Tuesday 1/05/2020
Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong.
Heb 12:12-13
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Help me take my tired hands and stand firm on my shaky legs. Give me wisdom to mark out a straight path for my feet. Then my children who are following me will not stumble and fall but will become strong.
Heb 12:12-13
Make my children willing to suffer for Your name, to choose not to sin and stand firm in pleasing You. This is one of the ways they show their love for You and place themselves in the Shelter of the Most High and causes them to dwell in love. Ps 91:1
Thank You for allowing winds to come against my children. For it is in weathering their storms that they develop the strength and character necessary to succeed throughout their lives. James 1:2-4
As my children mature, I pray they begin to rejoice when they see people acting differently from ‘the world’… following the Lord in obedience instead! When my children truly begin to serve You… their definition of ‘cool’ will completely change from those imitating Hollywood… to those imitating Christ! 1 Co 13:6
Keep my children away from complaining and arguing. Help them live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:14-15
May my children find the blessings in their trials. Often times it takes the presence of a storm to find peace… as they pass through the storm and walk into the eye they find Jesus. I pray my children find Him without the need of a storm… but if that is not the case keep…
Reveal to my children the secret to experiencing Your constant presence… God walks with and pours blessing upon those walking with him, not the other way around! May my children learn to walk with God rather than begging Him to walk with them! 2 Cor 2:14, Ps. 84:5 We have a new prayer request posted….