Tuesday 11/07/2023
May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You !
Isa 26:3
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May my children feel secure enough to approach You honestly with the secret struggles of their mind… for You promise to keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You !
Isa 26:3
Show my children that the true church isn’t a building but Christ’s body. Help them see that they are a vital part of that body and lead them to take their place. Open their hearts to receive Christ so they may receive the benefits of His presence. Eph 1:22-23 I confess authority over the enemy…
At some point we each learn (usually the hard way) that we prosper in direct correlation to the prosperity of our soul. I pray the Holy Spirit becomes so strong in my children and they hear His voice so clearly that their soul becomes strong and Christ like… for when it does, ,the gates of…
May my children witness my joy and know the source by the way I live. I pray they find their way to my well and grow dependent on Your Living Water! The world entices with flashy and instant gratification, show my children there is a better way. Use me! John 10:10, John 7:37-38
Gift my children with your Holy Spirit, giving them vision, inspiring them with creative ideas, introducing them to the right people, and empowering them to do the job. Fill them completely with faith and the love of Jesus Christ. Have mercy on them because of their sin and use them as examples to other sinners…
You are able to make every favor and earthly blessing come to my children in abundance so that they will always be self sufficient … possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Make my children confident and courageous. Take their hand and lead them to start something today that they have been putting off rather than waiting for perfect conditions to begin. Take my hand, too! Ecc 11:4; Dt 1:29-30