Monday 8/07/2023
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too!
Dan 10:10
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The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too!
Dan 10:10
May my children remember our talks with joy and want to spend time with me as much as I want to be with them. I receive comfort in my own suffering when my children remain strong in their faith. How I thank God for them! 1Th 3:7
Of course my children will fall, that is the nature of humanity! I pray they don’t view the fall as the end… but the beginning. Thank You for extending Your hand down to them… I pray they take it, rise in Your strength and finish the course You have set before them! Pr 25:16
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives … not just to their lives … but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Corinthians 3:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Do not allow my children to fret about the unsaved. It is not their job nor do they have the power to save others. Let them live a joyful life knowing You have their back here on earth and that they will spend eternity with You. Their job is to plant the seed then remain…
Impress upon my children the urgency and importance of today. Rather than put off their obligations or delay their dreams, they will begin today, and in doing so release Your power over their lives. They will live by faith and not the illusion of their own power. Gal 6:4
Keep my children in front of Your mirror. Set their gaze on You. As they begin to see their reflection through Your eyes they will see the actions they need to take in order to come in line with who You want them to become. Remind them as often as needed to feel no shame…