Tuesday 6/14/2022
When my children experience the majesty and beauty of the natural world, may they remember Christ and know that He is the restorer of their souls… that He is altogether lovely… and their friend!
SS 5:16
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When my children experience the majesty and beauty of the natural world, may they remember Christ and know that He is the restorer of their souls… that He is altogether lovely… and their friend!
SS 5:16
When someone exits my child’s life… that doesn’t mean they are being abandoned… it just means that part of their story is over. May they continue to embrace those that cross their paths, then joyfully send them off at parting time. Ruth 1:14-16, 2Sa 12:20
Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive Your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask! James 4:2
Teach my children to feel good, invincible, happy and free. Show them that the short lived relief from pain that comes from sin will NEVER compare to the eternal power of the Holy Spirit available to them every second of every day. Reveal to me the areas of my life that I have become dependent…
May my children find favor with the multitude of their brethren by seeking the welfare of others and speaking peace to all they encounter. Est 10:3
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Lev 2:13, Mk 9:50
God speaks to us through the magic of music. Hearing a new song sometimes puts a bounce in our step or a smile on our face that lasts all day, or an instrumental arrangement that for some inexplicable reason fills our eyes with tears … thank You for these little previews of heaven while on…