Monday 10/13/08
May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and heart their voice in prayer. Ps 66:18-19
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May my children pray from a repentant heart. If they cherish sin in their hearts, the Lord will not listen, but when my children repent God listens and heart their voice in prayer. Ps 66:18-19
When my children complain they become confused when it backfires! May they learn to simply ask for what they need or want from me instead of assuming, demanding or complaining! Philippians 2:14
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in His glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Colossians 1:27
Let me know my children’s weakness, but show them their strengths; feel their fears but fortify their faith; see their anxieties but free their spirit; recognize their disabilities but emphasize their possibilities. Pr 27:17 & William Alan Ward
Help my children see that constantly seeking council from friends is a sign they aren’t hearing and understanding Your voice. Gently correct their sins so that their hearts will be pure and they can receive Your words. Matthew 5:8
May my children learn to abide in the Shadow of the Almighty by taking cover in Your light and letting You expose their sin so they may work to overcome it. In doing so, they embark on a journey of divine favor and protection. Ps 91
Show my children the importance of accepting other Christians, even when they don’t agree with them. Help them see that each person is responsible to the Lord and by His power He will help them do as they should. For You, God, have accepted them! Romans 14:1,4