Sunday 3/01/2020
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
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Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard … it is about getting them to work together.
1Samuel 7:12 Numbers 11:14, Nehemiah 4:6
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
The power of sin is broken in my children’s lives. If they choose to receive it (by walking out their faith) then they get to live in the kingdom of God while on earth rather than the kingdom of Satan. Thank You that my children do not have to live in sickness, poverty, depression, controlled…
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in his glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Col 1:27
Reveal Your magnificence to my children … use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth Googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake … just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble … for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many many blessings You have given them… their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Ps 19:13
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
The power of sin is broken in my children’s lives. If they choose to receive it (by walking out their faith) then they get to live in the kingdom of God while on earth rather than the kingdom of Satan. Thank You that my children do not have to live in sickness, poverty, depression, controlled…
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in his glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Col 1:27
Reveal Your magnificence to my children … use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth Googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake … just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble … for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many many blessings You have given them… their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Ps 19:13
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret! Isa 43:18
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
The power of sin is broken in my children’s lives. If they choose to receive it (by walking out their faith) then they get to live in the kingdom of God while on earth rather than the kingdom of Satan. Thank You that my children do not have to live in sickness, poverty, depression, controlled…
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in his glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Col 1:27
Reveal Your magnificence to my children … use the mountains, the testing of someone like Nick Vujicic (worth Googling), or the wonder of the tiny snowflake … just help my children view themselves in relation to You so they may remain humble … for only the humble will be lifted up and their lives made…
I pray my children will turn to You often throughout their day in praise and thanksgiving for the many many blessings You have given them… their warm beds, the refreshing warmth of the sun, the warmth of my smile, and all the little surprises waiting for them as they live today. Ps 19:13