Saturday 12/16/2023
Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Pt 4:10
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Reveal to my children their unique gifts. Give them the wisdom and courage to manage them well so that Your generosity can flow through them.
1Pt 4:10
Let my children meet the needs of others. Give them abundant resources of all kinds so they can soothe a grieving world. Allow them to bring glory to You through their generous hearts. 2Co 9:11
Faith enables my children to receive what God has already done. He has already made my children healthy, wealthy and wise… but they must believe it to receive it. May my children remain patience and steadfast in their faith as they mature in Christ and transform their lives and their destiny through obedience to Your…
Your word teaches us that if anyone will not work, neither let them eat. As my children mature, help me identify appropriate ways to hold them accountable for idleness and not taking care of their business! 1Th 3:11-12
Stop my children from praying for show! Don’t let them become like the hypocrites who love to stand and pray in the churches and street corners so they can be seen by men… for it they do their reward will come from men and not from You. Mt 6:5
Give my children a heart of wisdom. Help them understand the importance of developing their gifts and using their passions to make the world a better place… give them the insight to put it all together and accept beyond doubt that they are here to introduce You to others… not save others… that is Your…
Lord, help my children run with exuberance. Give them endurance by stripping off every weight that slows them down. Teach them to keep their eye on Jesus and that they are His joy. Heb 12:1-2