Saturday 1/23/2021
Keep my children from busying themselves with other people’s affairs rather than doing their own work. I will correct them as needed without becoming weary or losing heart in doing right. I will be consistent.
1Th 3:11-13
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Keep my children from busying themselves with other people’s affairs rather than doing their own work. I will correct them as needed without becoming weary or losing heart in doing right. I will be consistent.
1Th 3:11-13
It was never your intent for us to view our faith as a private personal matter. Engage my children with others to be a vital member of Christ’s body sharing life with other believers. Let them serve together and develop true spiritual friendships. They will not co-exits, but co-labor for your great cause. You designed…
Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people … I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives….
My children always have the last word. May they learn to speak encouragement over themselves, tune out the naysayers, and even their own self doubt will begin to disappear… replaced with a winning spirit! Isa 65:16
My children will not receive the fruit of Your promise if they ask with wrong motives. I wouldn’t give a beggar provisions to buy beer and neither will God bless my children if they are solely motivated by their own selfish pleasures. Jas 4:3
It was never your intent for us to view our faith as a private personal matter. Engage my children with others to be a vital member of Christ’s body sharing life with other believers. Let them serve together and develop true spiritual friendships. They will not co-exits, but co-labor for your great cause. You designed…
Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people … I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives….
My children always have the last word. May they learn to speak encouragement over themselves, tune out the naysayers, and even their own self doubt will begin to disappear… replaced with a winning spirit! Isa 65:16
My children will not receive the fruit of Your promise if they ask with wrong motives. I wouldn’t give a beggar provisions to buy beer and neither will God bless my children if they are solely motivated by their own selfish pleasures. Jas 4:3
It was never your intent for us to view our faith as a private personal matter. Engage my children with others to be a vital member of Christ’s body sharing life with other believers. Let them serve together and develop true spiritual friendships. They will not co-exits, but co-labor for your great cause. You designed…
Help my children to listen to Your word and obey it. They will show others the goodness of God for You called them out of the darkness and into your wonderful light. 1Pe 2:8-9
I pray my children learn this pattern: seek You, listen, trust You, then praise You while they wait! Help my children understand that praising You is the KEY to unlocking Your power into their current situation. It is all about faith … and when their faces are long and their spirits are hopeless … their…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people … I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives….
My children always have the last word. May they learn to speak encouragement over themselves, tune out the naysayers, and even their own self doubt will begin to disappear… replaced with a winning spirit! Isa 65:16
My children will not receive the fruit of Your promise if they ask with wrong motives. I wouldn’t give a beggar provisions to buy beer and neither will God bless my children if they are solely motivated by their own selfish pleasures. Jas 4:3