Friday 3/01/2019
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
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Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attribute of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50
Lord, help my children run with exuberance. Give them endurance by stripping off every weight that slows them down. Teach them to keep their eyes on Jesus and know that they are His joy. Heb 12:1
Give my children the drive to know You intimately then help them understand it won’t happen overnight. Let my children witness me taking the time and effort to become deeply acquainted with You so that they will have the faith to pursue a relationship with You that is so close that you will walk together…
Give my children spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they will grow in their knowledge of You. Help them see that the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is available to them. Ephesians 1:17,19-20
I pray my children humble themselves and begin to understand their relationship with You. We are Your tools and You are the master craftsman. You give us talents and the will to develop them … You open doors and bring provision … we MUST give all glory to You … or we will fall. Isaiah…
Let my children receive nourishment from Christ by meditating on the Word so that all their needs will be satisfied and their lives will abound with the fruit of His works! Psalms 104:3