Tuesday 12/17/2015
Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Romans 15:5-6
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Give my children one voice. Show them how displeasing it is to You when they withhold their love for each other and squabble. Give them an attitude of Christ Jesus towards each other.
Romans 15:5-6
I pray my children humble themselves and begin to understand their relationship with You. We are Your tools and You are the master craftsman. You give us talents and the will to develop them… You open doors and bring provision… we MUST give all glory to You… or we will fall. Isa 9:12-18
I pray my children humble themselves before You rather than forcing You to humble them. May my children find a quiet place to humble themselves before You today so that the boulders of their pride roll off their road to freedom which are blocking their spirits and lives from receiving all that You have planned…
Oftentimes my children forget that God’s children aren’t just the people that seem nice or other Christians or the people that seem safe… but ALL the precious people God created. Let my children find ways to express Your love to the world around them… for You reside in every person walking the planet (whether they…
Pride is the bitter enemy of my children. Humility is their dear friend. May I humble myself before God so that humility will be mine. As my children witness my actions they will see with their physical eyes my transformation as I am given a humble heart. They will witness the blessing of God’s strength…
I pray my children yearn for Your presence, for when they do… it is a clear picture of a satisfied life. Just as those who drink water crave water to satisfy their thirst… those who experience the presence of God crave Him to satisfy their souls. Isa 55:1-2
Celebrate with me as my children skid into bed each night… exhausted, scrapped up, used up and out of gas… fill them up so they can work for You tomorrow as triumphantly as they did today! I will rejoice as my children live fully until the day You call them home. Isa 40:29, Ps 118:24…