Sunday 11/27/2016
Help my children carry the burden of someone else today, taking time to listen to a hurting friend, showing kindness to the lonely, or encouraging the downtrodden with their patience.
Galatians 6:2
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Help my children carry the burden of someone else today, taking time to listen to a hurting friend, showing kindness to the lonely, or encouraging the downtrodden with their patience.
Galatians 6:2
When my children choose to live by Your Spirit, give them a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time so they don’t get discouraged and give up. Show them opportunities to do good so they may please You. Galatians 6:8-10
Oftentimes my children forget that God’s children aren’t just the people that seem nice or other Christians or the people that seem safe … but ALL the precious people God created. Let my children find ways to express Your love to the world around them … for You reside in every person walking the planet…
Make my house strong so the enemy can’t use us to hurt each other. As I parent Your remarkable children … I will keep them from hunger, anger, loneliness, and exhaustion … that is when they become vulnerable and make bad decisions. Thank You for loving me and sharing this wisdom with me this morning….
Let my children be fire lighters, inspiring those around them to dream big. Reveal to them those phrases they use that tear others down so that they will become effective in lighting the fire of passion throughout their lifetime … let it start today. Jeremiah 20:9
The next time my children are offered an invitation to a pity party, their own or to that of a friend, I pray they turn it down. Let them become so filled with gratitude for all the good in their lives and may their eyesight become so sharp that they are able to point out…
I pray your sword pierces my children’s souls so that the secret thoughts and purposes of their hearts may be brought out and disclosed… and if what they see is not pretty… I pray my children wake up, repent, and receive forgiveness. In doing so they will feel a spring in their step! Lk 2:35