Tuesday 5/21/2024
As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret!
Isa 43:18
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As a new day dawns, show my children what old ‘thing or habit’ they need to get rid of. They will not be held back by the past. They will move boldly into this day, their future… with no baggage or regret!
Isa 43:18
I trust Christ to save me. Use my life to teach my children that God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith, not their own goodness. Let them experience the mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. Philippians 3:9-10
We are created to believe the best in every person. My children do, but they forget the most important part … ALL the time! Especially when someone is annoying them, may my children STOP and focus on the positive attributes … I am not that bad!!! 1 Cor 13:7
Let each of my children be an instrument of peace … taking risks to be the voice of reason in a fallen world. We all need to reach out to our world to prevent others from choosing sin, to offer alternatives and God’s wisdom … please give my children the strength and most importantly a humble spirit to help…
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too! Dan 10:10
Of course my children will sin, that is not the point. May they freely admit their sin so they will be forgiven and continuously cleansed from all unrighteousness. 1Jn 1:9
May my children see me honoring God with the first of my increase so they understand and therefore chose to live by the spiritual principal of receiving the blessings of God. May God’s blessing rest of the homes of my grown children! Ez 44:30