Friday 3/01/2024
Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard… it is about getting them to work together.
1Sa 7:12 Nu 11:14, Ne 4:6
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Make my children leaders. Help them understand that the true measure of a leader isn’t getting people to work nor getting them to work hard… it is about getting them to work together.
1Sa 7:12 Nu 11:14, Ne 4:6
I will not fear for the Lord promises to deliver my children out of every trouble. He will give them a vision of victory over the enemy … I pray they embrace these promises and live free … free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! Psalms 54:7
May my children reach deep and put on strong and courageous behaviors and move forward doing what you have called them to do. As they remember that You are with them, my children will fear not nor be dismayed. You promise not to fail or forsake them as they complete the work You have set…
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people … I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives….
I will not fear for the Lord promises to deliver my children out of every trouble. He will give them a vision of victory over the enemy… I pray they embrace these promises and live free… free to run, free to dance, free to live for You! Ps 54:7
As my children mature allow me to give them the dignity of making more and more of their own mistakes and then letting them learn from those experiences. They belong to You not me … keep me from hindering You from working in their lives by over parenting. Romans 12:16, 14:3, 14:23
You have assured us that if we believe in You that we will be able to do the things that You do, and that we will do even greater things because You have gone to the Father. It is with this authority that I break every hold the enemy has over my children and deliver…