Thursday 4/27/2017
My children will be more influenced by the future than the past. What they commit themselves to will determine who they are today and who they will become.
Philippians 3:13
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My children will be more influenced by the future than the past. What they commit themselves to will determine who they are today and who they will become.
Philippians 3:13
Teach my children to pray for all people, to make their requests, plead for God’s mercy upon them, and give thanks. 1Ti 2:1
Strengthen my children, encourage their faith, and keep them from being disturbed by the troubles they go through. 1Th 3:2-3
Oftentimes my children forget that God’s children aren’t just the people that seem nice or other Christians or the people that seem safe… but ALL the precious people God created. Let my children find ways to express Your love to the world around them… for You reside in every person walking the planet (whether they…
My children will learn to be courageous much like they learned to walk. They will see Your outstretched arms and hear Your loving voice saying, “Come, you can do it!” Make them understand that the assurance of Your voice, Your presence is all they need to tread safely into the unknown. Dt 31:6
I pray my children receive the steady supply of the Word they get each week by APPLYING it to their daily lives… not just to their lives… but through their lives by allowing the Word to transform the way they think then ultimately behave! 2Co 3:18, 1 Th 5:23-24
Show my children that the true church isn’t a building but Christ’s body. Help them see that they are a vital part of that body and lead them to take their place. Open their hearts to receive Christ so they may receive the benefits of His presence. Eph 1:22-23