Tuesday 2/27/2018
Don’t let anyone lead my children astray with empty philoso- phy and high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world … and not from Christ.
Colossians 2:8
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Don’t let anyone lead my children astray with empty philoso- phy and high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world … and not from Christ.
Colossians 2:8
I want to be a good example for my children. Help me understand that true joy and peace are directly tied to my faith. If I want more joy, or more peace … I must simply ask You for more faith. Just as eating pie brings a smile to my face, asking for more faith…
We offer You our hearts, dedicated and fully immersed in a lifestyle of continual worship. Let my children release their gifts, talents, and abilities to You so they may hear what kind of sacrifice You want from them. With a pure heart they will serve You first so the purpose of their lives will be…
Help my children understand that many are called to God but few are chosen. They must put on the robe of righteousness when presenting themselves before God. Show them that Jesus Christ is that robe and then help dress them for the rest of their lives in Your eternal garment. Matthew 22:14
May my children walk in all that You hold for them. May their lives transform to be a place of refuge and protection from a broken world. The world is broken but my children are NOT because they are the redeemed of the Lord … saved by the one and only source of salvation ……
One Happy Meal will not satisfy my children for the rest for the day… we are lucky if the effect lasts til we get to the car. And so it is with peace and prosperity! My children cannot obey You once and expect the results to sustain and satisfy them forever… obedience to You is…
You are able to make every favor and earthly blessing come to my children in abundance so that they will always be self sufficient… possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. 2 Co 9:8