Tuesday 10/28/08
When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You… and pray for redirection! 2 Tim. 2:16
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When my children find themselves obsessing over things in their life rather than making the most out of each moment, may they STOP and know they are displeasing You… and pray for redirection! 2 Tim. 2:16
In the midst of my children’s pain, let them find someone who is hurting and offer them help and hope. In doing so they will please God and possibly save a life! Lk 23:39-43, Ac 7:59-60
You know what You are doing. You have it all planned out. Plans to take care of my children, not abandon them. Plans to give them the future they hope for. When they call on You, when they come and pray to You, You will listen. When they come looking for You, You’ll find them….
Sins are to my children’s lives as weeds are to the garden. They are going to pop up but we must diligently be on the watch and eradicate them from our lives before they take over. If not, my children’s lives will not produce the fruit God intended where he planted their seeds. Romans 6:12
Show my children that it is the condition of their heart revealed to You through their acts of obedience that define their worship as true or simply formalistic. Let them draw from the story of Cain and Abel the difference between a heart that seeks to please God and one that just jumps through the…
Give my children a tender heart… may they feel Your pain in the presence of friends who have closed their ears to Your Word and chosen not to receive or obey Your promptings. May these experiences cause them to renew their faith in Your way. And I ask You to help my children understand that…
As my children live in obedience, they will receive the blessings God prepares for them in a timely manner… it is when they stray from their intended path that delays most likely occur! 1Sa 9