequences to sin … may my children repent…
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives… not just to their lives… but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Co 3:18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Hebrews 10:36
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others… love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality… they won’t long for…
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other. Ro 15:5-6
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
When my children are knowingly or unknowingly walking in sin, cause their hearts to soften. May they hear and heed Your messengers rather than mock Your rebukes. Yes, gossip really does sting back and those innocent white lies are still entrances for the enemy. There are natural consequences to sin … may my children repent…
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives… not just to their lives… but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Co 3:18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Hebrews 10:36
Show my children the steps they need to take to express their love to others… love is an action word. Let them begin to spend more time focusing on building relationships than building their toy box. This wisdom will naturally come to them as they are faced with their own mortality… they won’t long for…