Saturday 4/08/2023
As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Php 3:13, 20
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As my children mature, focus their energies on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. They are citizens of heaven, straining to reach the end of the race and make it back to You.
Php 3:13, 20
My children will learn to seek Your wisdom in all situations. There are many people on this earth who are out to trick them … my children will be protected from false motives as they learn to seek You. Joshua 9:14
Give my children x-ray vision … to be able to spot the goodness in every situation. Just for today, I pray my children make a conscious effort to only see the good in every person and every moment. As their grumbles transform to laughter I pray they recognize the power of gratitude … their own…
Do not let my children value what is worthy by the measure of this world. They will not fear displeasing their peers and being left out of certain circles, rather, they will develop a wholesome dread of displeasing You. Is 8:12-13
Give my children an overcoming spirit. Turn their weakness into strength so that they may develop the kind of faith that refuses to settle for anything less than God has promised. Hebrews 11:34
Give my children the wisdom to see that Your command to love God above all others is about actions. Love is a verb … They must seek Your presence and Your wisdom through bible study, prayer, and good teachers of Your Word (make me one of those!) so they will be led by the Holy…
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…