Monday 4/11/2022
My children always have the last word. May they learn to speak encouragement over themselves, tune out the naysayers, and even their own self doubt will begin to disappear… replaced with a winning spirit!
Isa 65:16
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My children always have the last word. May they learn to speak encouragement over themselves, tune out the naysayers, and even their own self doubt will begin to disappear… replaced with a winning spirit!
Isa 65:16
Give my children spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they will grow in their knowledge of You. Help them see that the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is available to them. Eph 1:17,19-20
Give my children the drive to know You intimately, then help them understand it won’t happen overnight. Let my children witness me taking the time and effort to become deeply acquainted with You so that they will have the faith to pursue a relationship with You that is so close that you will walk together…
My children give me hope and joy. They are my proud reward. Though sometimes separated, my heart will never leave them, and we will stand together before our Lord Jesus when He comes back again. 1Thessalonians 2:17-19
My children must first WALK OUT of the wilderness before God can deliver them to their Promised Land of blessing. May my children begin to speak God’s Word over their life rather than speak defeat… and choose to walk away from choices that bring them harm. Eph 4:29, Isa 65:16
Bless my children with the kind of faith that empowers them to receive what they ask for in prayer. Prompt them to forgive all grudges they are holding against others. In doing so, they are equipped to embrace Your promise that whatever they ask for in prayer, if they believe that they have received it,…
To live obedient lives … my children are not called to perfection and sinlessness but a lifestyle of confession and repentance when they sin. Rather than living miserably by a set of laws, they must come to see God’s Word as their safe harbor. Obedient lives love and treasure their time reading God’s Word and…