Wednesday 4/03/2024
Let my children think of ways to encourage one another (and the world) with outbursts of love and good deeds.
Heb 10:24
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Let my children think of ways to encourage one another (and the world) with outbursts of love and good deeds.
Heb 10:24
Nothing blocks promise like prayers NOT prayed. In order to receive your blessings my children must humble themselves and ask! Jas 4:2
Sometimes when my children are experiencing a season of loss … they forget the good stuff. Their own loss hardens them to the plight of others as well as their own blessings. Their happiness will never come from getting what they want, but only through gratitude for what they already have. Please remind them today…
God speaks to us through the magic of music. Hearing a new song sometimes puts a bounce in our step or a smile on our face that lasts all day, or an instrumental arrangement that for some inexplicable reason fills our eyes with tears … thank You for these little previews of heaven while on…
Don’t let anyone lead my children astray with empty philosophy and high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world… and not from Christ. Col 2:8
My children are only accountable for what You give them. Do not let them become bogged down comparing their lives to others. You have planted very specific purposes in their hearts and given them the resources necessary to accomplish them. Let my children rejoice when others bear fruit and let my children be satisfied with…
My children will be the salt of this earth, daily preserving the attributes of Christ within them so they may bring forth Your love to a hurting world. Leviticus 2:13, Mark 9:50