Saturday 1/18/2020
Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Psalms 105:19
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Prepare my children to grasp the glorious future You have laid before them. Make their dreams strong and clear so they will have the vision to endure the trials and obstacles that will stand in their way.
Psalms 105:19
Build strong character in my children by teaching them the importance of self discipline. Their greatest victories will be their internal ones. They will set their standards high by following the example of the spiritual strength and character needed to accomplish great things for You. Pr 16:32, Mt 16:24
Reveal to my children that letting their minds become seduced from wholehearted, sincere, and pure devotion to Christ is no different from Eve taking that apple. Both hinge on the test of obedience. Eve wasn’t ejected from the garden simply because she ate the fruit but because she disobeyed God by rejecting His authority. We…
Whenever my children pray, they must forgive anything they have against anyone so that their Father in heaven will also forgive them! If they do not, neither will their Father in heaven forgive them! Mk 11:25-26
May my children grow in the footsteps of Christ and become strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and may the grace of God be upon them. Luke 2:40
Teach my children not to condemn other Christians. Help them understand that we are each accountable to God. Let their minds be free of this clutter so they may focus on serving You. Romans 14:10
Change my children’s attitude. Help them understand that while on this earth, in order to receive victory in their battles and success in their endeavors, they must OBEY You. Your love is unconditional, but the power of Your blessing is only released to the obedient. The first step in obedience is believing You tell the…