Wednesday 5/12/2021
Give my children the kind of faith that will give them the patience to wait
for everything good that they want. Let them delight in and celebrate You so that You will give them the desires of their heart.
Ps 37:4,7
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Give my children the kind of faith that will give them the patience to wait
for everything good that they want. Let them delight in and celebrate You so that You will give them the desires of their heart.
Ps 37:4,7
I pray my children NEVER ignore the poor … for he who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered. Proverbs 21:13
I pray my children humble themselves before You rather than forcing You to humble them. May my children find a quiet place to humble themselves before You today so that the boulders of their pride roll off their road to freedom which are blocking their spirits and lives from receiving all that You have planned…
May the Lord make my children increase, excel, and overflow in love for one another and for all people… just as I do for them! 1 Thes 3:12
Making God the ultimate authority in every decision my children make is the key to unlocking the door that releases peace into their lives. As Christians, the peace is always available to them (as is the love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) but they MUST choose Your will (they know the sound…
As my children charge through their day and face the many battles waiting for them outside our door (and in their own hearts) make Your presence known. Let them know You have their back so they may confidently traverse the path You have set before them. Dt 20:1
Don’t let my children conform to this world but let them be transformed by the renewal of their mind. Give me a heart to be their spiritual blacksmith so that I may use my time with them wisely … molding them to follow You. 1Samuel 13:19