Friday 3/16/2018
Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts.
Colossians 3:16
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Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in my children’s hearts and make them wise. They will use His words to teach and council each other and sing to God with thankful hearts.
Colossians 3:16
Thank you for giving my children Your Word and giving me the insight to release its power into their lives. May they exercise the power of the Word in their own lives by learning to adhere to, trust in, and rely on it! 1 Th 2:13
My children will not be hindered by their past mistakes. When thoughts of hurt and betrayal enter their thoughts today, remind my children that You gave Your Son for their forgiveness… so they appreciate Your ultimate act of sacrifice so that they may live a free, peaceful, and joy filled life. Once their mind is…
Help my children see that they were given the affection of compassion so that they can protect lives by helping one another. We were created by one God, descended from one man, connected by the law of kinship and should love everyone. Gal 6:2, Lactantius
Endurance simply means outlasting the problem. Help my children endure the hardship they are facing today. Place warriors alongside them that don’t quit so my children will know the hope and joy endurance brings. Hebrews 10:36
Give my children a pure heart. Place in them a desire to study your word and identify all sin lurking in the corners if their life. Let them receive your cleansing so their hearts will be free to obey you. Mt 5:8, Heb 12:1, Jn 15:3, Ps 50:10
My children will consider the ways of the ant and be wise. The ant does not wait for someone to tell them how to survive, they just do it. Give my children the determination to accomplish the ingrained mission programmed into their very being… and the will to keep working daily towards that goal! Pr…