Friday 8/09/2019
May my children grow in the footsteps of Christ and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and may the grace of God be upon them.
Luke 2:40
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May my children grow in the footsteps of Christ and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and may the grace of God be upon them.
Luke 2:40
May those who care for my children find rest. Your Word teaches us that the natural path away from depression, lack of perspective, and a sense of hopelessness is to rest our bodies, receive the love being poured out to us by friends, and banish the whispers of fear by replacing them with Your voice…
Let Your Holy Spirit lead the lives of my children. As they learn to yield to Your spirit, strengthen them to be a bearer of Your love to a broken world. May Your Holy Spirit give them great love for others. Colossians 1:8
I pray my children humble themselves before You rather than forcing You to humble them. May my children find a quiet place to humble themselves before You today so that the boulders of their pride roll off their road to freedom which are blocking their spirits and lives from receiving all that You have planned…
Let my life be a reminder to my children that we must obey the commands of God revealed to us through scripture. Many things are kept secret and for those we aren’t responsible … but where scripture is clear … there are no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ nor exceptions. Deuteronomy 29:29
May my children look to God alone for direction and not become dependent on the world to define who they will become. 1Sa 8:19-20
Help my children understand what it means to honor one another above themselves. Let them experience the unexpected joy of helping others and the unbelievable peace that comes when they stop believing that their way is the only way. Ro 12:10