Saturday 11/08/08
May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is! Psalm 107:15-20
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May my children STOP trying to humanize God. Yes, He loves those we perceive as bad… as much as those we perceive as good. We tend to love people based on their actions… God loves them based on who He is! Psalm 107:15-20
Lord, I pray my children put all doubts aside regarding the state of their salvation. They have asked You to be their Lord and Savior through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus … and their hearts are being transformed as they work to remove sin from their lives (however slowly!) Once the doubt is gone, they…
Teach my children to solve their problems by understanding Your harvest law. Show them with baby steps to give You what they’ve got, so You can give them back what they need. 2Corinthians 9:16
Let my children live by their spiritual values every day. May these principals be the light that guides them and offers stability and structure to their inner world. When that world is in order, they can navigate their way through anything. Jos 1:7-9
Show my children that in every story of victory there are chapters of defeat. Teach them to estimate difficulty NOT in the light of their own resources but of Yours. Give them a spirit of adventure and confidence so they won’t be hindered by the traps of the enemy. 1 Jn 4:4
Let the spirit of Christ grow strong in my children, for that is the assurance that they will share in his glory. May Christ’s mighty power mature in them so they can share His glory with others. Col 1:27
Strengthen my children, encourage their faith, and keep them from being disturbed by the troubles they go through. 1Thessalonians 3:2-3