Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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Let my children savor the fruits of their own industry. Give them a spirit of independence so they taste the exquisite reward of freedom … then let them readily share the overflowing abundance of their hearts and their treasure … for when they truly love others my children will begin to see God’s hand working…
You have planned out and made ready the good life for my children to live. Your Word does not promise a ‘bad life’ for my children… show them who they are living for when they make bad choices (the enemy)… and please help them stay on Your ‘good path’ so they may experience Your peace,…
Give my children the wisdom of Joseph to know that God is in control of our lives at all times, even in long times of trouble. May they grow in this time so they will be prepared to accomplish God’s will when the pieces fall into place. And they will! Ge 45:8
You reveal things to my children they can neither prove nor explain. May they stop living beneath their spiritual privilege and LISTEN to the promptings warning them to avoid certain situations or certain people… I pray they stay connected to You so this incredible insight into discernment may always be present in their lives. 1Jn…
Show my children that the true church isn’t a building but Christ’s body. Help them see that they are a vital part of that body and lead them to take their place. Open their hearts to receive Christ so they may receive the benefits of His presence. Eph 1:22-23
Let my children hear the instruction of their father and not reject the teaching of their mother. Pr 1:8