Saturday 2/12/2022
Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt
they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Th 5:16-22
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Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt
they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Th 5:16-22
Make my children’s roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so they will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth. Let their lives overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done! Col 2:7
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Lord, give my children the wisdom to find common ground with those You place in their lives. Fill them with passion for You so they may be a light to this world. Let them receive the joy that comes with Your blessings. 1Co 9:22-23
My children will acknowledge the personal corruptions present in their hearts and give those to You, but they will not use themas a crutch to justify their shortcomings. They will present their pure unblemished hearts before You by covering themselves with the blood of Jesus … and they will live free. Leviticus 2:12
Make my children’s roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so they will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth. Let their lives overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done! Col 2:7
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Lord, give my children the wisdom to find common ground with those You place in their lives. Fill them with passion for You so they may be a light to this world. Let them receive the joy that comes with Your blessings. 1Co 9:22-23
My children will acknowledge the personal corruptions present in their hearts and give those to You, but they will not use themas a crutch to justify their shortcomings. They will present their pure unblemished hearts before You by covering themselves with the blood of Jesus … and they will live free. Leviticus 2:12
Make my children’s roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so they will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth. Let their lives overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done! Col 2:7
Thank You for giving my children tender hearts. Yes, they feel pain as their hearts break for what breaks Yours, and they feel the piercing arrows of Your correction. May they never harden so that this divine connection of the heart they share with You remains strong. Their faith is defined as they learn to…
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
Praying repetitive empty words blocks my children’s prayers from reaching You. May they talk to You from their hearts! Matthew 6:7-8
Lord, give my children the wisdom to find common ground with those You place in their lives. Fill them with passion for You so they may be a light to this world. Let them receive the joy that comes with Your blessings. 1Co 9:22-23
My children will acknowledge the personal corruptions present in their hearts and give those to You, but they will not use themas a crutch to justify their shortcomings. They will present their pure unblemished hearts before You by covering themselves with the blood of Jesus … and they will live free. Leviticus 2:12