Sunday 2/12/2017
Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
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Don’t let my children close their eyes to Your goodness because of any hurt they are nursing. Help them hold on to what is good and keep them away from every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
Pride is the bitter enemy of my children. Humility is their dear friend. May I humble myself before God so that humility will be mine. As my children witness my actions they will see with their physical eyes my transformation as I am given a humble heart. They will witness the blessing of God’s strength…
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
The hands of angels are holding my children, guiding them and protecting them from danger. I pray my children feel the warmth and protection of these celestial beings sent to them from God… I pray I feel them too! Dan 10:10
Help my children understand that feeling overwhelmed and alone is not a sign they are walking OUT of Your will. Even Jesus felt this kind of pain as he hung from the cross under the weight of our sins. My children are strong and able warriors. They will stay at their posts and not give…
May my children choose to love You. Talk is cheap … their actions prove to You who they serve! You have given each of them the gift of Your voice, the constant presence of Knowledge available to them. I pray with all my heart they learn to LISTEN to You (that still, small voice in…
Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up. My children will know my criticism is for their benefit and not feel the sting but only the comfort of my hand leading them in the way of God. Ephesians 4:29